World Small-scale Fisheries

Book Description

The importance of fisheries is not lost in the global policy arena. What is often overlooked in the general discourse, however, is the significant difference between small-and large-scale fisheries. Major rethinking about all aspects of small-scale fisheries is required, including their contribution to catches, employment, livelihood, food security and conservation. This book is a collection of essays about the diverse, complex and dynamic contexts that characterize small-scale fisheries around the world. The essays highlight the strengths, capacity, motivation and contributions associated with this fishing sector. They remind us that solutions and opportunities for the viability and sustainability of small-scale fisheries can be found, once the issues are understood from a holistic perspective and possible options, including inventive governance arrangements, are fully explored. The authors are scientists and practitioners who work in small-scale fisheries in various parts of the world, many of whom participated at the first World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (WSFC), held in Bangkok in October 2010, and are members of the global research network for the future of small-scale fisheries, Too Big To Ignore. The editor, Ratana Chuenpagdee, the initiator of the WSFC, is Canada Research Chair in Natural Resource Sustainability and Community Development at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. Book jacket.

Management, Co-management, Or No Management?

Book Description

This publication contains reports of ten case studies of freshwater fisheries in southern Africa which were conducted in five medium-sized lakes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Five of the case studies focus on the biological and environmental effects of fishing while the remaining five are concerned with historical and sociological analysis.

Developing India's Strategic Response to the Global Debate on Fisheries Subsidies (CMA Publication No. 236)

Book Description

The weak property rights regime governing the world's marine resources as well as the wide-spread large scale subsidization of the fisheries industry has led to serious depletion of global fish stocks. Against this backdrop, taking cognizance of developing country goals and concerns, the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the WTO held in Doha in 2001 mandated that negotiations over fisheries subsidies, formerly subject to the disciplines of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, be completed by 2005. In view of this development, a country like India with its vast and versatile fisheries resources has to take stock of the state of its fisheries sector, and develop a strategic response to the global debate on fisheries subsidies. This book aims to initiate that process. It begins by providing an overview of the current state of subsidization of the fisheries sector, both domestic and international, under various alternate definitions of fisheries subsidies. It then focuses on the domestic scenario, highlighting the Indian experience with fisheries subsidies and property rights regimes across both inland and marine sectors via the case method, and investigates the necessity and sufficiency of subsidies vis-à-vis an appropriate property rights framework in developing the domestic fisheries sector and resource base in a sustainable manner. Attention is then turned to the international scenario, with a review of selected international case studies which can inform domestic subsidy and property rights issues. This is followed by an analysis of the country submissions of the various major fishing nations in order to identify India's natural allies and competitors in international negotiations. The concluding chapter brings the pieces together. It first outlines a program of reforms to rectify the deficiencies in the existing domestic property rights and fisheries subsidy regimes, on the basis of intensive interactions with all sectoral stakeholders. Subsequently, it suggests negotiating strategies for India in forthcoming WTO meetings. An epilogue sums up recent developments and issues.

Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation

Book Description

Referred to in the Bible, pictured on the wall-friezes of ancient Egyptian tombs, and a subject of fascination for generations of scientists, the tilapias (Cichlidae: Tilapiini) have featured in the diet and culture of humankind for thousands of years. The present century has seen their spread from Africa throughout the tropics and sub-tropics, largely for food and fisheries purposes. This book attempts to pull together our knowledge of this important group - their biology and fisheries and aquaculture - in a single volume, something that has not been done comprehensively for nearly two decades. A succession of chapters by acknowledged authorities covers evolution, phylogenetic relationships and biogeography, reproductive biology, mating systems and parental care, diet, feeding and digestive physiology, environmental physiology and energetics, the role of tilapias in ecosystems, population dynamics and management, genetics, seed production, nutrition, farming, economics and marketing. The book is aimed at biologists, fisheries scientists, aquaculturists, and all interested in aquatic ecology.

Management, Co-management, Or No Management?

Book Description

The report synthesizes the findings of ten case studies published in FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 426/2. The case studies have been conducted in five medium-sized lakes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The synthesis focuses on three features relevant for the SADC region: How has fishing effort developed in these lakes over the last 50 years? What causes changes in fishing effort? How do fishing effort and environmental factors compare in their effects on the regeneration of fish stocks?

Inland Fisheries

Book Description

The current high demand for fish and increased awareness of the role of the environment in supporting human well being has led to a situation where attitudes to inland water resources are changing rapidly. Trends in resource use and environmental impact are very evident in inland waters which are particularly vulnerable as they act as collectors of all the activities occurring in their basins and rank as some of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. The principle changes influencing the evolution of the aquatic resource for fisheries are described in this book, which has been compiled for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Freshwater small pelagic fish and their fisheries in the major African lakes and reservoirs in relation to food security and nutrition

Book Description

Small pelagic fish species found in lakes and introduced to reservoirs dominate by volume and contribute some of the most important inland fisheries in Africa with steadily increasing catches and additional potential. This circular reviews the status and importance of the pelagic fish and fisheries, together with small fish in general, for sustainable and healthy livelihoods in Africa. It reviews the biology and biological production of the most important pelagic species in lakes and reservoirs as well as the impacts of environmental and climatic variation on the stocks of these species. It examines and discuss the various capture techniques together with potential of improvements in the fisheries and associated processing and national and regional trade within Africa. The knowledge generated by the circular will be useful for policy makers and development practitioners to design and implement more effective policies, strategies and programs that will contribute to reducing the food insecurity and conflicts that currently affect the people in sub-Saharan Africa.