Food loss analysis for tomato value chains in Egypt

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This report analyzes the value chain and presents a food loss assessment of tomato crop in Nubaria District and Sharqia Governorate, as part of the project “Food Loss and Waste Reduction and Value Chain Development for Food Security in Egypt and Tunisia” implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR) with funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. It aims to deepen understanding of the tomatoes value chain and the particular problem of food loss, in order to promote sustainable, market-based solutions that respond to the needs of small-scale holders.

Food loss analysis for grapes value chains in Egypt

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This report analyzes the value chain and presents a food loss assessment for grapes in Nubaria District, as part of the project “Food Loss and Waste Reduction and Value Chain Development for Food Security in Egypt and Tunisia” implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR) with funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. It aims to deepen understanding of the grapes value chain and the particular problem of food loss, in order to promote sustainable, market-based solutions that respond to the needs of small-scale holders.

Reducing food loss and waste in the Near East and North Africa

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Food loss and waste (FLW) reduction is an important component in the transformation of the region's agrifood systems. Addressing the drivers of FLW along value chains provides an opportunity to tackle some of the inherent problems within the NENA region agrifood systems and to contribute to goals such as: boosting incomes and employment, improving access to nutritious food, reducing the climate footprint, and improving the use of scarce natural resources, particularly arable land and water.

Transformation to low carbon agrifood value chains in Egypt

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This study presents opportunities for transformation to low carbon agrifood value chains through scaling up successful climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices. The study draws upon data from 173 Farmer Field Schools (FFS) conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as part of the IFAD-funded ‘Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods’ (SAIL) Project, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR) in Egypt. The study assesses the potential for increasing farmers’ incomes, decreasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and improving water-use efficiency (WUE) following the implementation of CSA interventions. It also analyses sustainable value chain production models for selected crops, with the goal of establishing climate-smart value chains that are economically feasible and present financial investment opportunities for small investors.

Innovations for inclusive and sustainable growth of domestic food value chains: Fruits and vegetables value chains in Nigeria scoping report

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Fruits & vegetable value chains (F&V VC) in Nigeria hold significant potential to continue toward sustainable, inclusive food system transformation. Domestic food system growth, including that of F&V, remains crucial in achieving a healthy food environment and serving as a source of various micronutrients. There is a need for bundles of innovations to address multiple challenges along F&V VC in Nigeria, characterized by a set of challenges that are unique to developing countries and F&V. V&F VC consists of many small actors, farmers, and traders, whereby limited vertical coordination can lead to significant efficiency loss along the value chain. Seasonal and temporal variations in supply-demand gaps for F&V commodities are substantial, and considerable scope exists for reducing losses and enhancing the overall efficiency of the domestic F&V sector. Policy environments are also favorable for such efforts, as the latest Agricultural Policy documents highlight the Nigerian government’s interest in modernizing F&V VC. Given the significant involvement of women and youths in the sector, F&V VC development has substantial potential to contribute to Nigeria's inclusive development of agrifood systems. The current domestic F&V VC in Nigeria suffers from various sets of problems. Access to quality seeds is limited due to the significant use of recycled seeds, limited supply, and high costs of certified seeds. Cooling practices are inefficient due to insufficient access to the grid and off-grid electricity, limited knowledge of intermediate cooling methods applicable at the farm gate, and constraining quality preservations at farm gate storage, during transportation, and storage at market premises. Processing is insufficient due to the high costs of processing equipment and limited knowledge of the construction and operation of simpler, less resource-dependent processing facilities, including drying of F&V commodities. Inappropriate packing, such as the use of Rafia baskets instead of Reusable Plastic Crates, which are commonly recognized, is still prevalent, potentially due to limited market coordination. Based on the stakeholder consultations, desk reviews, validation workshops, and availability of external resources, we identified the following as critical interventions to pilot various innovation bundles. Intervention #1 provides improved varieties and quality seeds, combined with agronomy training and certification, in northern Nigeria through the collaboration with East West Seeds and Wageningen University & Research. Intervention #2 provides off-grid cooling and cool transportation, including forced-air evaporative cooling units at farm clusters and the combination of small and large refrigerated trucks for local and longer-distance transportation, through the collaboration with ColdHubs and MIT-Lab. Intervention #3 introduces improved solar dryers and provides training on appropriate, hygienic processing methods, building, and utilization of these driers (possibly combined with the introduction of a business model), through the collaboration with World Vegetable Center and Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute. Intervention #4 provides plastic crates using various rental arrangements and improves market access for farmers through collaboration with private companies, including Bunkasa. Intervention #5 supplements interventions #1, #2, and #3 and provides improved information through certification and labeling. Lastly, Intervention #6 strengthens linkages between existing solar powered cold storages to supplement other interventions.

Development, Political, and Economic Difficulties in the Caribbean

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This edited volume focuses on the attempts of various Caribbean countries to diversify their economies and societies. It is done in the context of political and economic difficulties that these countries have faced since the 2007-2008 economic crash and how successful they have been in moving their economies in a different direction. The contributors use very distinct levels of analysis in order to provide a nuanced view of diversification efforts in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Cuba, the French Antilles, and the Dutch Antilles. The book will appeal to academic researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and everyone who is interested in the politics and development of the Caribbean region.

