Book Description
The day the Montreal Gazette announced that Canada had entered the war, William S. Lighthall and his adventurous friends departed the somber halls of McGill University. In a burst of patriotism they set out to join the Royal Canadian Dragoons. None of them expected World War I to last more than three months... All too soon they would experience the harsh reality of wave after wave of men slaughtered by enemy machine gun fire. Meet the general who refused to allow Lighthall to attack at night with hand grenades because it wouldn't be sporting. Experience the joy of flight in primitive heavier-than-air machines. Live the war with a man who collected the sniper's bullet that did not kill him; the cartridge when his plane was shot down. See how a shy teetotaling Canadian youth who has trouble talking to women is changed into a man who can drink his friends under the table and converse casually with the Prince of Wales.