Fortress Introduction to the Lutheran Confessions

Book Description

Gassmann and Hendrix expertly present the historical context for the Reformation in its beginnings and development as background to the emergence and gathering of the Confessions. Core chapters then explore (1) the structure of faith (Scripture as norm law-gospel framework, the Trinity, and justification), (2) Christian community (the sacraments, ministry, the nature of the church), and (3) the Christian life (the two reigns sin, sanctification, eternal life). A final chapter examines the role the Confessions play in today's ecumenical, pluralistic environment.

Fortress Introduction to Lutheranism

Book Description

A helpful and accessible guide to Lutheranism's history and central tenents, with numerous photos and illustrations.

The Lutheran Confessions

Book Description

In this important new volume, Arand, Kolb, and Nestingen bring the fruit of an entire generation of scholarship to bear on these documents, making it an essential and up-to-date class text. The Lutheran Confessions places the documents solidly within their political, social, ecclesiastical and theological contexts, relating them to the world in which they took place. Though the book is not a theology of the Confessions, readers will clearly understand the issues at stake in the narratives, both in their own time, and in ours.

Book of Harmony

Book Description

The Reformation-era writings that make up the Lutheran Confessions remain lively resources for Christian ministry and mission today. Because each of the documents within the Book of Concord was written with a specific context and rhetorical purpose in mind, each has its own compelling story and objectives. Luther’s catechisms present the faith for daily life at the grass-roots level, with teaching elements that we might now view as typical of social media and multimedia. The Augsburg Confession and its Apology provide an adaptable foundation for preaching, teaching, church organization, and dialogue that is rooted in the promise of Christ, received through faith. Fifteen years after the Diet of Worms, the Smalcald Articles reveal yet another “Here I stand” moment for Luther. Finally, the Formula of Concord shows how the next generations of Lutherans used collaboration and consensus as they wrestled with important themes of faith and life. In summary, as these texts engage us with their stories, they invite us to consider what is most important about our journeys of faith and Christian witness in today’s twenty-first-century contexts.

Fortress Introduction to the Gospels, Second Edition

Book Description

With clarity and verve, Mark Allen Powell introduces the beginning student to the contents and structure of the Gospels, their distinctive characteristics, and their major themes. An introductory chapter surveys the political, religious, and social world of the Gospels, methods of approaching early Christian texts, the genre of the Gospels, and the religious character of these writings. This second edition has been updated to take fuller account of different theories regarding the Gospels, with new chapters on the historical Jesus and on gospel literature not included in our New Testament, and with a pleasing new format. Special features include illustrations and more than two dozen special topics.

Studying the New Testament

Book Description

This book offers an introduction to the literature of the New Testament, demonstrating how these writings can be approached and critically studied in an academic setting. Bruce Chilton and Deidre J. Good, two respected New Testament scholars, provide a narrative of the historical context and social world of the books of the New Testament, a chronological survey of the Gospels and letters, and the remaining writings (Apocrypha, Apocalyptic) with their special focus on the emerging church. Together with textboxes, exercises, questions, further readings, maps, timeline, and glossary, this brief introduction surveys and employs leading methods of study and equips students with the general literacy needed for successful and serious study of New Testament writings.


Book Description

This useful guide offers a critical appraisal of a theological movement within the church catholic. The authors, a church historian and a systematic theologian, describe Lutheranism as centered in the fundamental principle of the Reformation, "justification by faith apart from works of law."The book focuses on the emergence of this chief article of faith as a proposal of dogma to the church ecumenical, its theological formulation, and its significance for the shaping of piety and doctrine. Each issue is treated in terms of both confessional history and systematic theology. Seminarians, pastors, teachers, and interested laypersons of all traditions will gain ecumenical insights as well as pertinent information from this work.

Issues in Contemporary Christian Thought

Book Description

Olson's clear and concise overview roots contemporary questions firmly in Christian responses to the Enlightenment. He discusses the range of contemporary opinions, their rationales, and what's at stake. Olson illustrates these alternate frameworks as they play out in central concerns over the being of God in relation to the universe, how to understand the figure of Christ today, and the distinctively new notions of being human. Specifically geared to the novice theologue in college or seminary settings, Olson's text includes Reflection/Research Questions, Suggestions for Further Reading, and a Glossary.

Historical Introductions to the Lutheran Confessions

Book Description

The history of the Lutheran Confessions is the story of men and women who risked everything, and in some cases died, for the sake of the truth of God's Word. Friederich Bente tells the dramatic story of their joys and sorrows, their defeats and victories, their fear and their courage, with a wealth of detailed first-hand reports and eyewitness accounts of the events, people, and places that make up the dramatic history of the Lutheran Confessions. Lutheran Christians who fail to remember their history are cast adrift in an increasingly stormy sea of controversy, division, and disregard for our Lord's Word and Sacraments. What is more, they rob themselves of the opportunity to thank and praise the Lord of the Church for His rich and varied blessings through specific persons, events, places, and times.

Lutheran Confessions

Book Description

Lutheran Confessions: I Believe It! will help learners and leaders learn about the confessional history of the Lutheran church and some of the people who have shared that faith story; discover how to compare Lutheran teaching about the gospel with the teachings of other world religions; and share and celebrate their own faith stories. (10 sessions)