Postharvest Extension and Capacity Building for the Developing World

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It is estimated that around 1.3 billion tons per year of food produced for human consumption, which is about one-third of all food produced, is either lost or wasted globally. Reduction of the postharvest losses is being considered as one of the sustainable ways to ensure world food security. Postharvest Extension and Capacity Building for the Developing World provides information on postharvest extension/outreach programs, capacity building, and practical methodologies for postharvest extension professionals and food science teachers, food processing trainers, and outreach specialists who work in the field. The book provides information on training of postharvest trainers, food loss assessment methods, capacity building in universities and agro-industry, distance education methods, models for cost effective postharvest/food processing extension work, success stories, and lessons learned from past projects and programs. The book is divided into four sections. Section I explains postharvest loss assessments methods, Section II is on capacity building, and Sections III and IV focus on training and postharvest extension models. Food loss assessment methodologies are highlighted from several high-profile institutions and it is envisioned that researchers and postharvest extension personnel will benefit from the development and field testing of a hybrid methodology, incorporating the strengths and utilizing the best practices from each of the methodologies in current use. Chapters cover postharvest extension work and capacity building in a wide range of regions.

Fruits and Vegetable Wastes

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This book puts together all aspects of valorization of vegetable and fruit wastes (VFWs) into different biocommodities and platform chemicals using fermentation and non-fermentation processes. VFWs are a special group of solid waste (biomass) that needs to be characterized to understand the nature of applications as raw materials and to propose an appropriate methodology for bioprocessing into value-added commodities. VFWs provide favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms, and this opens up great opportunities for their use in fermentation processes. For example, VFWs can be used as a solid support, carbon, and nutrient source in fermentation for the production of a variety of value-added biocommodities such as enzymes, single-cell proteins, bioadsorbents, phenolic bioactive compounds, aroma and flavor compounds, and platform chemicals like lactic acid, bioethanol, and biobutanol. Researchers and academics in the area of environmental science and engineering, chemical engineering, biotechnology, life science, and food science and technology, undergraduate and graduate students, industry professionals, and policymakers will find this publication useful. Bioprocessing of agro-wastes is a recent technology for developing novel bioproducts. This book will also be of interest to the general public as a reference for all those interested in waste management.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2019

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The need to reduce food loss and waste is firmly embedded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Food loss and waste reduction is considered important for improving food security and nutrition, promoting environmental sustainability and lowering production costs. However, efforts to reduce food loss and waste will only be effective if informed by a solid understanding of the problem. This report provides new estimates of the percentage of the world’s food lost from production up to the retail level. The report also finds a vast diversity in existing estimates of losses, even for the same commodities and for the same stages in the supply chain. Clearly identifying and understanding critical loss points in specific supply chains – where considerable potential exists for reducing food losses – is crucial to deciding on appropriate measures. The report provides some guiding principles for interventions based on the objectives being pursued through food loss and waste reductions, be they in improved economic efficiency, food security and nutrition, or environmental sustainability.

The State of Food Loss Along Perishable Vegetable Supply Chains

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This research was done in the context of tomato supply chains in Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh and Hyderabad city, Telangana. The study aims were (1) to examine the extent, stages and determinants of food loss along tomato supply chains from farmer to retail; (2) to identify important quality attributes across supply chain actors and the relationships between quality metrics, both subjective and objective; and (3) to critically compare institutional food loss and waste (FL&W) definitional frameworks used with a collective smallholder vegetable farmer definitional framework. Food loss surveys of were carried out across 75 smallholder farm households, 83 tomato traders, 52 vegetable traders and 50 vegetable retailers from February 2019 to March 2020. Data on tomato production and harvest (at the farm level), post-harvest and marketing, tomato quality, food loss, food quality loss, and demographics were collected. Tomato ascorbic acid concentrations were measured from tomatoes collected at harvest and wholesale market stages, for comparison with survey food quality data. Pile sort group discussions and focus group discussions with farmers contributed valuable insights into farmer decision-making processes with regard to production, harvest, post-harvest and marketing of tomatoes and other perishable vegetables. Food loss was concentrated at the farmer stage, specifically at the farm-level. Greater post-harvest, farm-level loss was significantly associated with greater pre-harvest quality loss. Harvests during peak harvest season were significantly associated with lower pre-harvest quality loss, post-harvest loss and market-level, pre-auction loss. With regard to quality, farmers make harvesting decisions based on the color/ripeness level of tomatoes. Post-harvest, tomato size and evidence of pest or physical damage become important quality indicators during grading and sorting. All other supply chain actors consider several observable quality attributes to assess tomato quality. Market grades have distinguished quality intensities within and between supply chain actors. The ascorbic acid concentration of tomatoes, a marker of nutrient quality, was significantly associated with quality intensity and tomato ripeness levels. Finally, three major gaps were identified where institutional FL&W definitional frameworks do not align with smallholder farmer frameworks. Some institutional frameworks do not count animal feed as a loss destination, they exclude the pre-harvest stage when produce is market ready from loss estimates, and they do not measure food quality loss. Taken together, findings from this research demonstrate that farm-level supply chain stages, from pre-harvest to post-harvest, are critical points where food loss of tomatoes occurs. Food loss and waste definitional frameworks are the backbone of measurement frameworks. Institutional food loss and waste frameworks that influence global, national and subnational policies should consider the overarching food loss and waste measurement and reduction objectives in the context of specific food groups and supply chain contexts.