Towards a Perspective on Flow of Credit to Small and Marginal Farmers in India (CMA Publication No.240)

Book Description

Against the backdrop of consistent and continuous failure of the formal rural financial system to fulfill the goals and aspirations of government policy and poor masses, on the one hand, and the resilience of the traditional rural informal credit system, on the other, this study has applied the tools of institutional economics—especially those pertaining to information asymmetry and transaction costs to develop a conceptual framework to capture the broad features of the current rural credit scenario in India. Using a fairly large size data from 700 borrower households and 94 lending organizations across the country and over a period of three years, supplemented by case studies of several new generation credit organizations, it has evolved both demand and supply side perspective and action points to resolve the observed problems of rural credit—especially those pertaining to small farmers and other vulnerable (mostly landless) groups.

Agricultural Finance by Commercial Banks

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This book 'Agricultural Finance by Commercial Banks' is an attempt made by Dr. K. Sivaji, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., to establish the linkage between commercial bank loans and actual requirement by agricultural sectors. Bank finance is an important that the allocation of bank credit must be in accordance with the priorities of the plan. It is recognized that agricultural development pre-supposes a greater flow of inputs as well as institutional and organizational reforms. Agricultural credit is one of the most crucial inputs in all agricultural development programs. New Book

Farm Finance for Development

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Study with reference to agricultural credit in India.

State of Agricultural Finance in India

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Agricultural finance has come a long way in the past 15 years. After the concerted efforts of GOI, supported by RBI and NABARD, towards doubling of agricultural credit flow in 2004-2005, the growth in credit flow to the sector has been robust with an impressive CAGR of 18% between 2004--2005 and 2019-2020. While outreach increased, the Terms of Trade (Farmers and Non-farmers) has largely been on a declining trend, reflecting the underlying stressed conditions in farming. There is a challenge of inclusion, where small and marginal farmers continue to struggle for suitable and affordable credit products and access. This book summarizes the current state of agricultural finance in India, highlighting policy blind spots and grey areas. It documents the important advancements made in the agri-finance space in the last few years. The book covers various aspects of Agri-Finance Policy; institutional appetite and architecture for agriculture credit; formal financial services for enterprises in agriculture; agri-business, including FPOs; and innovations in credit, insurance, delivery mechanisms for agri-sector.

Institutional Credit Flow to Farmers in Hill

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The Indian Himalayan Region is divided into North-Eastern and North-Western Himalayan Region that includes 11 states out of which 3 states exist in North-Western Region.Uttarakhand is one of the 3 states embraced by North-Western Himalayan Region.Agriculture is the major occupation in hill region which mainly consists of small and marginal farmers.With saving being negligible among small and marginal farmers, agricultural credit appears to be an essential input for higher production. Although state is having different financial institutions for effective credit support to the farmers but many farmers do not get institutional credit in adequate quantity, at right time, at reasonable cost.Therefore there is need to focus on existing access to formal credit for agricultural purposes by different farmers in hill agriculture of Uttarakhand.The major policy implications of the study are the need to recast the Scale of Finance and to follow by different financial institutions,launch extension programmes regarding credit facilities,expansion of coverage area of financial institutions.

Emerging Issues on Rural Credit

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Proceedings of the National Workshop on Identifying the Weaknesses in the Structure and Operations of the Rural Credit Institutions, held at Bhubaneswar during 7-8 January 2005; with special reference to Orissa, State, India.

Institutional versus noninstitutional credit to agricultural households in India: Evidence on impact from a national farmers’ survey

Book Description

A goal of agricultural policy in India has been to reduce farmers’ dependence on informal credit. To that end, recent initiatives have been focused explicitly on rural areas and have had a positive impact on the flow of agricultural credit. But despite the significance of these initiatives in enhancing the flow of institutional credit to agriculture, the links between institutional credit and net farm income and consumption expenditures in India are not very well documented. Using a large national farm household–level dataset and instrumental variables two-stage least squares estimation methods, we investigate the impact of institutional farm credit on farm income and farm household consumption expenditures. Our findings show that in India, formal credit is indeed playing a critical role in increasing both the net farm income and per capita monthly household expenditures of Indian farm families. We also find that, in the presence of formal credit, social safety net programs such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) may have unintended consequences. In particular, MGNREGA reduces both net farm income and per capita monthly household consumption expenditures. In contrast, in the presence of formal credit, the Public Distribution System may increase both net farm income and per capita monthly household consumption expenditures.