Fission Gas Release from High Burnup ThO/sub 2/ and ThO/sub 2/-UO/sub 2/ Fuels Irradiated at Low Temperature. (LWBR/AWBA Development Program). [LWBR, Below 2700/sup 0/F].

Book Description

Fission gas release data are presented for five fuel rods irradiated at low fuel temperature (below 2700/sup 0/F) with burnups up to 90,000 MWD/MTM. Four of these rods contained ThO/sub 2/-UO/sub 2/ (33.6 weight percent UO/sub 2/) fuel pellets; the fifth rod contained ThO/sub 2/ pellets. These data supplement fission gas release information previously reported for 54 rods containing ThO/sub 2/-UO/sub 2/ and ThO/sub 2/ fuel, some of which experienced fuel temperaures up to 5000/sup 0/F and burnups to 56,000 MWD/MTM. These new data suggest that at burnups exceeding about 80,000 MWD/MTM a sharp increase in fission gas release occurs, possibly caused by microstructural changes in the fuel. This is similar to the behavior of UO/sub 2/ except that the increase occurs in UO/sub 2/ at lower burnup (approximately 40,000 MWD/MTM). The fission gas release calculational model previously reported has been modified to account for the observed increase in the low temperature component. The revised model provides a good best estimate of all the fission gas release data.

Fission-Gas-Release from UO$sub 2$, Interim Report

Book Description

The evolution of fission products from UO/sub 2/ during irradiation at high temperatures is of primary interest to the Gas-cooled Reactor Project. Fuel tests consisting of UO/sub 2/ pellets encapsulated in Inconel or stainless steel were irradiated in the LITR, ORR, and ETR. The capsules were pierced in hot cells, and the gases collected in evacuated systems. Fractions of this gas, of suitable activity for counting, were taken and then analyzed by gamma spectrometry. Larger fractions of gas were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Percentage of gas release varied widely, increasing with temperature, impurity content, oxygen-to-uranium ratio of the UO/sub 2/, and decreasing with bulk density. For high density, stoichiometric UO/sub 2/, the gas release was generally less than 3% up to a temperature of about 2800 deg F, about which it was greatly accelerated. Fuel burn-ups of up to 22,000 Mwd/MT were obtained. Maximum measured central fuel temperatures of 3150 deg F were reached. The lower- density nonstoichiometric UO/sub 2/ released greater amounts of fission gas, particularly Kr/sup 85/. (auth).

Fission Gas Release from ThO2 and ThO2--UO2 Fuels (LWBR Development Program).

Book Description

Fission gas release data are presented from 51 fuel rods irradiated as part of the LWBR irradiations test program. The fuel rods were Zircaloy-4 clad and contained ThO2 or ThO2-UO2 fuel pellets, with UO2 compositions ranging from 2.0 to 24.7 weight percent and fuel densities ranging from 77.8 to 98.7 percent of theoretical. Rod diameters ranged from 0.25 to 0.71 inches and fuel active lengths ranged from 3 to 84 inches. Peak linear power outputs ranged from 2 to 22 kw/ft for peak fuel burnups up to 56,000 MWD/MTM. Measured fission gas release was quite low, ranging from 0.1 to 5.2 percent. Fission gas release was higher at higher temperature and burnup and was lower at higher initial fuel density. No sensitivity to UO2 composition was evidenced.

Fission Gas Release from Oxide Fuels at High Burnups (AWBA Development Program).

Book Description

The steady state gas release, swelling and densification model previously developed for oxide fuels has been modified to accommodate the slow transients in temperature, temperature gradient, fission rate and pressure that are encountered in normal reactor operation. The gas release predictions made by the model were then compared to gas release data on LMFBR-EBRII fuels obtained by Dutt and Baker and reported by Meyer, Beyer, and Voglewede. Good agreement between the model and the data was found. A comparison between the model and three other sets of gas release data is also shown, again with good agreement.

