Find How To Be Whole Again

Book Description

Did you have emotionally immature, selfish, distant parents or partners? Is their painful heritage still lingering in form of abandonment issues, anxiety, or anger? Were you emotional needs often unmet, your opinion and emotions dismissed?In this essential book, bestselling author and former confidence coach, Zoe McKey exposes the harmful consequences emotional unavailability and toxic relationships can have. Experiences with such people create a feeling of neglect, inadequacy, or unworthiness. Find ways to heal from the pain. Within your environment toxic people can be found; in your family, relationship, workplace, even places of worship. Free yourself from emotionally immature people and regain your true nature. -control how you react to them; -avoid disappointment; -learn how to create positive, new relationships and build a better life.Heal from emotional abuse. Find love and acceptance for the self and others.Most emotional trauma survivors have symptoms long after the relationship is over. Feelings of numbness, emptiness, depression, perfectionism, substance abuse, and many more can stay with you even if your perpetrators are not. You can heal these scars. You can pivot in your life. Practicing mindfulness, introspection, and exercises using specific tools, you can: - learn to identify the defense mechanisms you've developed; - uncover your core self, so that you can finally move on to live a full and authentic life;- feel light, free, and whole, and ready to love again.The danger of emotional abuse is it leaves no bruises. There are no bleeding scars. There are no broken windows. The scars, bruises, and brokenness are buried within the memory of the victim. If you were involved in such a relationship - or you want to prevent it from happening to you- read this book. It gets to the heart of the matter of self-worth, self-protection, and personal boundaries. These skills are critical for anyone who wants to become more confident, improve relationships, and prevent emotional harm.Take a stand for yourself and your life, and communicate your worth to others in a real and practical way. You get to decide how you want to live. Find your courage. Live in an authentic way. Protect yourself and what's important to you. Gain self respect and the respect of others. Find How To Be Whole Again will help you do all of these things.

Whole Again

Book Description

From a leading voice on recovering from toxic relationships, a deeply insightful guide to getting back to your "old self" again--in order to truly heal and move on. Jackson MacKenzie has helped millions of people in their struggle to understand the experience of toxic relationships. His first book, Psychopath Free, explained how to identify and survive the immediate situation. In this highly anticipated new book, he guides readers on what to do next--how to fully heal from abuse in order to find love and acceptance for the self and others. Through his close work with--and deep connection to--thousands of survivors of abusive relationships Jackson discovered that most survivors have symptoms of trauma long after the relationship is over. These range from feelings of numbness and emptiness to depression, perfectionism, substance abuse, and many more. But he’s also found that it is possible to work through these symptoms and find love on the other side, and this book shows how. Through a practice of mindfulness, introspection, and exercises using specific tools, readers learn to identify the protective self they've developed - and uncover the core self, so that they can finally move on to live a full and authentic life--to once again feel light, free, and whole, and ready to love again. This book addresses and provides crucial guidance on topics and conditions like: complex PTSD, Narcissistic abuse, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Codependency, Core wounding, toxic shame, Borderline Personality Disorder, and so many more. Whole Again offers hope and multiple strategies to anyone who has survived a toxic relationship, as well as anyone suffering the effects of a breakup involving lying, cheating and other forms of abuse--to release old wounds and safely let the love back inside where it belongs.

Whole Again

Book Description

When therapy isn't enough, this self-help guide will bridge the gap between therapy and healing. You will learn eight essential steps of healing. How to recognize your triggers and what causes an emotional response. This book will teach you how setting clear boundaries is the foundation of self-love. Prioritizing yourself isn't selfish. Don't feel bad for putting yourself first. You will start to replace unhealthy or harmful coping mechanisms with healthy habits and coping skills. Release trauma instead of suppressing it. Everything in life is an energy exchange. This guide gives a brief description of chakras, their function, and how they are affected by trauma. You are not lazy, unmotivated, or stuck. You have been living in survival mode for years, and you're exhausted. It's time to change your narrative. LaTonia has been where you are. After surviving 11 years of repeated sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, she realized the pain after the abuse was just as bad as the abuse. You're under the impression that when the abuse stops, everything magically gets better. It doesn't. LaTonia knows from personal experience that emotional pain gets worse after the abuse or physical pain stops. Whole Again: 8 Important Keys to Thriving After Sexual Abuse shares eight life-changing keys that will help you go from surviving to thriving. This book teaches how to: ● Recognize triggers and how they cause an emotional response ● Set clear boundaries as the foundation for self-love ● Prioritize yourself ● Replace unhealthy or harmful coping mechanisms with healthy habits ● Release trauma

