Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe

Book Description

This authoritative guide enables accurate identification of the common components of the inshore benthic invertebrates of the British Isles and adjacent European coasts, as well as a substantial proportion of fish species. This new edition builds upon the strengths of the earlier work and is thoroughly revised throughout to incorporate advances in both the taxonomy and ecology of the organisms concerned.

Fish atlas of the Celtic Sea, North Sea, and Baltic Sea

Book Description

The atlas presents a unique set of abundance data to describe the spatial, depth, size, and temporal distribution of demersal and pelagic fish species over an extensive marine area, together with accounts of their biology. A large number of pictures, graphs and distribution maps illustrate the text. By largely avoiding - or at least explaining - scientific terms and providing extensive references, the book should be useful for both laymen and scientists. The quantitative information on some 200 fish taxa is derived from 72,000 stations fished by research vessels during the period 1977-2013. The area covers the northwest European shelf from west of Ireland to the central Baltic Sea and from Brittany to the Shetlands. Although the surveys extend beyond the shelf edge, only taxa reported at least once in waters less than 200 m are included. Typical deep-water species and typical fresh-water species are excluded. We hope this publication will contribute to gaining a better understanding of the ocean ecosystems.

British Freshwater Fish (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 75)

Book Description

An in-depth look at the fish that inhabit the fresh waters of Britain and Ireland. These include famous members of the salmon family, such as the Atlantic Salmon and the Brown Trout, and the obscure whitefish, species of which are confined to just a few lakes. This edition is exclusive to newnaturalists.com

Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3A

Book Description

Based on the most recent scientific data, and without neglecting historical publications, Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean 3 comprehensively details Mediterranean lagoonal–marine migratory fish. It provides information regarding their systematics, eobiology, ethology, genetics and their exploitation. After a general categorization of the species represented, this volume, third in a set of books on Mediterranean ichthyofauna, offers a synthesis of the knowledge acquired from 1890 to the present day for each of the 21 species most frequently found in Mediterranean lagoons and estuaries. These species are detailed across the two parts of volume 3. The scientific data presented in this book concern the species’ lagoon life as much as their marine life, and are therefore of particular interest for both the management of fish stocks and for the conservation of species. Designed to give rapid and comprehensive access to the body of knowledge on Mediterranean lagoonal and estuarine migratory fishes, this volume is for anyone involved in the use, management or protection of natural environments and their populations, including ecobiologists, geographers, engineers, teachers, students and researchers.

Biologie des poissons d'eau douce européens (2e éd.)

Book Description

Biologie des poissons d’eau douce européens, par son champ d’étude vaste et ambitieux, est un ouvrage de référence en ichtyologie dulçaquicole. Couvrant l’ensemble des aspects écologiques, écobiologiques, écophysiologiques et éthologiques, il dresse une présentation détaillée de 88 espèces auto- ou allochtones : morphologie, anatomie, distribution géographique, habitats, modes de vie et activités physiologiques. 453 autres espèces sont également répertoriées. Cette 2e édition a été largement revue et augmentée, compte tenu de l’importance des données scientifiques récentes. Outre des compléments utiles portant sur les habitats et les modes de vie, cet ouvrage s’enrichit des nombreux apports génétiques qui ont parfois « révolutionné » les concepts anciens relatifs aux origines paléo-historiques et paléo-géographiques des espèces. Des extensions ou des réductions de répartitions géographiques ont été consécutives à des transferts d’origine anthropique, à des dégradations physiques et chimiques et à la récente influence du Global Warming, sans oublier les changements de statut dans le domaine de la systématique. Au fil d’un livre d’une grande rigueur scientifique, abondamment illustré (dont 64 aquarelles originales et plus de 70 cartes géographiques pertinentes) et complété par un glossaire et une importante bibliographie, le lecteur abordera la connaissance des poissons européens d’une façon à la fois originale et attrayante. Cet ouvrage s’adresse à un large public : étudiants de 2e et 3e cycles en biologie, zoologie, écologie, hydrobiologie, environnement, ingénieurs et techniciens chargés de l’aménagement, de la gestion, de la qualité et de la protection des milieux aquatiques (services vétérinaires, de l’Environnement, de l’Agriculture, de l’Équipement…) auxquels il apportera les bases fondamentales nécessaires à leur action, et plus largement tous les passionnés d’ichtyofaune.

The Marine Fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe: Introduction and protozoans to arthropods

Book Description

This is the first part of a comprehensive two-volume treatise that describes and illustrates over 2,000 marine species, ranging from protozoans to fishes, native to the coastal waters of the British Isles and north-western Europe. The most complete account available of its kind, the books cover all benthic habitats, from the intertidal zone to a depth of approximately 30 meters. Each major animal group is covered, with information on the morphology, biology, ecology of representative species, and techniques for their collection and study. Estuarine and supralittoral faunas are also described. Identification is facilitated by dichotomous keys to families and then to genera and species. Short diagnostic accounts are given for each family and higher taxon, and descriptions of all species are followed by notes on their ecological and geographical distribution. Line drawings are also included to help clarify the material presented in the text.