Flight Of The Storks

Book Description

A journey to the green inferno of the African jungle brings one man face to face with his macabre past. Every year the storks would set off on their astounding 12,000-mile migration from Northern Europe to the remote Central African Republic. One year, inexplicably, puzzling numbers of them fail to return. At the invitation of a Swiss ornithologist, Louis Antioch agrees to investigate the mystery of the birds' disappearance. Before he can set off on his quest, however, his patron is found dead in bizarre circumstances. Jean-Christophe Grang-'s uncompromising narrative develops at a nightmare pace from a Bulgarian gypsy encampment to a kibbutz in the Occupied Territories, to the African jungle, to Calcutta, where an appalling and gruesome truth emerges: the end of a mission that began with the Flight of the Storks-

Flight Storks B Anz Only

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Flight of the Storks

Book Description

The Flight of the Stork

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Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World

Book Description

Some of the world's largest and most spectacular birds are to be found among this group of wading birds. Tragically, they also include many of the world's most endangered species, as changes in land use erode their wetland habitats. Some like the White Stork have lived alongside humans for hundreds of years and are well known from numerous studies. Others, like the Storm's stork and ibises of West Africa, South-East Asia and South America live so secluded a life in the remote corners of the globe that they will probably be extinct before even the most basic details of their biology are known. In this monograph, three authors and two artists have combined their skills to capture what is known of this group of wading birds. The text opens with general chapters on taxonomy and feeding, breeding and behavior, followed by detailed coverage of each species. Feeding behaviour species list: American wood stork - mycteria americana: milky stork - mycteria cinerea: yellowbilled stork - mycteria ibis: painted stork - mycteria leucocephala: African openbill stork - anastomus oscitans: Asian openbill stork - anastomus lamelligerus: black stork - ciconia nigra: adbim's stork - ciconia abdimii: woolynecked stork - ciconia episcopus: storm's stork - ciconia stormi: maguari stork - ciconia maguari: white stork - ciconia ciconia: oriental white stork - ciconia boyciana: blacknecked stork - ephippiorhynchus asiaticus: saddlebill stork - ephipporhynchus sengalensis: jabiru stork - jabiru myceteria: lesser adjutant stork - leptopilos javanicus: greater adjutant stork - leptoptilos dubius: marabou stork: leptoptilos crumeniferus: shoebill - balaeniceps rex: American white ibis - eudocimus ruber: barefaced ibis - phimosus infuscatus: glossy ibis - plegadis falcinellus: whitefaced ibis - plegadis chihi: puna ibis - plegadis ridgwayi: sharptailed ibis - cercibis oxycerca: plumbeous ibis - harpiprion caerulscens: buffnecked ibis - theristicus caudatus: green ibis - mesembrinibis cayennensis: hadada ibis - bostrychia hagedash: wattled ibis - bostrychia carunculata: oliv ibis - bostrychia olivacea: spotbreasted ibis - bostrychia reae madagascar crested this - loghotihis cristata: sacred this - threskiornis aethiopicus: oriental white ibis - threskionis melanoaphaius: Australian white ibis - threskiornis molucca: strawnecked ibis - threskiornis spinicollis: waldrapp ibis - eronticus eremita: bald ibis - geronticus calvus: black ibis - pseudibis papillosa: giant ibis - thaumatibis gigantea: oriential crested ibis - nipponia

Flight of the Stork

Book Description

Flight of the Black Stork

Book Description

Flight of the Black Stork is about the ultimate tragedy of right versus right. When their ancient civilization approached its end, the aliens prayed for salvation. Their god heard the prayers of his chosen people and gave them a promised land for their deliverance. Unfortunately, it was Earth. When extra-terrestrial ships jump a battle damaged B-24 returning from a strike over Germany, Tuskegee Airmen flying escort aggressively fight off the attack in their Red Tailed P-51s. This engagement marked the beginning of the alien fifty-year reconnaissance and invasion plan. A daring surprise attack is launched against the enemy-staging base in the Moon's Aitken basin using the Black Stork, a Russian space shuttle resurrected from the bone yard, bristling with biochemical and nuclear weapons. Be prepared for a punch in the gut as each chapter slams you with a high G afterburner climb of mounting action, inspiring imperfect characters and a steamy, love story riding in the rear cockpit. The breathtaking finale thunders with history, hope, and guts and you'll be thinking about this book for a long time.

Birds of Nepal

Book Description

This fully updated edition of Birds of Nepal is the most comprehensive guide to the birds of this beautiful Himalayan country. The texts have been completely re-written for this edition and many of the illustrations have been replaced. In addition, maps have been included for the first time. Every species recorded in Nepal is covered, including vagrants, with accurate distribution maps for most species. 142 colour plates are featured, illustrating more than 790 species with text on facing pages for quick and easy reference. The comprehensive text covers identification, voice, habits, habitats, altitudinal range, distribution and status.