First Five Incarnations of Vishnu

Book Description

The ten most elegant incarnations of Lord Vishnu. He appeared on earth to bring certain revolutionary changes in the habitat of the living and harmony amongst the people. "Puranas‟ mention the stories of Lord Vishnu and all his Ten Avatars‟. The ten appearances of Vishnu are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parshurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki (the incarnation yet to come). In this book we are going to read about the first 5 incarnations in short stories and their valuable lessons.


Book Description

When in the great wheel of evolution of this Universe another turnaround has to be given, when some new form, new type of life is coming forth, then the Supreme reveals Himself, embodying the type which He seeks to initiate in His Cosmos. Time and Time again, He has incarnated to give that much required push for human beings to go to the next step in their evolution. ?In her latest book, Incarnations: Steps for Momentum in Human Evolutio, Saraswati Raman has nicely interwoven Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's clarifications on the occasion of several pujas on the meaning of various Avataras, together with the incidents in the lives of the great Avataras. She has brought home, in a lucid manner, how the human evolution has been actualized in the form of incarnations taken by the supreme being. I wish her all the best for this beautiful book.' ?Mrs. Chandrika Nair, MA, Dip. Ed., M.Ed., retired principal

Rama and the Early Avatars of Vishnu

Book Description

Full-blown trade wars, nuclear threats, attacks on nation's sovereignty...are we dangerously at the crossroads of a world war that may even threaten entire humanity? Maybe we are, but fear not. Hindus believe that whenever cosmic balance is threatened, Vishnu descends into the world as an avatar of change. "I am born age after age," says Krishna (Vishnu) in the Bhagavad Gita. Vishnu has many avatars, but his top ten avatars are special and known as the Dashavataras. In this volume, we enter the most exciting part of Hindu mythology--the Dashavataras--and discuss the early avatars of Vishnu. The avatar saga begins with a wicked demon stealing the Vedas while Brahma is sleeping. Vishnu takes the form of a giant fish and not only saves the Vedas but rescues mankind from a great deluge. As we progress through the avatars, you will come across Prahlada, whose story offers a shining example of the extent to which Vishnu would go to protect his devotees. In another incarnation of Vishnu, a generous king called Bali is dispatched to the netherworld for being too ambitious. While ambition is a virtue, not vice, this may seem unfair to the people of Kerala who hold Bali in high esteem. But Vishnu makes amends by bestowing the gift of longevity on Bali. Next, the axe-wielding Parashurama, a Brahmin by birth, embarks on a mission to exterminate the warrior caste from the face of Earth--and largely succeeds until he bumps into another avatar of Vishnu. The highlight of this volume undoubtedly is Rama, the hero of the Ramayana and a name that is synonymous with dharma (religious duty). About half the book is dedicated to Rama as we dissect Ramayana in detail, particularly the controversies. Although Rama is famous for defeating the ten-headed demon king of Lanka, it seems he waged a bigger battle with the dictates of dharma--and lost. We meet the monkey-faced Hanuman for the first time in this book. He is closely associated with Rama and highly revered among Hindus. Also in the Ramayana, we encounter one of the ultimate villains of Hindu mythology--the mighty Ravana. Even though Ravana abducted Rama's beloved wife, Sita, you will be surprised to know that not everyone regards Ravana as an antihero. In fact, at the end of the Ramayana, we are left with many bitter, thought-provoking questions that are debated even today.


Book Description

"MAHAMANTRA-The essence of Leadership, inculcating the theme of the DASHAVATARA-10 AVATAR SPIRITS, for young and budding leaders to imbibe the same for improvising themselves to transform into true leaders exhibiting the skill sets of a competent professional. This book will give you an insight as to why he has drawn inspiration from the 10 Avatar spirits with a wholesome view in designing with emphasis on creating various initiatives for a successful leadership. With his determination, verve and fire to impart diversified education, this will also help in developing one’s skills to adopt the core of these spirits in their personal as well as professional lives."


Book Description

In Puranic lore, Vishnu is the preserver of the universe and the cosmic order. The Dasha Avatar is the Puranic story of the ten incarnations of Vishnu who descends to the terrestrial world to establish stability and order, time and again. The avatars occur in a sequence – the first was matsya or fish representing life in water, followed by kurma or turtle signifying life in water and on land, then varaha or boar alluding to terrestrial life and so on. The sequence of the avatars could be taken to symbolise various stages in the evolution of life culminating in the advent of the perfect being.