Following God's Pedagogy

Book Description

In the 2020 Directory for Catechesis, the Church calls for a renewal of catechesis that focuses on bringing people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Solid formation is not only about teaching doctrine, but also, and more importantly, about forming disciples who have encountered and know Christ. In Following God’s Pedagogy, Sister Mary Michael Fox, OP, brings decades of experience in catechesis to offer a unique and proven model for children’s catechesis. She draws upon her deep catechetical experience and thorough research into the nature of the child, divine revelation, and catechetical methodology. She offers timely insight into how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) offers an approach to children’s catechesis that forms the mind and heart of the child, leading them into a deeper relationship with Christ and a life of discipleship. Bishops, diocesan catechetical directors, and all catechists will discover a way of faith formation of children that is sure to renew and strengthen catechesis for years to come.

Following God's Pedagogy

Book Description

In the 2020 Directory for Catechesis, the Church calls for a renewal of catechesis that focuses on bringing people to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Solid formation is not only about teaching doctrine, but also, and more importantly, about forming disciples who have encountered and know Christ. In Following God’s Pedagogy, Sister Mary Michael Fox, OP, brings decades of experience in catechesis to offer a unique and proven model for children’s catechesis. She draws upon her deep catechetical experience and thorough research into the nature of the child, divine revelation, and catechetical methodology. She offers timely insight into how the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) offers an approach to children’s catechesis that forms the mind and heart of the child, leading them into a deeper relationship with Christ and a life of discipleship. Bishops, diocesan catechetical directors, and all catechists will discover a way of faith formation of children that is sure to renew and strengthen catechesis for years to come.

The Way God Teaches

Book Description

God creates us out of infinite love for the purpose love. We are made to be in relationship with him, and it is God who initiates that relationship. To us, he reveals the truth about himself and his Creation. We call the way God reveals his truth to us the divine pedagogy. The word "pedagogy" comes from a Greek word meaning "to lead the child." Likewise, God's own manner of leading us, his children, toward himself, is God's pedagogy. The General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) states, "Catechesis as communication of divine Revelation, is radically inspired by the pedagogy of God, as displayed in Christ and in the Church" (143). We are called to hand on the truths of the faith not merely by doing our best according to human standards of theology and educational methodology, but rather by echoing God's own way of teaching us his truths. Discover how God's pedagogy is -- Directed toward the individual human person Incarnational Relational Structured, systematic, and comprehensive Perpetual With each aspect of God's Divine pedagogy, psychologist and master catechist Dr. Joseph White provides a practical outline for structuring your own catechetical ministry. Let God lead you to a deeper understanding of how to pass on our Faith with the help of The Way God Teaches: Catechesis and the Divine Pedagogy.

God and the Teaching of Theology

Book Description

Theologians today are facing a crisis of identity. Are they members of the academy or the church? Is it still possible to be members of both? In God and the Teaching of Theology, Steven Harris argues a way through the impasse by encompassing both church and academy within the umbrella of the divine economy. To accomplish this, Harris uses St. Paul’s description of this economy in the opening chapters of his first letter to the Corinthians. Through Paul’s discussion of wisdom, the Spirit, and the apostles’ role in sharing that divine wisdom, theologians of the patristic, medieval, and Reformation eras found a description of their own work as educators; they discovered that they too had roles within the same divine economy. This book thus offers a rich description of the teaching of theology as part of God’s own divine pedagogy, stretching from God the teacher himself, through the nature of students and teachers of theology, to the goal of this pedagogy: human salvation in the knowledge of God. In addressing the current identity crisis of theology faculties, Harris looks backward in order to chart a way forward. His book will appeal to academic theologians, and to theological and church educators, pastors, and Christians interested in the relationship between academic study and their faith.

On Christian Teaching

Book Description

Christian teachers have long been thinking about what content to teach, but little scholarship has been devoted to how faith forms the actual process of teaching. Is there a way to go beyond Christian perspectives on the subject matter and think about the teaching itself as Christian? In this book David I. Smith shows how faith can and should play a critical role in shaping pedagogy and the learning experience.

Teaching about God and Spirituality

Book Description

A wide array of renowned scholars and practitioners share their ideas for teaching about God from a Jewish perspective in this comprehensive collection. This enlightening yet practical resource includes ready-to-use lessons for preschool through adult and family education as well as background material to enrich the teacher's own sense of God and spirituality. Chapters include: "Writing a Personal Theology," by Dr. Neil Gillman; "The Changing Perceptions of God in Judaism," by Rabbi Rifat Sonsino; "The Spiritual Condition of American Jews," by Dr. David Ariel; "The Image of God as Teacher," by Dr. Hanan Alexander; "Spiritual Mentoring," by Dr. Carol Ochs; "Tell Me a Story," by Rabbi Sandi Eisenberg Sasso.

Pedagogy and Education for Life

Book Description

There are many books on Christian education, but few consider pedagogy with a biblical focus on formation, and a grounding in varied related disciplines. This book seeks to recapture the term pedagogy and place it at the center of the teacher’s role—not as a pseudonym for other things, but as the critical foundation for the orchestration of classroom life. This is a view of pedagogy that accepts that children come to classrooms as inhabitants of multiple and varied communities. Some are known and shared with teachers, but many are not. Children cannot be left to find their way in the world, for as they encounter competing and contradictory worlds, their hopes, dreams, and intentions are shaped. Teachers play a key role in students’ formation by “shaping” classroom life, for all of life is used by God to reveal himself. The things taught, the priorities set and activities planned, the experiences structured and books shared—indeed, everything in and outside school acts upon and shapes our students. Pedagogy is the vehicle for shaping the life of the school. Learning requires more than subject content and good teaching. The central task of teachers is the development of a pedagogy that shapes “life.” This book offers challenge and guidance as teachers engage in this noble task.

Follow Me As I Follow Christ

Book Description

Many children's teaching programs resemble carnivals instead of productive environments where a child can learn about Jesus Christ. This is often the result of having untrained teachers teaching Sunday school. Experienced Sunday school teacher, Cheryl Dunlop, fills this void by providing a practical teaching manual designed to ensure all those teaching Sunday school are equipped and motivated to do their best for the Lord. Follow Me as I Follow Christ explores issues like how to tell a story, methods of effective discipline, and interacting with individual needs of children. Divided into 52 weekly entries, it is designed to be read along with and help in teachers' class preparation.

God Our Teacher

Book Description

Noted Christian education professor and theorist Robert W. Pazmino shares the theological essentials to guide faithful educational thought and practices in the third millennium. He explores a prepositional theology that deepens the relationships between God and us through our teaching and learning together with spiritual wisdom.