Forging a New Heimat

Book Description

In the aftermath of World War II, twelve million German expellees lost their homes in Central and Eastern Europe. The overwhelming majority came to occupied Germany. However, expellees found themselves also stranded in Western Europe, Africa and the Americas, which is often overlooked by researchers and the public. Going beyond the standard narratives of flight, vigilante evictions and transfers, this book follows expellees in West Germany and Canada and shows, for example, how German prisoners-of-war, exilees or immigrants experienced the expulsions in distant Canada. As the author illustrates making extensive use of oral histories, their experiences were an integral part of the multi-faceted expellee story even though they were physically absent from their homes. Juxtaposing the record of two countries with disparate public discourses on immigration, the author also reveals how in both countries expellees eventually adopted national identities which, based on their ethno-regional heritage, reflected their experience of extreme nationalism, war and expulsion as well as the initially difficult settlement into a new political, social and cultural environment.

Forging a New Heimat

Book Description

Rund zwölf Millionen Deutsche verloren nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ihr Heim in Mittel-und Osteuropa. Der größte Teil davon kam ins besetzte Deutschland. Meist bleibt in Forschung und Öffentlichkeit unbeachtet, dass sich auch Deutsche aus den Vertreibungsgebieten in Westeuropa, Afrika und Amerika befanden. Dieses Buch richtet seinen Blick auf Vertriebene in Westdeutschland und Kanada und zeichnet damit Erfahrungen nach, die in den Standardnarrativen zu Flucht und Vertreibung nicht vorkommen. So dokumentiert der Autor die Vertreibungserfahrungen von deutschen Kriegsgefangenen, Exilanten und Einwanderern, die in der Ferne Kanadas ihr Hab und Gut verloren. Auch derartige Erfahrungen gehören zur facettenreichen Geschichte der Vertreibung. Der Autor verglicht zwei Länder mit grundlegend unterschiedlichen öffentlichen Diskursen zur Einwanderung. Er stellt außerdem dar, wie in Westdeutschland und Kanada Vertriebene schließlich nationale Identitäten aushandelten, die, basierend auf ihrem regionalen Kulturerbe, ihre Erfahrungen mit extremem Nationalismus, Krieg und Vertreibung wie auch die mit einigen Hürden versetzte Anpassung an das neue politische, soziale und kulturelle Umfeld reflektieren.


Book Description

When they were creating and releasing their most influential albums in the mid to late 1970s, Kraftwerk were far from the musical mainstream - and yet it is impossible now to imagine the history of popular music without them. Today, Kraftwerk are considered to be an essential part of pop's DNA, alongside artists like the Beatles, the Velvet Underground, and Little Richard. Kraftwerk's immediate influence might have been on a generation of synth-based bands (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, the Human League, Depeche Mode, Yello, et al), but their influence on the emerging dance culture in urban America has proved longer lasting and more decisive. This collection of original essays looks at Kraftwerk - their legacy and influence - from a variety of angles, and demonstrates persuasively and coherently that however you choose to define their art, it's impossible to underestimate the ways in which it predicted and shaped the future.

Transnationalism and German-Language Literature in the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

This book examines how German-language authors have intervened in contemporary debates on the obligation to extend hospitality to asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants; the terrorist threat post-9/11; globalisation and neo-liberalism; the opportunities and anxieties of intensified mobility across borders; and whether transnationalism necessarily implies the end of the nation state and the dawn of a new cosmopolitanism. The book proceeds through a series of close readings of key texts of the last twenty years, with an emphasis on the most recent works. Authors include Terézia Mora, Richard Wagner, Olga Grjasnowa, Marlene Streeruwitz, Vladimir Vertlib, Navid Kermani, Felicitas Hoppe, Daniel Kehlmann, Ilija Trojanow, Christian Kracht, and Christa Wolf, representing the diversity of contemporary German-language writing. Through a careful process of juxtaposition and differentiation, the individual chapters demonstrate that writers of both minority and nonminority backgrounds address transnationalism in ways that certainly vary but which also often overlap in surprising ways.

