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In Indian context; with special reference to Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Economics of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Floriculture

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Floriculture is emerging as an important commercial crop sector in India from the point of view of both domestic and foreign markets. Demand for floricultural products is steadily increasing both in the domestic as well as export markets. The industry is gaining prominence from three broad counts: creating more employment, ensuring higher incomes to rural people and earning more foreign exchange. India is the second largest producer of flowers after China. According to National Horticulture Board (NHB), area under floriculture at all India level had increased from 53,000 hectares in 1993-94 to 2,48,000 hectares in 2015-16. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the area was 7.66 per cent, while the CAGR of production of loose and cut flowers were 9.44 per cent and 23.10 per cent, respectively. The proportion of the area under high-tech floriculture to the total floriculture area is 70 per cent in Netherlands and 90 per cent in Colombia, whereas in India it is hardly 500 hectares accounting for just 0.56 per cent of the total area under floriculture, while the rest is under traditional flowers. In India, nearly 77 per cent of area under floricultural crops is concentrated in eight states viz., Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Delhi. India has a scope to bridge the gap between demand and supply, as global demand of floricultural products is growing at a faster rate. India is enriched with diverse agro-climatic conditions such as, fertile land, suitable climate, abundant water supply, low labour cost, availability of skilled manpower etc. which are quite beneficial for growing a variety of flower plants throughout the year. Floricultural crops are highly labour intensive and in a country like India floriculture as an industry has tremendous potential for generation of gainful employment in rural as well as urban areas.

Floriculture in India

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Dustjacket Slightly Frayed. Condition Good. Creasing On Half Tilte Page.

Flowers and Foliage Plants

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Most reports include production and sales figures for the past year (revised) and the current year (preliminary) and intentions for the next year.


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Study with reference to India.

Production and Export Performance of Floriculture in India

Book Description

One of the most promising subsectors in the horticulture industry is floriculture because of its importance from an aesthetic, social, and economic standpoint. It has the ability to generate revenue in foreign currencies and year-round job possibilities. The main agricultural exports of many countries are a variety of value-added floricultural goods. The floriculture sector is currently expanding quickly as a result of an increase in demand on both domestic and international markets. The ancient farming method of floriculture in India has a great deal of potential to assist small and marginal farmers in developing lucrative side businesses for themselves. The performance of India's floriculture sector is examined in this paper. The current study's goals are to investigate the expansion of flower farming's area and output in India and to learn how much of its exports are related to floriculture. Compound growth rate and percentage approaches have both been used to analyse the expansion of flower growing in India in terms of both area and yield. the secondary information gathered from publications including books, newspapers, magazines, journals, records, and brochures. Demand for floriculture goods has increased globally in both developed and developing countries as living standards have risen and people's awareness of the need to live in an environmentally friendly environment has risen. As a result, it has developed into a prosperous agricultural sector both in India and beyond. The floriculture industry in India has been accorded full export-oriented status and the designation of a sunrise sector. Floriculture has become one of the major economic trades in agriculture as a result of the continually increasing demand for flowers. The floriculture sector is currently expanding quickly as a result of an increase in demand on both domestic and international markets. The USA and the UK are the best foreign markets for Indian floral exports, but the home market is highly fragmented, which fosters the formation of multiple groups. By being aware of the main marketplaces both offline and online, the stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of the flower market.

Flower Crops

Book Description

Flower growing, once used to be a gardener's activity has today transformed into an astounding business. In India also, being an integral part of our rich heritage and culture, flower crops have become source of income as highly remunerative crops. Concerted efforts are being made in the country to boost the productivity, quality and export worthiness of several floricultural crops. With the changing trends and constant urge for new innovative products, this is imperative to have information about new potential crops with novel developed varieties and improved production technology. The worldwide interest in floriculture has also forced the agriculture universities and colleges for their perusal on teaching the emerging stream floriculture. Hence, the present book is a result of good compilation of recent advances in floriculture by the author. The publication entitled "Flower Crops: Cultivation and Management" specifies the practices and problems in growing flower crops along with entire description of crops and potential varieties.

Introduction to Floriculture

Book Description

Introduction to Floriculture provides an introduction to commercial floriculture, containing information on major and minor greenhouse and field crops, and includes potted plants and cut flowers. The book is organized into two parts. Part I on cut flowers discusses the history and propagation of chrysanthemums, carnations, roses, snapdragons, orchids, gladiolus, and minor cut crops. Part II on potted plants includes bulbous plants, azaleas, pot mums, African violets, poinsettias, and Easter lilies. This book was written for students who have been exposed to a sufficient number of biology courses to acquaint them with many of the terms and plant processes discussed in the text. It would be beneficial if they have also taken a course in greenhouse management or are taking one concurrently with their floriculture course. The book can be used by commercial growers who constantly seek more information to enable them to realize maximum gain from the investments of labor, time, and capitol they have placed in this challenging field.

Flower Production and Gardening

Book Description

Floriculture is a fast emerging and rapidly expanding industry through strong research and development. It covers all aspects related to commercial growing, marketing, arrangement of seeds and bulbs, plants, flowers etc. On the other hand gardening is all about the planning and planting of an area to secure a relationship between the landscape and plants to meet the human needs for beauty and function in the best way. The present title has been planned and designed to meet the long - felt need for a book covering major aspects of important floriculture crops. This book would serve as a reliable source of information about all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture and ornamental horticulture for various uses including production technology of export quality flowers to the persons who are associated with or working in floriculture with the latest information for further advancement. In this book important aspects of floriculture are explained in a concise and easy to understand format using simple and lucid language. Encompassing 32 chapters the book is a detailed summary of facts, figures yet in a comprehensive way.