Follow the Prophet (Salla Llãhu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and Gain Allah's Special Love

Book Description

Have you ever had a person who loved you even before the day you were born? You may think it is your mother or father, but actually it is the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace be upon him. Read this booklet to follow the guidance of our Prophet of Mercy and implement his daily habits into your own life.

Samaa’ “Glorifying God Almighty Allah and His Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) with Sweet Voice & Tambourine”

Book Description

In the name of Allah the Most beneficent and Most Merciful All the praise to Allah and His Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be on him. Allah says in holy Quran: Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah, the King (of everything), Holy, All-Mighty, All-Wise. Holy Quran 62:1 Since I read this verse of Holy Quran and its meaning, I was pondering while everything in the universe is praising Allah almighty, why are we not able to hear it? As my thinking and knowledge matured, I realized that every element has a molecule and its own atomic structure with its own nucleus with electron, proton and neutron which forms the particular element. Few electrons in the atomic structure circulate around its nucleus which can be seen with the help of an electron microscope. Then I realized that each element has a life of its own and human ears are unable to hear the movement of the electrons in it. It is surprising as Holy Quran mentions that the animal beings, plants, mountains, and the birds used to join Prophet Dawood (David) alaihissalaam in his praising of Allah Almighty and the mountains would swing. It is also said, that a camel had complained to Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam about his master mistreating him. It is also said that the plants moved away with their roots to cover Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam when he had to attend to natures call in a field. It is said that Hazrat Ali raziallahu anhu could tell what the conch said when it was blown. Hazrat Jalaluddin Rumi went into a trance upon hearing the rhythmic sound at the shop of a gold beater. It is also proven that music even affects the milk-giving animals to increase its output, load-bearing animals can carry load without getting tired early, hunters catch the deer that go under trance of music and even plants bear more fruits. Well, the best rhythmic sound is of pronouncing the verses of Holy Quran with the best human voice, which was even liked by our Holy Prophet Peace be on him. Even the kuffar, non believers, used to hide and hear the recitation of Holy Quran and enjoy it. Next enjoyable is poetry with meaningful words and later is the music created by lifeless instruments. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam has permitted singing with tambourine. He, peace be on him, used to enjoy good poetry and he even permitted his companion Hazrat Hassaan bin Thabit to recite a poetry condemning kuffar sitting on the pulpit of the mosque. Music is permitted in almost all religions and the Hindus of India in particular have developed it as an art. The Muslim Sufis of Chishtia Tareeq have also adapted rhythmic poetry and Hazrat Ameer Khusroo, may Allah bless him, has invented certain Raagaas and even developed certain musical instruments. Hence it is proven that lifeless instruments create rhythm which praises Allah Almighty. Even human beings praise Allah Almighty and His Holy Prophet peace be on him through their rhythmic poetry, which serves them to get closer to Allaahu Taala. It should be noted that music could be even used wrongly by people just to satisfy their lust and increase their devilish thoughts. For this reason, the Sufis have laid certain rules to gain only the spiritual benefits and keep them away from its negative effects. It is still seen that few deviated Sufis are using music for a wrong cause and this has to be stopped. In this context, I have collected quotations from Holy Quran and Ahadeeth, sayings of famous and rightly guided scholars and Sufis on the topic Rhythmic poetry and music. I hope this booklet shall remove the misunderstanding from everyones mind and provide guidance. I pray that Allah Almighty be pleased and accept my endeavors in this regard and may Allahu Taala send His praises upon His Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and his progeny and companions, Aameen. Anwar Haroon. Sugar Land, TX, USA July15, 2014

Allah Loves

Book Description

In Allah Loves... Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become one of those who are beloved to Him. The Prophet Muhammad said that one of the supplications of Prophet Dawud was, “O Allah I ask You for Your love and the love of those that love You and all of those actions that would bring me closer to being loved by you.” Looking at our actions, characteristics and beliefs, this book will help us become better people, citizens and believers that are deserving of Allah's endless, infinite and ever-lasting love. Made up of 30 short and spiritually enriching chapters, this book is a reminder that throughout our lives, the Creator's love is always there, increasing through everyday actions such as showing generosity or remaining consistent with unnoticeable good deeds.

Prayers of the Pious

Book Description

This inspirational collection of prayers and reminders is the perfect companion for anyone who wishes to connect to the Divine. Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with thirty short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives. Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul. By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment.

For Those Left Behind

Book Description

As our community encounters death at an increasing rate, how do we honor those who have left us beyond the Janazah? How can the families of our deceased brothers and sisters cope and grow, while staying connected to their loved ones? This book is meant to provide guidance spiritually to those who are grieving, while also covering the rulings associated with death and mourning for practical purposes. We pray that this will offer clarity and comfort to those who need it most in these difficult times.

Slavery and Islam

Book Description

What happens when authorities you venerate condone something you know is wrong? Every major religion and philosophy once condoned or approved of slavery, but in modern times nothing is seen as more evil. Americans confront this crisis of authority when they erect statues of Founding Fathers who slept with their slaves. And Muslims faced it when ISIS revived sex slavery, justifying it with verses from the Quran and the practice of Muhammad. Exploring the moral and ultimately theological problem of slavery, Jonathan A.C. Brown traces how the Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions have tried to reconcile modern moral certainties with the infallibility of God’s message. He lays out how Islam viewed slavery in theory, and the reality of how it was practiced across Islamic civilization. Finally, Brown carefully examines arguments put forward by Muslims for the abolition of slavery.

The Ahlul-Bayt; Ethical Role-Models

Book Description

This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Ahlulbayt Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. Ahlulbayt Organization ( is a registered Organization that operates and is sustained through collaborative efforts of volunteers in many countries around the world, and it welcomes your involvement and support. Its objectives are numerous, yet its main goal is to spread the truth about the Islamic faith in general and the Shi`a School of Thought in particular due to the latter being misrepresented, misunderstood and its tenets often assaulted by many ignorant folks, Muslims and non-Muslims. Organization's purpose is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge through a global medium, the Internet, to locations where such resources are not commonly or easily accessible or are resented, resisted and fought! In addition, For a complete list of our published books please refer to our website ( or send us an email to [email protected]

Then I Was Guided

Book Description

The first book of Dr. Taijani after having been guided to Shia Islam . A true story about how the light of truth was ignited in his heart. Every sincere Muslim is invited to read this book attentively, because there are explicit evidences and answers to the main issues on which the Shiites are blamed.

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad

Book Description

All Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the [One Who] Sustains the Heavens and Earths, Director of all that is created, who sent the Messengers (may the peace and blessings of Allah beupon all of them) to rational beings, to guide them and explain the religious laws to them with clearproofs and undeniable arguments. I praise Him for all of His bounties. I ask Him to increase HisGrace and Generosity. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone, whohas no partner, the One, Who Subdues, the Generous, the Forgiving. I bear witness that our leaderMuhammad is His servant and Messenger, His beloved and dear one, the best of all creation. Hewas honoured with the Glorious Qur'an that has been an enduring miracle throughout the years.He was also sent with his guiding Sunnah that shows the way for those who seek guidance. Ourleader Muhammad has been particularised with the characteristic of eloquent and pithy speech, and simplicity and ease in the religion. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, theother Prophets and Messengers, all of their families and the rest of the righteous.NO Copyrights!!!This book can be printed or reproduced or utilized in any form or by anyelectronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, without permission from the publisherfor the sake of spreading the True teachings of Isl