A look at development

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Formação docente e profissional

Book Description

A escola, a profissão docente e a formação inicial e permanente dos professores são analisadas neste livro, que oferece elementos para abandonar o conceito de professor(a) tradicional, acadêmico ou enciclopedista, bem como o de especialista/técnico, cuja função primordial é transmitir conhecimento aplicando, de forma mecânica, receita e procedimento de intervenção planejados e oferecidos a partir de fora. O professor, em conjunto com a escola e a comunidade que a envolve, deve ter um papel mais ativo no planejamento, desenvolvimento, avaliação e reformulação de estratégias e programas educacionais, para que a instituição educativa possa de fato educar na vida e para a vida.

International Handbook of Teacher Education

Book Description

The International Handbooks of Teacher Education cover major issues in the field through chapters that offer detailed literature reviews designed to help readers to understand the history, issues and research developments across those topics most relevant to the field of teacher education from an international perspective. This volume is divided into two sections: The organisation and structure of teacher education; and, knowledge and practice of teacher education. The first section explores the complexities of teacher education, including the critical components of preparing teachers for teaching, and various aspects of teaching and teacher education that create tensions and strains. The second examines the knowledge and practice of teacher education, including the critical components of teachers’ professional knowledge, the pedagogy of teacher education, and their interrelationships, and delves into what we know and why it matters in teacher education.

Curriculum Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World

Book Description

This book brings together voices and perspectives from across the world and draws in a new generation of curriculum scholars to provide fresh insight into the contemporary field. By opening up Curriculum Studies with contributions from twelve countries—including every continent—the book outlines and exemplifies the challenges and opportunities for transnational curriculum inquiry. While curriculum remains largely shaped and enabled nationally, global policy borrowing and scholarly exchange continue to influence local practice. Contributors explore major shared debates and future implications through four key sections: Decolonising the Curriculum; Knowledge Questions and Curriculum Dilemmas; Nation, History, Curriculum; and Curriculum Challenges for the Future.

Teacher Education

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Focusing on values in education, these writings present current debates on fundamental issues. These include: who decides the values, what are the key accompanying issues, and what are their religious, moral and political dimensions and implications.

University Partnerships for Pre-service and Teacher Development

Book Description

This volume examines the diverse ways in which universities and colleges around the world are partnering and collaborating with other institutions to fulfill their missions and visions.

International Perspectives on Teacher Education

Book Description

This book explores major factors impacting on teacher education in recent times. It uses examples from a broad range of international contributors who compare larger countries such as the USA, England and Australia with their smaller partners: Canada, Scotland and New Zealand, demonstrating the substantial differences existent in all three cases. They also contrast the approaches of the countries that are members of the European Union with those that are not and discuss the special circumstances of developing countries, using Malawi as a case study. The international dimension of the book allows it to address the impact of globalisation on teacher education, with attention given to subjects such as the implications of rapid technological change, the movement of teachers and students on a global level and the drive to improve standards in various parts of the world. The book asks key questions, such as whether teaching is a craft or a profession and whether teacher educators view themselves as practitioners or researchers. The question of how the profession is viewed from outside is also addressed, highlighting the lack of trust displayed by politicians and communities towards both teachers and teacher educators. The final chapter looks to the future, and considers strategies for dealing with it. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Education for Teaching.

Arquitetura da Educação

Book Description

A educação é um processo natural, ela se fundamenta no desenvolvimento interno do aluno. As crianças são boas por natureza, elas têm uma tendência natural para se desenvolverem. Existe um distanciamento entre todos os seres humanos, este distanciamento precisa ser reduzido com elementos tirados da realidade conforme diz Pestalozzi. Neste sentido, o arquiteto representa a arte de construir esteticamente e funcionalmente estruturas com embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural, se tornando uma ciência pluridisciplinar. A arquiteto busca saber do distanciamento entre o ser humano e os meios em que vive atuando de forma pluridisciplinar e realizando assim uma exegese para então reformular o espaços, tornando-os confortáveis e contextualizados com a realidade do homem da atualidade. O docente assim como o arquiteto reconhece a distância entre ele e o aluno?, trazendo consigo embasamento cultural, filosófico, estrutural para construir sua aula, analisar seus alunos, a cultura em que vivem pois hoje existe a necessidade dos professores se adatarem com os alunos diante da distância que os separam.