Finnegan's Farewell

Book Description

Joyce's Finnegans Wake

Book Description

This tenth in a series concludes this ground-breaking word-by-word analysis of Finnegans Wake, the literary monument which records James Joyce's desperate search for spiritual connection. In the chapter covered by this volume, the main connecting links are reincarnation of ALP and reincarnation of the novel itself. For his last weave, Tikkun Master Joyce joins strands of Kabbalah and Hinduism to launch a fully realized ALP. She comes to roost but in a new home on the far shore. ALP realizes independence as she throws off fear of the church, of males, and of death. The pivotal event for this purpose is closure provided by the funeral for Father Michael, ALP's sexmailer. The resulting freedom gives her independence as well as what she already had, her instinctive charitable nature. Given the unity of FW, it will come as no surprise that with this final development ALP shares soul with three of Joyce's examples of godliness: Jesus, Buddha and highest art produced by humans. They all share the weave of independence and charity, Joyce's conditions for the sacred. And these conditions turn on light within. This chapter opens with the arrival of morning light within the Earwicker household and is anchored by a culminating debate between a dogmatic Catholic and a meditating Celt about reflected versus absorbed color [think absorbed light as light within]. Joyce chose light for this purpose because in a manner of speaking light is also a mixture of independence and charity. Independent of the observer and time and space, light shows charity at the subatomic level. Light being absorbed shares vibrational energy with and thus energizes sympathetic electrons of the absorbing material, becoming light within. By contrast, light reflected is not absorbed and does not energize. Energy wise it is wasted. Joyce presents ALP as having absorbed divine energy. She lights up from within with independent voltage. Reflecting her new realization, the final subject in ALP's stream of consciousness is herself in the present in the stream of life. With this focus ALP merges into the novel and they both reincarnate back to the beginning. The novel reincarnates by way of the joinder of the incomplete sentence fragment in the last line with the incomplete sentence fragment in the first line of Chapter 1. Together they make a whole. ALP's spirit reincarnates to a new birth mother so as to assist in Tikkun, which so far is incomplete. Her reincarnated soul is to light up from within as it is absorbed by a newly born infant. So as we finish this reading of FW, we uncover a mother lode of connections in Joyce's light: ALP merges into FW; ALP's soul reincarnates into another; the book joins its ending with its beginning in a reincarnation of rereading and new meanings; and a punning connection from Kabbala holds it all together. Connections: connections: connections.

Annotations to Finnegans Wake

Book Description

Long considered the essential guide to Joyce's famously difficult work, Roland McHugh's Annotations to "Finnegans Wake" provides both novice readers and seasoned Joyceans with a wealth of information in an easy-to-use format uniquely suited to this densely layered text. Each page of the Annotations corresponds directly with a page of the standard Viking/Penguin edition of Finnegans Wake and contains line-by-line notes following the placement of the passages to which they refer. The reader can thus look directly from text to notes and back again, with no need to consult separate glossaries or other listings. McHugh's richly detailed notes distill decades of scholarship, explicating foreign words, unusual English connotations and colloquial expressions, place names, historical events, song titles and quotations, parodies of other texts, and Joyce's diverse literary and popular sources. The third edition has added material reflecting fifteen years of research, including significant new insights from Joyce's compositional notebooks (the "Buffalo Notebooks"), now being edited for the first time.

The New York Times Theatre Reviews 1999-2000

Book Description

This volume is a comprehensive collection of critical essays on The Taming of the Shrew, and includes extensive discussions of the play's various printed versions and its theatrical productions. Aspinall has included only those essays that offer the most influential and controversial arguments surrounding the play. The issues discussed include gender, authority, female autonomy and unruliness, courtship and marriage, language and speech, and performance and theatricality.

Postcards from the Trenches

Book Description

The unprecedented magnitude of death during World War I forever altered how people perceived their world and how they represented those perceptions. In Postcards from the Trenches, Allyson Booth traces the complex relationship between British Great War culture and modernist writings. She shows that, through the experience of the Great War, both civilian and combatant modernist writers found that language could no longer represent experience. She goes on to identify and contextualize several of the resulting modernist tropes: she links the dissolving modernist self to soldiers' familiarity with corpses, the modernist mistrust of factuality to the apparent inaccessibility of facts regarding the "rape of Belgium," and the modernist interest in multiple viewpoints to the singularity of perspective with which generals studied battlefield maps. Though her emphasis is on literary works by Robert Graves, E.M. Forster, and Vera Brittain, among others, Booth's analysis extends to memorials, posters, and architecture of the Great War. This interdisciplinary quality of Booth's study results in a much deeper understanding of how the Great War affected cultural representations and how that culture represented the War.

Finnegans Wake

Book Description

This is the only full-length study of Finnegans Wake to outline and catalog the immense amount of naturalistic detail from which Joyce built the book. The opening chapters describe the physical setting, time, and main characters out of which the book is constructed. John Gordon argues that behind this detail is an essentially autobiographical story involving Joyce's history and, in particular, his feelings toward his father, wife, daughter and the older brother who died in infancy. Many of the author's findings are new and likely to be controversial because recent criticism has tended to the belief that what he attempts to do cannot be done. This new study of Finnegans Wake represents a radically conservative approach and is intended to function both as a guide to the newcomer seeking a chapter-by-chapter plot summary and as an original contribution to Joyce criticism.

Annotations to Finnegans Wake

Book Description

Long considered the essential guide to Joyce's famously difficult work, Roland McHugh's Annotations to "Finnegans Wake" provides both novice readers and seasoned Joyceans with a wealth of information in an easy-to-use format uniquely suited to this densely layered text. Each page of the Annotations corresponds directly with a page of the standard Viking/Penguin edition of Finnegans Wake and contains line-by-line notes following the placement of the passages to which they refer. The reader can thus look directly from text to notes and back again, with no need to consult separate glossaries or other listings. McHugh's richly detailed notes distill decades of scholarship, explicating foreign words, unusual English connotations and colloquial expressions, place names, historical events, song titles and quotations, parodies of other texts, and Joyce's diverse literary and popular sources. The third edition has added material reflecting fifteen years of research, including significant new insights from Joyce's compositional notebooks (the "Buffalo Notebooks"), now being edited for the first time.

A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake

Book Description

Since its publication in 1939, countless would-be readers of "Finnegans Wake" - James Joyce's masterwork, which consumed a third of his life - have given up after a few pages, dismissing it as a "perverse triumph of the unintelligible." In 1944, a young professor of mythology and literature named Joseph Campbell, working with Henry Morton Robinson, wrote the first "key" or guide to entering the fascinating, disturbing, marvelously rich world of "Finnegans Wake." The authors break down Joyce's "unintelligible" book page by page, stripping the text of much of its obscurity and serving up thoughtful interpretations via footnotes and bracketed commentary. They outline the book's basic action, and then simplify -- and clarify -- its complex web of images and allusions. "A Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake" is the latest addition to the "Collected Works of Joseph Campbell" series.

The Mixer and Server

Book Description


Book Description

Vladimir Vetrov, joined the KGB to work as a spy. Following a couple of murky incidents, he is removed from the field and placed at a desk as an analyst. Soon, burdened by a troubled marriage and frustrated at a failing career, Vetrov turns to alcohol. Desparate and in need of redemption, in 1980 he offers his services to the DST, the French counterintelligence service. Thus Agent Farewell is born. Soon he is sneaking files and photographing sensitive dcouments, keeping the West informed of the USSR's plans--right in the heart of KGB headquarters, hastening the end of the Cold War.