God I Am Hurting and I Want to Be Made Whole Again

Book Description

As I look around day after day at the body of Christ as a whole, many members but one body of Christ, my spirit is grieved. Pastor, teacher, preacher, Christian leaderour leaders are becoming weary, and they are no longer walking in the strong faith they once walked in. Day after day, I am face-to-face with yet another weary, wounded believer who is willing to quit and give up rather than get to the secret of the matter at hand. I have found myself teaching, preaching to another with a wounded, broken heart while my heart was bleeding worse than the one whom I was helping. I found depressionwhatever pressed you could name, I was connected to it. Just down and out, I could not even get out of bed for weeks at a time. All I wanted to do was to help others become healed of their wounded issues while I was covering up, still in fragments myself. I see so many wounded leaders in charge of so many souls who are hurting and needing Gods help to make them wholethey are hurting and wounded themselves. A question of our covered-up, wounded heart that my spiritual radar tuned into is, whom do we as spiritual leaders turn to when we are wounded and bleeding from our issues? I hear over and over from spiritual leaders: whom do we talk to when we find ourselves, as Paul puts it, in trouble on every side, case down, perplexed, and even persecuted who do we turn to? What step or tools does a leader who shepherds over many souls have to use to express in daily life how not to feel distressed, despair, forsaken or destroyed? How can you and I as leaders help a wounded Christian in the need to be made whole when we ourselves are still in fragments: uncompleted, fragile, easily broken, broken in many pieces, not all together ourselves? I have learned over the years as a spiritual leader that we have learned how to covered up our wounds well; we have learned to cover up our pain and hurt that were afflicted upon us by

From Heart Break to Whole Again

Book Description

This 21-day devotional follows the path of discovery, transformation, and healing God took me through during my time in singleness. During this 21-day period you will: Gain a greater understanding of God’s love for you Learn what he wants to heal in you during this time Move toward the relationship he wants for you in the future. Discover a deeper understanding of scripture Each day consists of a transformational lesson that incorporates scripture, worship music, reflection questions, and prayer. My hope is that you are be able to restructure the way you think about who God is and the pain that single-ness can bring at times, so that you will be able to enjoy this time and fully live out your purpose.

Forever Yours: Whole Again

Book Description

Forever Yours: Whole Again is a continuation of the Forever Yours Trilogy starting with Forever Yours: How It All Began and Forever Yours: Broken Promises. Though they are fiction novels, each book depicts real life experiences such as joy, triumphs, successes, as well as death, disappointments, pain but most importantly, growth. Since her divorce, Tahleea has struggled with feeling inadequate, insecure and not enough, yet she’s determined to find happiness within herself. While working on getting to know herself again, a few contenders, including her ex-husband, seek her love. Tahleea isn’t ready to settle again, but one of the contenders, Jaxon, her best friend, has always had her heart which makes her question her decision on keeping her options open. When Jaxon makes a visit to spend time with her, they have a chance to talk about love. They quickly find out the four letter word had totally different meanings in their lives. Tahleea feels like LOVE took her to an unarmed battle and left her to fight alone. She’s still trying to heal from the wounds that were inflicted upon her during her difficult marriage. Jaxon reminisced on how he felt when he found love. It seemed like a scene from a romantic movie. She realized the love he spoke of was her. Will Tahleea overcome her battles of feeling insecure, inadequate and not enough? Will she be able to trust again? Will she let down her guard to love and be loved? The answers are inside.

How Can Man Be Whole Again?

