Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification

Book Description

Studies with the foraminiferida have often been hindered by widely scattered, inaccessible sources. This two-volume reference (text in one volume, plates in the other) examines 3,568 of the world's generic taxa, representing all geologic ages. Covering twice the number of genera as any other available reference, it is by far the most complete source on the foraminiferida.

Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification

Book Description

Studies with the foraminiferida have often been hindered by widely scattered, inaccessible sources. This two-volume reference (text in one volume, plates in the other) examines 3,568 of the world's generic taxa, representing all geologic ages. Covering twice the number of genera as any other available reference, it is by far the most complete source on the foraminiferida.

Paleogene Shallow Benthos of the Tethys, 1

Book Description

Seznam literature o paleogenskih velikih foraminiferah, ki ga je v glavnem sestavil Johannes S. Pignatti, je zelo izčrpen seznam referenc o stratigrafiji, paleoekologiji, morfologiji in taksonomiji paleogenskih velikih foraminifer. Tovrstna literatura seže prav na začetek geološke znanosti in je mnogokrat raztresena v težko dostopnih in manj znanih publikacijah. Sedaj je ta velika količina podatkov, ki bi sicer ostali znani samo redkim specialistom, postala dostopna širši javnosti. Predstavlja nepogrešljivo orodje za vsakogar, ki se ukvarja s katerimkoli področjem geologije in paleontologije paleogena. Kamnine s paleogenskimi velikimi foraminiferami tvorijo marsikje pomembne kolektorje za nafto ali pa so v njih nahajališča drugih gospodarsko pomembnih surovin. Pričujoči seznam bo tako dobrodošel ne le akademskim raziskovalcem, temveč tudi tistim, ki se v praksi ukvarjajo z izkoriščanjem naravnih bogastev.

The Evolution of Paleontological Art

Book Description

"This volume samples the history of art about fossils-and the visual conceptualization of their significance-starting with biblical and mythological depictions, extending to renditions of ancient life in long-vanished habitats, and on to a modern understanding that paleoart conveys lessons for the betterment of the human condition. Twenty-nine chapters illustrate how art about fossils has come to be a significant teaching tool not only about evolution of past life, but also about conservation of our planet for the benefit of future generations"--

Open-file Report

Book Description