The Southern Sudan

Book Description

Published in 1973: This thoroughgoing collection of informed and incisive essay brings together for the first time between the covers of a single volume a very wide spectrum of views on one of the key conflicts in Africa today. The problems underlying the whole situation are discussed from extremely diverse standpoints, so that the mass of data is constantly reinterpreted by the several authors, casting differing lights upon this complex tragedy.

The First Sudanese Civil War

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive investigation, discussion, and analysis of the origins and development of the first civil war in the Sudan, which occurred between 1955 and1972. It was the culmination of ethnic, racial, cultural, religious, political, and economic problems that had faced the Sudan since the Turco-Egyptian conquest of the country in 1821. The hostilities between the Northern and Southern regions of the Sudan also involved foreign powers that had their own geopolitical interests in the country. The first Sudanese civil war is a classic example of intra-regional and inter-regional conflicts in Africa in the 20th century.

The Tyranny of Writing

Book Description

This book examines the powerful role of writing in society. The invention of writing, independently at various places and times in history, always stood at the cradle of powerful civilizations. It is impossible to imagine modern life without writing. As individuals and social groups we hold high expectations of its potential for societal and personal development. Globally, huge resources have been and are being invested in promoting literacy worldwide. So what could possibly be tyrannical about writing? The title is inspired by Ferdinand de Saussure's argument against writing as an object of linguistic research and what he called la tyrannie de la lettre. His critique denounced writing as an imperfect, distorted image of speech that obscures our view of language and its structure. The chapters of the book, written by experts in language and literacy studies, go beyond this and explore tyrannical aspects of writing in society through history and around the world: from Medieval Novgorod, the European Renaissance and 19th-century France and Germany over colonial Sudan to postcolonial Sri Lanka and Senegal and present-day Hong Kong and Central China to the Netherlands and Spain. The metaphor of 'tyranny of writing' serves as a heuristic for exploring ideologies of language and literacy in culture and society and tensions and contradictions between the written and the spoken word.

Sudan’s Wars and Peace Agreements

Book Description

Originating from the 2008 27th annual conference of the Sudan Studies Association (SSA) of the same title, these essays document and analyze Sudan’s chronic history of conflict since independence in 1956 as well as its own and international efforts to bring an end to these conflicts. As the country moves toward what some see as the inevitable separation of South Sudan in 2011 honoring the principle of self-determination long fought for by southerners, the lessons of six decades of a history of war and peace agreements is both telling and compelling. This analysis is offered by the real experts on Sudan rather than the usual story offered by journalists and pundits. In addition to an Introduction by the editors, all founders or current or past presidents of the SSA, the essays by Sudanese and non-Sudanese explore the often bitter history of North-South relations and loss of life leading to the consideration of a range of options from a continuation of national unity under revised terms, to federation or redivision, to full separation of the South and the constitution of a new African state. The role of the Khartoum government’s pursuit of policies of Islamization and Islamism for a quarter of a century across multiple regimes is also treated. The central question of constructing a sustainable peace, irrespective of the outcome in 2011, is detailed along with the essential consideration of women and gender perspectives to sustain any peace negotiated. This book is must reading in advance of, or in response to, the crucial events as they unfold in Sudan in 2011 and beyond.

Bound by Conflict

Book Description

Since its independence on January 1, 1956, Sudan has been at war with itself. Through the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005, the North–South dimension of the conflict was seemingly resolved by the independence of the South on July 9, 2011. However, as a result of issues that were not resolved by the CPA, conflicts within the two countries have reignited conflict between them because of allegations of support for each other’s rebels. In Bound by Conflict: Dilemmas of the Two Sudans, Francis M. Deng and Daniel J. Deng critique the tendency to see these conflicts as separate and to seek isolated solutions for them, when, in fact, they are closely intertwined. The policy implication is that resolving conflicts within the two Sudans is critical to the prospects of achieving peace, security, and stability between them, with the potential of moving them to some form of meaningful association.

Southern Sudan: V. 1&2

Book Description

This comprehensive bibliography presents researchers, consultants, planners, aid organizations and others with the most comprehensive overview of the literature on the Sudan. It covers all fields and disciplines and all types of literature. To facilitate ease of use it is organized according to important topics of regional development: agriculture and pastoralism; anthropological & cultural studies; British and European colonialism; Christian mission and church related studies; development issues; fisheries; health; pre-colonial history; language and language studies; natural sciences; politics, ethnic and religious strife & civil war; travel and geography; and water and climate. Volume two contains detailed reports produced by consultants, governments, NGOs and UN and International Aid Organizations. It also has an inventory of NGO and UN organizations working in the region and a chronology of events to put the bibliographical information in context.

Southern Sudan: Pt.1 V.2

Book Description

This volume has detailed reports produced by consultants, governments, NGOs and UN and International Aid Organizations. There is also an inventory of NGO and UN organizations working in the region and a chronology of events to put the bibliographical information in context.