Beyond the Nation?

Book Description

Beyond the Nation? explores the lives of German-Canadian immigrants between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries — from the Moravian missionaries who came to Labrador in the 1770s to the German refugees who arrived in Canada after the Second World War. Internationally renowned historians of migration — including Dirk Hoerder and the late Christiane Harzig — detail these German-Canadians' experiences of immigration by investigating their imagined communities and collective memories. Beyond the Nation? outlines how German-Canadians invented ethnicity under Canadian expectations, and provides moving case studies of how notable immigrant groups integrated into Canadian society. Other topics explored include literary constructions of German-Canadian identity, analyses of language use among these immigrants, and aspects of their lives that can be interpreted as transcultural and gendered. Transcending the master narrative of immigration as nation building, Beyond the Nation? charts a new course for immigration studies.

Romania and the Quest for European Identity

Book Description

Exploring the largely positive representations of Romanian Germans predominating in post-1989 Romanian society, this book shows that the underlying reasons for German prestige are strongly connected with Romania’s endeavors to become European. The election, in 2014, of Klaus Iohannis as Romania’s president was hailed as evidence that the country chose a 'European’ future: that Iohannis belonged to Romania’s tiny German minority was also considered to have played a part in his success. Cercel argues that representations of Germans in Romania, descendants of twelfth-century and eighteenth-century colonists, become actually a symbolic resource for asserting but also questioning Romania’s European identity. Such representations link Romania’s much-desired European belonging with German presence, whilst German absence is interpreted as a sign of veering away from Europe. Investigating this case of discursive "self-colonization" and this apparent symbolic embrace of the German Other in Romania, the book offers a critical study of the discourses associated with Romania’s postcommunist "Europeanization" to contribute a better understanding of contemporary West-East relationships in the European context. This fresh and insightful approach will interest postgraduates and scholars interested in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and in German minorities outside Germany. It should also appeal to scholars of memory studies and those interested in the study of otherness in general.

Being German Canadian

Book Description

Being German Canadian explores how multi-generational families and groups have interacted and shaped each other’s integration and adaptation in Canadian society, focusing on the experiences, histories, and memories of German immigrants and their descendants. As one of Canada’s largest ethnic groups, German Canadians allow for a variety of longitudinal and multi-generational studies that explore how different generations have negotiated and transmitted diverse individual experiences, collective memories, and national narratives. Drawing on recent research in memory and migration studies, this volume studies how twentieth-century violence shaped the integration of immigrants and their descendants. More broadly, the collection seeks to document the state of the field in German-Canadian history. Being German Canadian brings together senior and junior scholars from History and related disciplines to investigate the relationship between, and significance of, the concepts of generation and memory for the study of immigration and ethnic history. It aims to move immigration historiography towards exploring the often fraught relationship among different immigrant generations—whether generation is defined according to age cohort or era of arrival.

Refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe in British Overseas Territories

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This special issue focusses on refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe in British colonies, dominions and overseas territories. It deals with aspects like internment, identity and cultural representation in not well-known destinations of forced migration like India, New Zealand, Canada or Kenya.

Refugee Crises, 1945-2000

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This timely study explores how societies have responded to mass inflows of refugees between 1945 and 2000.

Festival, Culture, and Identity in Lübeck

Book Description

In this study Erika L. Briesacher argues that festivals in Lübeck, Germany spanning 1920 to 1960 demonstrate interlocking economic, social, and cultural factors that contribute to local, national, and international identity formation. Focusing on institutional records as well as public discourse and material artifacts, the author traces the mobilization of “Nordic” as a distinctly German in-group during the Weimar, Nazi, and early Cold War eras, highlighting particular ways participants included and excluded racial, religious, and other cultural identities in their own “imagined community.” Focusing on the festival as both a site of participation and consumption, the author assesses two postwar periods as well as the legacy of the Holocaust in a northwest German town.