Book Description

Could a "Real Man" Please Stand UP! So, what does a Real Man look like? What makes a man complete? Men, have you ever come to a point in life where you have asked yourelf... Who am I? Where am I going? Am I for Real or am I perpetrating a fraud!? WOW!

Whole Again

Book Description

From a leading voice on recovering from toxic relationships, a deeply insightful guide to getting back to your "old self" again--in order to truly heal and move on. Jackson MacKenzie has helped millions of people in their struggle to understand the experience of toxic relationships. His first book, Psychopath Free, explained how to identify and survive the immediate situation. In this highly anticipated new book, he guides readers on what to do next--how to fully heal from abuse in order to find love and acceptance for the self and others. Through his close work with--and deep connection to--thousands of survivors of abusive relationships Jackson discovered that most survivors have symptoms of trauma long after the relationship is over. These range from feelings of numbness and emptiness to depression, perfectionism, substance abuse, and many more. But he’s also found that it is possible to work through these symptoms and find love on the other side, and this book shows how. Through a practice of mindfulness, introspection, and exercises using specific tools, readers learn to identify the protective self they've developed - and uncover the core self, so that they can finally move on to live a full and authentic life--to once again feel light, free, and whole, and ready to love again. This book addresses and provides crucial guidance on topics and conditions like: complex PTSD, Narcissistic abuse, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Codependency, Core wounding, toxic shame, Borderline Personality Disorder, and so many more. Whole Again offers hope and multiple strategies to anyone who has survived a toxic relationship, as well as anyone suffering the effects of a breakup involving lying, cheating and other forms of abuse--to release old wounds and safely let the love back inside where it belongs.


Book Description

It is time for change, we all agree. We are often faced with making difficult decisions in life and business: having to choose the right path for greater impact, influence and positive transformation. Purpose is the answer. The topic of purpose in our exponential and digital world is in high demand today. We strongly believe it is very personal and unique. Purpose is both, a personal North Star and compass as well as an essential guide for businesses driving for success for all stakeholders. To become the kind of leaders we so urgently need, we first must look within ourselves, explore, heal and transform ourselves, to then change the outside world for the greater good. 22 authentic and bold stories are here to inspire you to look deeper and find your path to living a life with purpose. These 22 authors, connected by the Oxford Leadership network, have made this purposeful journey themselves and have carried that experience into their work with thousands of leaders around the globe. Oxford Leadership is a global cooperative leadership consultancy that has been committed to transforming leaders of Fortune 500 companies for good for over 20 years. We now invite you to join us on the same tangible and exciting journey. To live a more purposeful life is the key to thriving personally. It furthermore has the power to transform leadership and business into a force for the greater good and for a healthier planet. Curated by Eve Simon

Insight Into Information

Book Description

Insight Into Information is based on sixty years of research on the Secret Messages and Hidden Maps Inside of Information. These several levels of subtle, subliminal and secret meanings provide reverberating, resonant echoes in all information much as the background music in movies but with more levels of meaning in these fields: science, religion, literature, entertainment, TV, advertising, technology and literally all fields of endeavor at home, at work, in school and at play. Many have already benefited from this information. The author, a retired clinical and rehabilitation psychologist, used this information in his private, clinical and consulting practice in schools and industry. This new, proven research shows: The helpful hidden hooks from which you can benefit. You will learn the inborn universal maps which influence and guide all of us in marvelous ways--including the name GOD on the human head and face. The harmful, deceptive hooks inside of words of which you are not aware but which can influence you. The word now is an example, as in buy now: Now is an anagram of won and own. These anagrams puzzle our brain and set up delays which advertisers want and to get you to participate in the anagram game. You will learn how to avoid such hidden hooks. Don't be cheated. Know these hidden hooks, control your choices and make well informed decisions. The Table of contents lists the chapters which describe the many ways you can benefit from knowing these hidden messages and secret maps in religion; health and healing; fun and entertainment; advertising; merchandising; education; communications; literature and the hidden influences inside of names. The Afterword at the end of the book tells the story of how the author became interested, did the research, used the research with patients and organizations, and wrote the book: the when, where, why and how of the origin of the information in this book.