Framing African Development

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This book discusses and challenges concepts that are widely used in research and policy related to development issues in Africa. The main rationale for such an undertaking is that the concepts that are used to understand and define the world in general and Africa in particular are not merely describing social, economic and political processes and events; they are also largely framing these very same processes. Thus, the concepts by which we structure the world will implicitly or explicitly give premises for policies and practices; limiting or favouring certain types of actions and frameworks of interpretation and understanding in various contexts. It is therefore important to challenge commonly held conceptions about framing African development. Contributors include: Deborah Fahy Bryceson, Rosalind Eyben, Amanda Hammar, Kjell Havnevik, Mats Hårsmar, Terje Oestigaard and Rune Skarstein

Southern Africa

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Media and Its Role in Protecting the Rights of Children in Africa

Book Description

Many international and national charters and declarations have sought to define and protect the rights of children and ensure their safety. Although many African countries subscribe to these international conventions and charters, rights violations against children have not diminished, and negative actions against children are still carried out daily. Though the media have been charged with the responsibility of active involvement in protecting the interest of the child, it is important to examine how well they have fared in the performance of this duty and the challenges that occur in the process, as well as identify future pathways to ensure that the media succeeds in this assignment. Media and Its Role in Protecting the Rights of Children in Africa is an essential research publication that examines media roles, challenges, theories, and strategies to ensuring the realization of the rights of children. Featuring a range of topics such as cyber-ethics, media studies, and sustainable development, this book is essential for reporters, journalists, newscasters, broadcasters, communication specialists, government officials, activists, humanitarians, sociologists, psychologists, social workers, professionals, researchers, non-governmental organizations, policymakers, academicians, and students.

Rethinking African Development

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Developing Africa

Book Description

This book investigates development in British, French and Portuguese colonial Africa during the last decades of colonial rule. During this period, development became the central concept underpinning the relationship between metropolitan Europe and colonial Africa. Combining historiographical accounts with analyses from other academic viewpoints, this book investigates a range of contexts, from agriculture to mass media. With its focus on the conceptual side of development and its broad geographical scope, it offers new and unique perspectives. An extensive introduction contextualises the individual chapters and makes the book an up-to-date point of entry into the subject of colonial development, not only for a specialist readership, but also for students of history, development and postcolonial studies. Written by scholars from Africa, Europe and North America, Developing Africa is a uniquely international dialogue on this vital chapter of twentieth-century transnational history.

Inter-African Development and Development Fund (Iadf)

Book Description

SYNOPSIS FOR INTER-AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT VOL 1Inter-African development is possible through an array of alternative strategies.CHAPTER 1 Addresses land use and management in AfricaIn Africa, land use has become one of the most seriously contested problems ever to bereckoned in the history of Africa. Land is both security and economic confidence for themany landless or marginalized persons in the world. African governments' concernsshould be obligatory in finding lasting solutions to resolve issues of land degradationresulting from human activities and land management. How then do we frame landissues? The issues that can be addressed are such as ecological foot prints and tragedy ofthe commons. Therefore, African countries need to harness reforestation programs inorder to subdue the ever-increasing risks posed by global warming and desertencroachment.CHAPTER 2 addresses the history of grabbing fertile lands. The history of land extortiondates back to Europe and continued in Africa through colonial era. Land grabbing has itseconomic implications: Access to land and violent conflicts in Africa have economic aswell as political implications. Thus, because of the economic and political implications,Land represents security and economic confidence. Therefore, reforms in land ownershipmust be implemented so that the landless may also have a share in land tenureship.CHAPTER 3 addresses democracy and economic development issues towardssustainability as well as identifying culprits of development retardation.CHAPTER 4 addresses IADF strategies for regional economic developmentCHAPTER 5 addresses development modalities. Modalities that need to be adopted byAfrican governments are such as: import substitution model strategies, export leadgrowth industrialization, emulation of Chile's example, Mexico's example, the adoptionof India's software industry style, Japan's Export Growth Model, importance of anIndustry's location, and other infrastructural development modalities.CHAPTER 6 addresses issues arising from economies that are driven without democracyand security.CHAPTER 7 addresses the importance of approaching sustainable development withsingle currencyCHAPTER 8 addresses the benefits of single currencyCHAPTER 9 addresses the importance of printing single currency within Africa.CHAPTER 10 lays emphasis upon how assets for banking system through IADF shouldbe implemented.CHAPTER 11 addresses how establishing free trade can impact economic growth inneighbouring countries. One of the modalities of approaching such trading policies is theHarmonization of consumer price indices.CHAPTER 12 addresses harmonization of continental trade indices with emphasis onTerms of trade, which is an index of the price of a country's exports in terms of itsimports. "The terms of trade are said to improve if that index rises"CHAPTER 13 addresses modalities for harmonizing trade indices. Trade harmonizationis an equal treatment among trading partners.CHAPTER 14 addresses how world trade affects poor nations' economy and how toavert from goods dumping.CHAPTER 15 addresses how trade imbalances defined by unfair trade.CHAPTER 16 addresses issues pertaining to trade-related intellectual property rights(TRIPS)CHAPTER 17 addresses Political issues with emphasis on Governance issues andGuidance.CHAPTER 18 addresses theories behind the Inter-African development fund (IADF)CHAPTER 19 addresses issues as to whether an all-African senate political system willhelp solve Africa's political instabilities?CHAPTER 20 lays emphasis on infrastructure development and how this will impacteconomic development.CHAPTER 21 addresses as to whether governments are part of the problems andsolutions?CHAPTER 22 addresses how disparate and desperate are African nations? How disparitycan be narrowed between the rich and the poor or whether other alternatives can beapplied?CHAPTER 23 makes analysis on how adopting Ricardo's comparative advantage mayimpact manufacturing and then how it may lead to sustainable economic development ofthe regions.CHAPTER 24 addresses post colonial issues and Africa in post - colonial eraCHAPTER 25 addresses natural resources, as conflicting resourcesCHAPTER 26 addresses what are the factors and ambivalence to African problems?CHAPTER 27 lays emphasis on health crisis in Africa with the advent of HIV/AIDSCHAPTER 28 encourages new ideas and discoveries in health sciences in which claimsfor cure of HIV/AIDS have been pronounced, which is something Africa could take pridein.The major challenges are the issues of globalization and the internal self-inflictedoppressive forces of bad politics. Also, whether or not blocs of nations can envisionsolidarity economics; implement political union and economic independence througheconomic democratization, as there are some economic blocs that already exist.

The Development of Africa

Book Description

This volume analyses many of the real development challenges confronting the African continent, presenting fresh and current objective examinations, narratives, interpretations and pathways to the continent’s development. It interrogates and answers established, critical, current and pragmatic problems confronting Africa today, and provides workable pathways out of the development problems, so that scholarship, policy and practice will be positively impacted. This volume adds great depth and extended breadth to the knowledge base on development of Africa. It provides excellent resources for academics, scholars, student, policy makers and all those interested in issues affecting Africa’s development.

No Shortcuts to Progress

Book Description

Textbook proceeding to a comparison of political development and development administration in Africa - examines the failure of capital flow, technology transfer and development aid to bring about economic and social development; emphasizes the need for decentralization, revival of local government, political participation, promotion of nongovernmental organizations and local level institution building and an indigenous management development style; considers the role of public enterprise. References.