100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

Book Description

100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus features a list of more than 100 prophecies Jesus Christ fulfilled during his time on earth. This Christian pamphlet speaks to the very heart of the hope we have in Christ, and explains Jesus prophecy and its fulfillment. It’s amazing to discover that Jesus fulfilled more than 100 prophecies foretold 400—1500 years before his birth. This bestselling pamphlet shows you the Old Testament prophecies that relate to Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ life, Jesus’ death, and his resurrection and includes the New Testament fulfillments for every Jesus prophecy predicted. 100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus contains a helpful chart that presents Old Testament prophecies that are divided into those regarding "Jesus’ Birth," "Jesus’ Life and Ministry," and "Jesus’ Death and Resurrection" and the New Testament fulfillments of each prophecy. Also included are the "Jesus’ Titles and Attributes" mentioned in both Old and New Testaments. 100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus makes an excellent Bible study or reference tool and will help you share the amazing story of the Old Testament’s promise of the Messiah’s coming and the New Testament’s glorious fulfillment of those promises. Here are some prophesies found in the 100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus pamphlet: Prophecies about JESUS’ BIRTH Prophecy: Be of the tribe of JudahOld Testament References: Genesis 49:8 10, "Judah, your brothers will praise you...The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his."New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 1:13, "A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham...Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, Judah the father of Perez and Zerah... Prophecies about JESUS’ LIFE AND MINISTRY Prophecy: The King comes to Jerusalem riding on a donkeyOld Testament References: Zechariah 9:9, "See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."New Testament Fulfillment: Mark 11:7, "When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it...." Prophecies about JESUS’ DEATH AND RESURRECTION Prophecy: Be hung upon a tree as a curse for usOld Testament References Deuteronomy 21:23, "Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse. You must not desecrate that land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance."New Testament Fulfillment Galatians 3:13, "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written; "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." 100 Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus "color codes" the different Old Testament prophecies so you can see the number of years they were made before the birth of Christ.

Jesus Christ Fulfills Messianic Prophecies

Book Description

Messianic prophecies are found in the Old Testament and they are thousands of years old. The ancient Jewish rabbis identified these prophecies as being Messianic in nature long before the birth of Jesus Christ. When Christ came, there was controversy among the Jews regarding whether He fulfilled Messianic prophecies or not. Unbelieving Jews did not accept that Jesus fulfilled these prophecies. However, Christianity soundly agreed that these ancient prophecies were fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ. This uniformity regarding the Messianic prophecies lasted until the time of the Enlightenment in the 18th century. The atheistic leaders of the Enlightenment soundly rejected the vast majority of the Holy Scriptures and especially anything that was miraculous in nature. They completely rejected the concept that something could be foretold such as a prophecy. Since that time, there has been a decline in Christendom regarding belief in the Messianic prophecies. Liberal, critical theologians have followed the Enlightenment icons and have rejected the Messianic prophecies. Many Christian groups do not believe or teach the Messianic prophecies as being fulfilled in Jesus Christ now. However, Jesus said that Moses ..".wrote about Me" and that the Scriptures ..".testify about Me" (John 5:39, 46). Jesus Christ performed many mighty miracles that were witnessed by thousands of people. He Himself prophesied that He would die and be resurrected from the dead. Over 500 people saw Him after His resurrection. Could such a man be so wrong regarding the Messianic prophecies? Come and weigh the evidence for yourself.