Fission Gas Release from Single Crystal UO$sub 2$ During Irradiation

Book Description

Results are reported briefly of experiments on the mechanism of fission gas release from irradiated singlecrystal UO/sub 2/ slabs. The fission gases were found to emerge by two basic processes: a temperature-independent process, and a temperature-dependent process with a threshold temperature of approximates 600 deg C and an activation energy of 50 kcal/ mole. The proportions of isotopes in the fission gas are the same for both processes. The rate of fission-gas release decreased with burnup to a stabilized value after 4 months of irradiation. The temperature-independent process was directly proportional to the fission rate whereas the temperature-dependent process had no correlation with fission rate. The results suggest that the fission gas collects at defects just beneath the crystal surface, and that the release behaves as if it originates from a totally filled layer beneath the surface, causing the release to be independent of the amount of gas beneath the layer. (D.L.C.).

Fission Product Behavior Within Two W--UO$sub 2$ Cermet Fuel Elements Irradiated in a Temperature Gradient

Book Description

Declassified 21 Sep 1973. Two W- UO/sub 2/- ThO/sub 2/ cermet fuel specimens, one clad with T-111 and the other with W-Re-- Mo, were studied to determine the retention, distribution, and mobility of fission gas in cermet core fuel systems. The T-11l- and W-- Re-Mo-clad specimens, irradiated for 5000 h to peak burnups of 5.6 x 10/sup 19/ and 5.0 x 10/sup 19/ fissions/cm/sup 3/ with temperature ranges of 530 to 1400 deg C and 770 to 1550 deg C, respectively, were gamma scanned and then punctured; fission gases were collected and analyzed for / sup 85/Kr. Thin transverse sections at various positions along the length were analyzed for /sup 85/Kr and /sup 137/Cs contents in the ceramic fuel and W matrix phases. Inventories and distributions of /sup 137/Cs and /sup 85/Kr between the UO/sub 2 / and and W phases were obtained as a function of temperature. Results showed that 90 to 95% of the total fission gas inventories were either dissolved in the UO/sub 2/ and W lattices or trapped in closed pores. The remaining 5 to 10% of the gases were mobile and free to migrate through channels between the fuel and matrix phases. 15 to 20% of the fission products recoiled into the W matrix and were essentially immobile under the experimental conditions. The gas which was free to migrate was released only from the fuel phase; gas release was negligible below about 650 to 700 deg C, and at 1550 deg C amounted to about 20% of that produced in that temperature region of the specimen. /sup 137/Cs was quantitatively retained by both the fuel and matrix phase for the conditions of these tests and, therefore, did not contribute to the amount of mobile gas. (10 figures, 3 tables) (DLC).

Fission-gas Release from Uranium Nitride at High Fission-rate Density

Book Description

A sweep gas facility has been used to measure the release rates of radioactive fission gases from small UN specimens irradiated to 8-percent burnup at high fission-rate densities. The measured release rates have been correlated with an equation whose terms correspond to direct recoil release, fission-enhanced diffusion, and atomic diffusion (a function of temperature). Release rates were found to increase linearly with burnups between 1.5 and 8 percent. Pore migration was observed after operation at 1550 K to over 6 percent burnup.

Fission Gas Release from UO{sub 2+x} in Defective Light Water Reactor Fuel Rods

Book Description

A simplified semi-empirical model predicting fission gas release form UO{sub 2+x} fuel to the fuel rod plenum as a function of stoichiometry excess (x) is developed to apply to the fuel of a defective LWR fuel rod in operation. The effect of fuel oxidation in enhancing gas diffusion is included as a parabolic dependence of the stoichiometry excess. The increase of fission gas release in a defective BWR fuel rod is at the most 3 times higher than in an intact fuel rod because of small extent of UO2 oxidation. The major enhancement contributor in fission gas release of UO{sub 2+x} fuel is the increased diffusivity due to stoichiometry excess rather than the higher temperature caused by degraded fuel thermal conductivity.