Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano

Book Description

Pričujoča notna izdaja prinaša Štiri koncertne miniature za violino in klavir Oskarja Riedinga (1846–1916), ki so nastale v Celju tik pred prvo svetovno vojno. Čeprav Riedingova dela v violinističnem repertoarju že desetletja igrajo pomembno vlogo in se pojavljajo v različnih ponatisih uglednih evropskih glasbenih založniških hiš, so skladateljeve Štiri koncertne miniature za violino in klavir ostale prezrte. Skladbe so muzikalno izjemno zanimive in tvorijo daljši ter s premišljenim vsebinskim lokom zaokroženi ciklus, sestavljen iz stavkov Tendresse (Nežnost), L’Aveu (Priznanje), Le Départ (Odhod) in Désir ardent (Hrepenenje). V izrazito spevnih in ekspresivnih miniaturah je skladatelju skozi violinsko kantileno uspelo ujeti čustveno razpoloženje ljubezenskih doživetij. V teh izrazito liričnih skladbah se je izpovedno izrazil v svojem značilnem melodičnem slogu. Pričujoča izdaja zapolnjuje vrzel v poznavanju tega v Celju delujočega skladatelja in bogati violinski repertoar tudi na zahtevnejši stopnji.

Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano

Book Description

This edition contains Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano by Oskar Rieding (1846-1916), composed in Celje, shortly before World War I. Although Rieding's compositions have been an important part of the violin repertoire for decades and have appeared in various reprints by major European publishers, Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano has been overlooked until now. These four musically delightful miniatures form a longer, self-rounded cycle with the movements Tendresse (Tenderness), L'Aveu (Confession), Le Départ (Departure), and Désir ardent (Desire). The composer succeeded in capturing an affectionate ambience through the violin cantilena. In these distinctly lyrical character pieces, he expressed romantic feelings with his emblematic melodic style. The present edition fills the knowledge gap about this composer who was active in Celje, but also enriches the violin repertoire intended for advanced performers.


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An impressive array of refined four-hand works in a variety of styles, forms, and musical idioms. Joseph Banowetz graduated with a First Prize from the Vienna Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst. Banowetz has been a piano recitalist and orchestral soloist on five continents. He was awarded the Liszt Medal by the Hungarian Liszt Society in recognition of his outstanding performances of Liszt and the Romantic literature.


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Book Description

(Music Sales America). Fifteen easy miniatures for violin and piano by L. Mendelssohn.