Fort Sheridan, IL Base Closure. Environmental Impact Statement

Book Description

The action evaluated in this document includes the withdrawal from and closure of the assets at Fort Sheridan, Illinois; the disposal and potential reuse of installation real property; and the relocation of major units to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana (the primary receiving installation) and to a number of secondary receiving locations. This action is in accordance with the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act, Title II, Public Law 100-526, and recommendations of the Defense Secretary's Commission on Base Realignment and Closure. This Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared to identify the effects of the planned action on the natural, social and cultural environment at Fort Sheridan, and installations where Fort Sheridan services will be relocated. The document also addresses potential future uses for property to be disposed of at Fort Sheridan. The Fort Sheridan Base Closure Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was distributed on May 18, 1990, and the Notice of Availability appeared in the Federal Register on the same date. The notice initiated a 45 day comment period, which ended on July 2, 1990. Public hearings were held on June 11, 1990 at Lawrence Central High School Auditorium, Indianapolis, Indiana; and on June 21, 1990 at Northwood Junior High School Auditorium, Highland Park, Chicago. The results of the formal comment process have been documented in Section 5.5 of this Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).