Slovenia in Focus

Book Description

Knjiga, ki je bila izdana ob predsedovanju Slovenije Evropski uniji, vsebuje strnjene in nazorno (s preglednicami, statističnimi podatki, dodelanimi tematskimi zemljevidi ter številnimi barvnimi grafikoni in fotografijami) prikazane relevantne podatke o naši državi, od temeljnih kulturno-zgodovinskih podatkov do bistvenih informacijo naravnem okolju in družbenem razvoju. Na koncu sta dodana imensko kazalo preglednega zemljevida Slovenije na strani 31 in petjezični slovarček glavnih zemljepisnih izrazov.

Republic of Slovenia

Book Description

This 2002 Article IV Consultation highlights that the economic growth of Slovenia slowed in 2001 from about 4.5 percent to about 3 percent as domestic demand fell sharply and external demand weakened. Competitiveness remained strong and the current account deficit narrowed to about 1⁄2 percentage point of GDP. Real export growth decelerated from 12.7 percent in 2000 to 7.9 percent in the first three quarters of 2001. The planned reduction in the budget deficit in 2001 did not materialize because of expenditure overruns.

Slovenia and the EU

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Energy Demand Challenges in Europe

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This open access book examines the role of citizens in sustainable energy transitions across Europe. It explores energy problem framing, policy approaches and practical responses to the challenge of securing clean, affordable and sustainable energy for all citizens, focusing on households as the main unit of analysis. The book revolves around ten contributions that each summarise national trends, socio-material characteristics, and policy responses to contemporary energy issues affecting householders in different countries, and provides good practice examples for designing and implementing sustainable energy initiatives. Prominent concerns include reducing carbon emissions, energy poverty, sustainable consumption, governance, practices, innovations and sustainable lifestyles. The opening and closing contributions consider European level energy policy, dominant and alternative problem framings and similarities and differences between European countries in relation to reducing household energy use. Overall, the book is a valuable resource for researchers, policy-makers, practitioners and others interested in sustainable energy perspectives.

Focus on Transition

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Introduction to Slovenia

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Slovenia is a small country located in Central Europe. Its neighboring countries include Austria, Italy, Croatia, and Hungary. Despite its small size, Slovenia has a diverse landscape that ranges from the snow-capped peaks of the Julian Alps to the rolling hills of the wine-growing regions of the country. The country also has a rich history that dates back to prehistoric times when it was inhabited by the Celts. Slovenia gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 and has since become a member of the European Union and NATO. The country's economy relies heavily on exports and its service sector. Slovenia is also known for its natural beauty, with national parks and protected areas covering over 12% of its territory. The country attracts tourists with traditional cuisine, wine, and outdoor activities such as skiing and hiking.

OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Slovenia 2017

Book Description

This review assesses the performance of Slovenia, including looking at how Slovenia might increase the impact of its aid through a tighter thematic focus and geographic footprint, a stronger focus on results and better mainstreaming of gender and environment across its development co-operation.

The Foreign Policies of Post-Yugoslav States

Book Description

The post-Yugoslav states have developed very differently since Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s. This book analyzes the foreign policies of the post-Yugoslav states, thereby focusing on the main goals, actors, decision-making processes and influences on the foreign policies of these countries.


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