Four Last Songs

Book Description

Aging and creativity can seem a particularly fraught relationship for artists, who often face age-related difficulties as their audience’s expectations are at a peak. In Four Last Songs, Linda and Michael Hutcheon explore this issue via the late works of some of the world’s greatest composers. Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901), Richard Strauss (1864–1949), Olivier Messiaen (1908–92), and Benjamin Britten (1913–76) all wrote operas late in life, pieces that reveal unique responses to the challenges of growing older. Verdi’s Falstaff, his only comedic success, combated Richard Wagner’s influence by introducing young Italian composers to a new model of national music. Strauss, on the other hand, struggling with personal and political problems in Nazi Germany, composed the self-reflexive Capriccio, a “life review” of opera and his own legacy. Though it exhausted him physically and emotionally, Messiaen at the age of seventy-five finished his only opera, Saint François d’Assise, which marked the pinnacle of his career. Britten, meanwhile, suffering from heart problems, refused surgery until he had completed his masterpiece, Death in Venice. For all four composers, age, far from sapping their creative power, provided impetus for some of their best accomplishments. With its deft treatment of these composers’ final years and works, Four Last Songs provides a valuable look at the challenges—and opportunities—that present themselves as artists grow older.


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Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano

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Pričujoča notna izdaja prinaša Štiri koncertne miniature za violino in klavir Oskarja Riedinga (1846–1916), ki so nastale v Celju tik pred prvo svetovno vojno. Čeprav Riedingova dela v violinističnem repertoarju že desetletja igrajo pomembno vlogo in se pojavljajo v različnih ponatisih uglednih evropskih glasbenih založniških hiš, so skladateljeve Štiri koncertne miniature za violino in klavir ostale prezrte. Skladbe so muzikalno izjemno zanimive in tvorijo daljši ter s premišljenim vsebinskim lokom zaokroženi ciklus, sestavljen iz stavkov Tendresse (Nežnost), L’Aveu (Priznanje), Le Départ (Odhod) in Désir ardent (Hrepenenje). V izrazito spevnih in ekspresivnih miniaturah je skladatelju skozi violinsko kantileno uspelo ujeti čustveno razpoloženje ljubezenskih doživetij. V teh izrazito liričnih skladbah se je izpovedno izrazil v svojem značilnem melodičnem slogu. Pričujoča izdaja zapolnjuje vrzel v poznavanju tega v Celju delujočega skladatelja in bogati violinski repertoar tudi na zahtevnejši stopnji.

The Complete Aliens Omnibus: Volume Four (Music of the Spears, Berserker)

Book Description

MUSIC OF THE SPEARS by Yvonne Navarro New York City, 2124, and the streets are swarming with Alien Jelly addicts and homeless people. The powerbrokers look down from their high-rise offices with disgust. One of them—an entertainment mogul—is planning spectacular revenge on a maniac musician. Damon Eddington will shock the world with his latest opus—the Symphony of Hate—and the unique sound he seeks for his vision of hatred is the razor-sharp scream of the Alien… BERSERKER by S.D. PerryIt is called a Berserker team—desperate volunteers recruited by the Company to destroy Alien infestations. Based on the spaceship Nemesis, it consists of three brutal ex-cons and the Berserker itself: an armed exoskeleton powered by the brain of what was once a human, an unstoppable killing machine. The Nemesis is sent to a space station containing the largest alien hive in history, with nearly a thousand hapless humans cocooned and incubated inside. The mission: to destroy the Aliens while leaving the terminal intact…

Group Performance

Book Description

People interact and perform in group settings in all areas of life. Organizations and businesses are increasingly structuring work around groups and teams. Every day, we work in groups such as families, friendship groups, societies and sports teams, to make decisions and plans, solve problems, perform physical tasks, generate creative ideas, and more. Group Performance outlines the current state of social psychological theories and findings concerning the performance of groups. It explores the basic theories surrounding group interaction and development and investigates how groups affect their members. Bernard A. Nijstad discusses these issues in relation to the many different tasks that groups may perform, including physical tasks, idea generation and brainstorming, decision-making, problem-solving, and making judgments and estimates. Finally, the book closes with an in-depth discussion of teamwork and the context in which groups interact and perform. Offering an integrated approach, with particular emphasis on the interplay between group members, the group task, interaction processes and context, this book provides a state-of-the-art overview of social psychological theory and research. It will be highly valuable to undergraduates, graduates and researchers in social psychology, organizational behavior and business.

Etude Music Magazine

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Includes music.

The Musician

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