The Reduction of Iron Ores

Book Description

For the English edition the book was revised by the authors, taking into account a number of suggestions of the readers of the German edition. Some of the most important publications in the field of iron ore reduction, which appeared since 1967, have been used to bring the manuscript as far as possible up to date. The kind assistance of Dr. K. BOHNENKAMP of the Max-Planck-Institut fUr Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, was much appreciated in this respect. Ohapters 2.9 and 2.10, dealing with the reduction of molten oxide slags by solid carbon and with the contribution of the water-gas reaction to iron ore reduction, have been added for the English edition. Ohapter 2.9 has been completely revised with the kind assistance of Dr. H. J. GRABKE, Stuttgart. Dipl.-Ing. J. LODDE contributed to this edition by revising the bibliography. Owing to the rapid development of the blast furnace it was necessary to revise Ohapter 5 considerably. In this field many valuable suggestions have been made by Dipl.-Ing. G. LANGE and Dipl.-Ing. P. HEINRICH. Furthermore, Ohapters3 and 4 have been thoroughly revised by Dr.-Ing. E. FORSTER and Dr.-Ing. U. SCHIERLOH. Last, but not least, we have to thank our translators for their excellent work.

Flash Ironmaking

Book Description

This book addresses the two major issues faced by the modern steel industry: CO2 emissions and energy consumption. The steel industry accounts for 6.7% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and consumes 6% of the total energy consumed in manufacturing. In response to these critical issues, a new technology called flash ironmaking has been developed, aimed at producing iron directly from iron ore concentrate using gaseous reductants/fuels such as natural gas or hydrogen. This ironmaking technology takes advantage of the rapid reaction rate of fine particles and bypasses the palletization process. This book discusses the principles of flash ironmaking, laboratory experiments, and design and operation of a prototype flash reactor. Provides theories and principles of ironmaking and a novel ironmaking technology Includes laboratory experiments to establish the kinetic feasibility of flash ironmaking Covers the design and operation of a prototype flash reactor as well as the design of industrial-size flash ironmaking reactors Describes various cases of flow sheet development, which forms the basis for process analysis and simulation Presents economic analysis case studies Presenting a novel technology that addresses contemporary issues facing one of the largest manufacturing industries, this book is aimed at professionals and researchers in metallurgy, materials engineering, manufacturing engineering, and related disciplines.


Book Description

This book provides a fascinating study of the very important emerging field of direct reduction in which iron ore is ‘directly reduced’ in the solid-state, using either natural gas or non-coking coal, to produce a highly metallised material, referred to as sponge iron (or direct reduced iron). This intermediate product is subsequently melted in electric arc furnaces or induction furnaces (sometimes even in basic oxygen furnaces) to produce liquid steel. Such a process combination enables steel to be produced without using coking coal, which is an expensive input in the normal blast furnace—basic oxygen furnace route of steelmaking adopted in integrated steel plants. The book offers comprehensive coverage and critical assessment of various coal-based and gas-based direct reduction processes. Besides dealing with the application of the theoretical principles involved in the thermodynamics and kinetics of direct reduction, the book also contains some worked-out examples on sponge iron production. The concluding part of this seminal book summarises the present and future scenario of direct reduction, including the use of gas generated from coal in direct reduction processes. The book is primarily intended for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of metallurgical engineering. It is also a must-read for researchers, technologists and process metallurgists engaged in the rapidly developing field of direct reduction of iron oxides, which is of critical importance for India and other developing nations that are beginning to play a major role in global steelmaking.


Book Description

With a boom in the steel industry all over the world today, the demand of sponge iron has considerably increased as a feed (raw) material to steel making. The increase in the demand of sponge iron is also due to the fact that it is used for replacing coke making required for blast furnace processing. The primary objective of this book is to provide the basis, principles, fundamentals and theory of sponge iron production. This book, earlier titled as Sponge Iron Production in Rotary Kiln, is revised as per the feedback from students, faculty members and professionals. It, now, covers broad spectrum of alternative routes of iron making, therefore, the book is renamed as Alternative Routes to Iron Making. In this revised edition of the book, three new chapters have been added to fulfil the requirement of a textbook for various universities. NEW TO THIS EDITION • New chapters on: o Utilization of Sponge Iron o Environmental Pollution and Control in Sponge Iron Industries o Smelting Reduction Process • Inclusion of principle of fluidisation in fluidised bed processes • Description of Hyl III process with recent development of the process Primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of metal-lurgical engineering, this book is equally beneficial for researchers, and professionals engaged in DR processes and steel industries.

Challenges and Prospects of Steelmaking Towards the Year 2050

Book Description

The world steel industry is strongly based on coal/coke in ironmaking, resulting in huge carbon dioxide emissions corresponding to approximately 7% of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. As the world is experiencing a period of imminent threat owing to climate change, the steel industry is also facing a tremendous challenge in next decades. This themed issue makes a survey on the current situation of steel production, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions, as well as cross-sections of the potential methods to decrease CO2 emissions in current processes via improved energy and materials efficiency, increasing recycling, utilizing alternative energy sources, and adopting CO2 capture and storage. The current state, problems and plans in the two biggest steel producing countries, China and India are introduced. Generally contemplating, incremental improvements in current processes play a key role in rapid mitigation of specific emissions, but finally they are insufficient when striving for carbon neutral production in the long run. Then hydrogen and electrification are the apparent solutions also to iron and steel production. The book gives a holistic overview of the current situation and challenges, and an inclusive compilation of the potential technologies and solutions for the global CO2 emissions problem.