The Ride

Book Description

Larry Andrews once thought he had it all. The senior class president and former athlete had a great family, bright future, and he became successful at an early age making lots of money; so much money that he lived an out-of-control lifestyle filled with booze, parties, and finally, drugs. But, his life imploded. That's what meth does; it tears apart everything good and leaves the user with a life usually shattered beyond repair. After escaping close calls again and again, Andrews was arrested in 2001 on drug charges he couldn't shake. While sitting in a stark jail cell, facing a 20-year mandatory prison sentence, God made Himself known in a stunning, extraordinary way. This is the compelling true story of how God can transform a life so messed up, it seems unsalvageable. From the first page to the last, the book speaks these truths to every reader: you, too, can be forgiven, leave the past behind, move forward, embrace the adventures of a faith-filled life, and truly enjoy ... The Ride.

Women Behind Bars

Book Description

You dont really know what goes on behind prison bars unless you live there. You can visit someone in prison and still not have a clue as to the emotions and torments they experience on a daily basis. There are many different kinds of bars. Some are physical, and some are spiritual. Some are emotional, and some are literal. No matter what kind they are, they will keep you bound and feeling powerless. Are you the kind of person who lives your life behind bars? Although sometimes there is no escaping from the bars we live behind, there is a way to live a victorious life. You need to remember that the bars that surround you do not define you. There is a woman in the Bible who lived her entire life behind bars of one kind or another. We can learn a lot from her experiences. Her name is Michal, the first wife of King David. Her father was King Saul. You would think the daughter of a king would have an almost perfect life. After all, she is a princess. Sometimes we judge things from an outward perspective without taking the time to look into the heart. I want to dig deep into the bars that held this woman captive most of her life.

Freedom Behind Bars

Book Description

Freedom Behind Bars is an inspirational work for those who are imprisoned, either literally or in “mind-forged manacles.” In this work, author Donald L. Wright, PhD, has compiled the stories and wisdom of sixteen men and women, who have spent time in prison and miraculously found a way to use it as a positive experience, including successfully transitioning back into the public arena. Among them are notable figures Nelson Mandela, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Dr. Wright builds on the stories with ten valuable lessons he believes we can learn from these prison “mentors." He then goes on to reveal, openly and authentically, how these ten principles have positively impacted his own life. Whether you're currently incarcerated, close to someone who is, or feel imprisoned in your own life situation, this book will inspire you to free yourself of the chains you have control over—those of the mind.


Book Description

"This real-life tale, as dramatic as any movie, of Stacey Lannert and her struggle to survive violent sexual assault and the devastating aftermath raises intense issues of crime, culpability and the nature of violence and families. It's a devastating and important subject, beautifully told."--Naomi Wolf On July 4, 1990, eighteen-year-old Stacey Lannert shot and killed her father, who had been sexually abusing her since she was eight. Missouri state law, a disbelieving prosecutor, and Stacey’s own fragile psyche conspired against her: She was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life without parole. Redemption is Stacey’s candid memoir of her harrowing childhood and the pain and protective love of her sister that led her to that horrifying night. It is also an extraordinary portrait of what happened after she found herself in prison and how she grew determined to live positively, even triumphantly, despite her circumstances. Ultimately, and most profoundly, she learned the healing power of forgiveness. After spending as many years in prison as she had out of it, on January 10, 2009, outgoing Missouri governor Matt Blunt commuted Stacey’s life sentence. Six days later she walked out of the gates a free woman. Redemption is the story of how Stacey learned to be free while living behind bars. It is a coming-of-age story set in a parallel universe of a maximum-security prison. And, it is a story of sisterhood, courage, and justice finally served.

Grace Behind Bars

Book Description

Grace Behind Bars shares the true and dramatic account of how Bo Mitchell, businessman and chaplain for the Denver Nuggets, inexplicably ended up in federal prison only to find God’s true freedom behind bars. Ironically, it’s in a six-by-nine-foot cell that God begins to free this driven Christian leader from his prison of performance and success. In the end, Bo realizes that God’s love is a gift, not something he must earn. But there’s more to the story: Just before Bo enters prison, his wife, Gari, becomes incapacitated by a brain illness and enters her own prison of clinical depression. Readers will see how the couple struggled together as their world fell apart, yet ultimately grew closer to each other and God behind the bars of their trials. This story will not only inspire and encourage readers, it will show them how they, too, can find spiritual freedom in life’s “prisons” if they choose to see God’s hand in their lives.