Greatest of All - Messianic Prophecies

Book Description

In Celebration of Israel''s 70th & President Donald Trump''s Proclamation of Jerusalem being Israel''s Capital, This third book in the ''Greatest Of All'' Series is proof positive of God''s Faithfulness and how He watches over His Word to perform It! From Genesis to Revelation, Jesus, Yeshua (His Hebrew name), Which means Salvation, Is The Word Became Flesh & Dwelt, Tabernacled Among Us. Can a Nation be Born (Again) In One Day? Did God really come down in human flesh and walk among His Chosen People? Within the pages of this book you''ll find the answers to your questions from God''s Word. Who Is The Beginning? What does it mean to be made In The Image Of God? Jesus says, "If you''ve seen Me, you''ve seen The Father." Are we ALL God''s Children? Do you search The Scriptures daily, yet do not see Him in It? ALL the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions are found In The Person Of Jesus Christ, Messiah, The Anointed One, The Living Word! The Book Of Revelation, The Revelation Of Jesus Christ, tells us that The Testimony Of Jesus is The Spirit Of Prophecy. How is it that some, even in the church say that prophecy is not for today? The Bible, God''s Holy & Precious Word says, Today, if you hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Heart. Open Up to what The Holy Spirit is saying to The Church & The World Today! This is not the letter of the law that brings death, but The Spirit Of The Law Of Liberty that bring Life. Jesus came so that you and I could have Life and that more abundantly - eternal, everlasting, resurrection Life! Flesh out The Gospel, The Good News of The Life, Death and Resurrection, The Firstfruits of The Dead, Who Is seated At The Right hand Of God, The Father! ALL of creation is groaning for the fullness of redemption & Jesus Is the Redeemer. As you read through these Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled, you will see The Light Of The Righteous One Shining Ever Brighter Until The Full Light Of His Soon Coming Day! Pilate asked, "What Is Truth?" Jesus says, "I AM The Way, The Truth And The Life." Come to experientially know and understand God''s unveiling, His manifesting of Truth in both Old and New Covenants, amongst Jew, Gentile, male, female, slave, free, rich, poor, red, yellow, black & white! This book is for ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues and it''s more relevant today than it''s ever been, because we are closer now to the end, than we have ever been. We''re called to ushering in The Second Coming of Christ! We must comprehend his Great & Precious Promises and how He Moves Upon, in and Through us to accomplish His Perfect & Acceptable Will, His Word & Way. Greatest of All - Messianic Prophecies will help you to see God''s plans, His Blueprint, how He worked them out in the past, to bring us to the present and is moving us into future! He still knows the plans He has for you and He Who has begun a Good Work In you will perform It, He''ll bring It to Completion. His Word is A Lamp To Guide us and A Light For Our Path, so let us not just talk the talk, but walk the walk and run the race with endurance, for those who endure to the end shall be saved! Who Is The End? Jesus is The First & The Last, The Cornerstone & The Capstone, Our ALL In ALL! Read, study, meditate on, pray through and flesh out this book, because that''s what we''re supposed to do. Jesus says, "Just As The Father Has Sent Me, So I AM Sending You." These prophecies fulfilled are to be continually fulfilled, through our obedience to God''s Word. Use this book as a devotional, to teach or preach through and encourage others to "Go And Do Likewise!" Like Simon Peter The Apostle in The Book Of Acts and The Prophet Joel (both in Chapter 2), you will be able to say, "This Is That," because now you have this compact edition of Greatest of All - Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled By Jesus Of Nazareth, The Branch, the Christ, The Messiah, The Anointed One, The Light of The World, The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah & The Lamb of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World. MFT

The Messiah Revealed in Prophecy

Book Description

for the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? (Isa 14:26-27 NIV) Biblical prophecy is not simply insight into future events. It is more than that, for it reveals Gods plan and purpose, and imparts an understanding of His purpose to humanity. In this book, Cushroo Bejon explores the significance of the prophetic scriptures in relation to the birth, life, crucifixion, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus. His findings are conclusive: it cannot be mere coincidence that these ancient scriptural prediction find their fulfillment in the life of Jesus, rather, they provide clear evidence that the Bible is the Word of God, and that Jesus is the messiah, God’s Son.


Book Description

Jesus the Christ is the only person in the history of the world whose life was completely foretold from conception to his death on the cross and resurrection. This book was compiled and illustrated for parents, grandparents and foster parents to teach the children, for Sunday schools, jail mimistries and home Bible studies. It was written for both the believer and non-believer. As Principal of Somerset Christian School, I recommend The King Is Coming by B.G. Patterson. The illustrated book covers over 100 Old Testament Prophecies and their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. It is a great resource for children or adults and helps children affirm that Jesus is the Messiah and worthy of worship. John Hale, Principal Somerset Christian School Somerset, Kentucky "THE KING IS COMING, written by Bonnie Patterson is a wonderful book that explains how prophecies from Old Testament Biblical references were fulfilled in the New Testament through the Messiah, Jesus. It is done in a simple, yet profound manner for all to understand. I invite all who are seeking truth to read this book and see why true Christians put their faith in Jesus Christ and refuse to renounce Him even in the face of death." Mark Harrell, senior pastor Victory Christian Fellowship, Somerset, KY

All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible

Book Description

This compendium of all the prophecies in Scripture concerns the promised Messiah. Dr. Lockyer's discussion is divided into two sections, 'Specific Messianic Prophecies' and 'Symbolic Messianic Prophecies.'

Fulfilled Prophecies and Connections of: Yeshua HaMashiach Jesus the Messiah

Book Description

Jesus said to them, “These are the words I spoke to you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.” Luke 24:44 In this book you will find some of the many fulfilled prophecies and connections of Jesus Christ, proving that He is the Messiah promised by God. The One who is, who was, and is to come. You will gain a better understanding of how the prophecies have been fulfilled, when they were given, and the time of their fulfillment. The information in this book is good to have for evangelism and to protect you from falling for the soon coming false messiah. The one who God warns us about throughout Scripture and in the book of Revelation.

The Real Messiah

Book Description

Authors D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe take a close look at how God directed history toward the appearance of His chosen Deliverer! You will be thrilled and amazed as you discover the pinpoint precision of Old Testament prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. This powerful volume shows how God has fulfilled His prophetic word and why there can be no doubt that Jesus, and He alone, completes the Old Testament portrait of the Christ in every detail. A wonderful way to encourage your faith and a powerful tool to instill faith in others.