Foi Chrétienne

Book Description

De Lubac shows that Christian Tradition is a living force and in the Apostle's Creed there is both depth and relevance for today's understanding of the Christian message.


Book Description

La discussion dans laquelle nous nous engageons consiste à ressortir très clairement la position de la Bible, en générale, et, en particulier, celle des écrivains du Nouveau Testament en ce qui concerne la guérison et l'usage tant de médicaments que de tout service qui a trait à la profession médicale. Plusieurs questions brûlantes se rapportant à ce sujet sont abordées et une sérieuse analyse est entreprise dans l'objectif d'y pouvoir apporter des réponses satisfaisantes.La croyance en la guérison divine exclut-elle l'usage des médicaments Lorsqu'un Chrétien tombe malade et refuse de prendre des médicaments, lesquels, selon les médecins, l'auraient certainement guéri et que la mort s'en suive, peut-on qualifier cette mort d'acte héroïque de la foi ou tout simplement un acte suicidaire d'un Chrétien inconscient et tué par son ignorance?...Ce livre aborde aussi le problème de la transfusion sanguine, de la contraception et de dons d'organes dans une approche biblico-anthropologique.

Religion, Colonization and Decolonization in Congo, 1885-1960. Religion, colonisation et décolonisation au Congo, 1885-1960

Book Description

Religion in today’s Democratic Republic of Congo has many faces: from the overflowing seminaries and Marian shrines of the Catholic Church to the Islamic brotherhoods, from the healers of Kimban-guism to the televangelism of the booming Pentecostalist churches in the great cities, from the Orthodox communities of Kasai to the ‘invisible’ Mai Mai warriors in the brousse of Kivu. During the colonial period religion was no less central to people’s lives than it is today. More surprisingly, behind the seemingly smooth facade of missions linked closely to imperial power, faith and worship were already marked by diversity and dynamism, tying the Congo into broader African and global movements. The contributions in this book provide insight into the multifaceted history of the interaction between religion and colonization. The authors outline the institutional political framework, and focus on the challenge that old and new forms of slavery entailed for the missions. The atrocities committed at the time of the Congo Free State became an existential question for young Christian communities. In the Belgian Congo after 1908, more structural forms of colonial violence remained a key issue marking religious experiences. And yet, religion also acted as a bridge. The authors emphasize the role intermediaries such as catechists or medical assistants played in the African “appropriation” of Christianity. They examine the complex interaction with indigenous religious beliefs and practices, and zoom in on the part religions played in the independence movement, as well as on their reaction to independence itself. Coming at a moment when Belgium confronts its colonial past, this volume provides a timely reassessment of religion as a key factor.

L'Ibérie Chrétienne et le Maghreb (XIIe - XVe Siécles)

Book Description

The late Ch.-E. Dufourcq was one of the first to map out the relations between the Christian and Muslim coastlands of the medieval western Mediterranean. These studies reveal the extent of the contribution he made to the subject, and the care and attention with which he handled the scattered documentary sources. There are three main themes to the volume: one group of articles focuses on the political and diplomatic aspects of the relations between Spain (Catalonia in particular) and the Maghreb (the lands of the modern Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia); a second is concerned more with commercial contacts and with a comparison of the economic conditions north and south of the Mediterranean, and with the day-to-day life of the sailors and merchants who formed the link between the two. A third theme, most prominent in the final articles, is the social and economic history of Catalonia itself, a subject to which he returned in the final years of his life. Le regretté Ch.-E. Dufourcq à été l’un des premiers à établir les grandes lignes des rapports existant entre les pays côtiers chrétiens et musulmans de la Méditerannée occidentale durant le Moyen Age. Ces études revelent l’éntendue de la contribution de l’auteur à ce sujet, ainsi que le soin et l’attention avec lesquels il en a manié le s sources documentaires dispersées. On retrouve trois themes principeaux au travers de ce volume : un groupe d’articles se concentre sur les aspects politiques et diplomatiques des rapports entre l’Espagne, plus particulièrement la Catalogne, et le Maghreb; le seconde s’attache plus aux contracts commercieaux, comparant les conditions économiques du Nord et du Sud de la Méditérranee, et à la vie quotidienne des marins et des marchands qui formaient le lien entre les deux. Un troisième théme, plus proéminent dans les derniers articles, écrits par l’auteur vers à la fin de sa vie, est celui de l’histoire sociale et économique de la Catalogne elle-