Finding Freedom

Book Description

There are many forms of liberation—some that exist at the mercy of circumstance and others that can never be taken away. In this stirring and timely collection of stories, essays, poems, and letters, Jarvis Jay Masters explores the meaning of true freedom on his road to inner peace through Buddhist practice. He reveals his life as a young African American man surrounded by violence, his entanglement in the criminal justice system, and—following an encounter with Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche—an unfolding commitment to nonviolence and peacemaking. At turns joyful, heartbreaking, frightening, and soaring with profound insight, Masters’s story offers a vision of hope and the possibility of freedom in even the darkest of times.

Finding Freedom

Book Description

**New York Times Bestseller** From Erin French, owner of the critically acclaimed The Lost Kitchen, a TIME world dining destination, a life-affirming memoir about survival, renewal, and finding a community to lift her up Long before The Lost Kitchen became a world dining destination with every seating filled the day the reservation book opens each spring, Erin French was a girl roaming barefoot on a 25-acre farm, a teenager falling in love with food while working the line at her dad’s diner and a young woman finding her calling as a professional chef at her tiny restaurant tucked into a 19th century mill. This singular memoir—a classic American story—invites readers to Erin's corner of her beloved Maine to share the real person behind the “girl from Freedom” fairytale, and the not-so-picture-perfect struggles that have taken every ounce of her strength to overcome, and that make Erin’s life triumphant. In Finding Freedom, Erin opens up to the challenges, stumbles, and victories that have led her to the exact place she was ever meant to be, telling stories of multiple rock-bottoms, of darkness and anxiety, of survival as a jobless single mother, of pills that promised release but delivered addiction, of a man who seemed to offer salvation but in the end ripped away her very sense of self. And of the beautiful son who was her guiding light as she slowly rebuilt her personal and culinary life around the solace she found in food—as a source of comfort, a sense of place, as a way of bringing goodness into the world. Erin’s experiences with deep loss and abiding hope, told with both honesty and humor, will resonate with women everywhere who are determined to find their voices, create community, grow stronger and discover their best-selves despite seemingly impossible odds. Set against the backdrop of rural Maine and its lushly intense, bountiful seasons, Erin reveals the passion and courage needed to invent oneself anew, and the poignant, timeless connections between food and generosity, renewal and freedom.

Ten Years Inside Shelton Prison

Book Description

Ten Years inside Shelton Prison is a moving picture that captures what happens inside a prison. Shocking evil and joyful healings live together side by side where the Gospel goes successfully. A guard being stabbed to death with a ballpoint pen during a chapel service stands next to tears of joy running down the face of a Russian mafia member when he was born again. Robert walked into Shelton prison for the first time. As he walked past fences that were covered with razor wire blindingly reflecting the harsh sun, he was afraid. Iron gates slammed behind him. Guards were unaware of his trembling hands. Men in orange suits began to watch him. There was no place to run. This was the beginning of ten years in Shelton prison, where the author served the Lord. There were great blessings: fearful faces accepted the Lord Jesus and became new creatures in Christ. There were dangerous moments: an inmate cut Robert, forcing him to go through AIDS testing. Yet he also had a prisoner's scarred head laid on his shoulder, who after accepting Jesus smiled at him and said, "I needed that." The controlling purpose of Ten Years is to present the four biblical steps to freedom from incarceration, whether inside a prison or addicted outside of a prison. The four parts of this graphic book are: imprisoned, instruction, health, and freedom. The book concludes with two appendices on important subjects: "Learning How to Resist the Devil" and a famous therapy for treating addictions, "Family of Origin Therapy." After the appendices, thirty-three itemized summaries or compendia are given with the reference pages included. Also, there are referenced sites for ten of Robert's poems that are included in this prison journey log.

Sparrow in the Razor Wire

Book Description

In 1999, Quan Huynh shot and killed another man in a gang-related incident in Hollywood, California. He received a prison sentence of fifteen years to life in a state that, at the time, did not parole prisoners with life sentences. Behind bars, Quan continued his downward spiral. This could have been the end of the story for Quan, as it is for many prisoners. But somewhere along the way, he discovered a new path--one that prompted him to commit to self-reflection, truth, and personal responsibility. Sparrow in the Razor Wire is Quan's story of transformation inside a place many see as the end of the road. In his book, he shares the journey of redemption and discovery that led to his ultimate freedom. He found that, no matter the prison, the key to unlocking the door is in each one of us.