Foundations of Grothendieck Duality for Diagrams of Schemes

Book Description

Part One of this book covers the abstract foundations of Grothendieck duality theory for schemes in part with noetherian hypotheses and with some refinements for maps of finite tor-dimension. Part Two extends the theory to the context of diagrams of schemes.

Foundations of Grothendieck Duality for Diagrams of Schemes

Book Description

The first part written by Joseph Lipman, accessible to mid-level graduate students, is a full exposition of the abstract foundations of Grothendieck duality theory for schemes (twisted inverse image, tor-independent base change,...), in part without noetherian hypotheses, and with some refinements for maps of finite tor-dimension. The ground is prepared by a lengthy treatment of the rich formalism of relations among the derived functors, for unbounded complexes over ringed spaces, of the sheaf functors tensor, hom, direct and inverse image. Included are enhancements, for quasi-compact quasi-separated schemes, of classical results such as the projection and Künneth isomorphisms. In the second part, written independently by Mitsuyasu Hashimoto, the theory is extended to the context of diagrams of schemes. This includes, as a special case, an equivariant theory for schemes with group actions. In particular, after various basic operations on sheaves such as (derived) direct images and inverse images are set up, Grothendieck duality and flat base change for diagrams of schemes are proved. Also, dualizing complexes are studied in this context. As an application to group actions, we generalize Watanabe's theorem on the Gorenstein property of invariant subrings.

Studies in Duality on Noetherian Formal Schemes and Non-Noetherian Ordinary Schemes

Book Description

This volume contains three papers on the foundations of Grothendieck duality on Noetherian formal schemes and on not-necessarily-Noetherian ordinary schemes. The first paper presents a self-contained treatment for formal schemes which synthesizes several duality-related topics, such as local duality, formal duality, residue theorems, dualizing complexes, etc. Included is an exposition of properties of torsion sheaves and of limits of coherent sheaves. A second paper extends Greenlees-May duality to complexes on formal schemes. This theorem has important applications to Grothendieck duality. The third paper outlines methods for eliminating the Noetherian hypotheses. A basic role is played by Kiehl's theorem affirming conservation of pseudo-coherence of complexes under proper pseudo-coherent maps. This work gives a detailed introduction to the subject of Grothendieck Duality. The approach is unique in its presentation of a complex series of special cases that build up to the main results.

K-theory in Algebra, Analysis and Topology

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the ICM 2018 satellite school and workshop K-theory conference in Argentina. The school was held from July 16–20, 2018, in La Plata, Argentina, and the workshop was held from July 23–27, 2018, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The volume showcases current developments in K-theory and related areas, including motives, homological algebra, index theory, operator algebras, and their applications and connections. Papers cover topics such as K-theory of group rings, Witt groups of real algebraic varieties, coarse homology theories, topological cyclic homology, negative K-groups of monoid algebras, Milnor K-theory and regulators, noncommutative motives, the classification of C∗-algebras via Kasparov's K-theory, the comparison between full and reduced C∗-crossed products, and a proof of Bott periodicity using almost commuting matrices.

Algebraic Geometry II: Cohomology of Schemes

Book Description

This book completes the comprehensive introduction to modern algebraic geometry which was started with the introductory volume Algebraic Geometry I: Schemes. It begins by discussing in detail the notions of smooth, unramified and étale morphisms including the étale fundamental group. The main part is dedicated to the cohomology of quasi-coherent sheaves. The treatment is based on the formalism of derived categories which allows an efficient and conceptual treatment of the theory, which is of crucial importance in all areas of algebraic geometry. After the foundations are set up, several more advanced topics are studied, such as numerical intersection theory, an abstract version of the Theorem of Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch, the Theorem on Formal Functions, Grothendieck's algebraization results and a very general version of Grothendieck duality. The book concludes with chapters on curves and on abelian schemes, which serve to develop the basics of the theory of these two important classes of schemes on an advanced level, and at the same time to illustrate the power of the techniques introduced previously. The text contains many exercises that allow the reader to check their comprehension of the text, present further examples or give an outlook on further results.

Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This book surveys fundamental current topics in these two areas of research, emphasising the lively interaction between them. Volume 1 contains expository papers ideal for those entering the field.

Derived Categories

Book Description

The first systematic exposition of the theory of derived categories, with key applications in commutative and noncommutative algebra.

Foundations of Algebraic Geometry

Book Description

This classic is one of the cornerstones of modern algebraic geometry. At the same time, it is entirely self-contained, assuming no knowledge whatsoever of algebraic geometry, and no knowledge of modern algebra beyond the simplest facts about abstract fields and their extensions, and the bare rudiments of the theory of ideals.

Grothendieck Duality and Base Change

Book Description

Grothendieck's duality theory for coherent cohomology is a fundamental tool in algebraic geometry and number theory, in areas ranging from the moduli of curves to the arithmetic theory of modular forms. Presented is a systematic overview of the entire theory, including many basic definitions and a detailed study of duality on curves, dualizing sheaves, and Grothendieck's residue symbol. Along the way proofs are given of some widely used foundational results which are not proven in existing treatments of the subject, such as the general base change compatibility of the trace map for proper Cohen-Macaulay morphisms (e.g., semistable curves). This should be of interest to mathematicians who have some familiarity with Grothendieck's work and wish to understand the details of this theory.