Pour et contre la Bible

Book Description

For and Against the Bible: A Translation of Sylvain Maréchal’s Pour et Contre la Bible (1801)

Book Description

In For and Against the Bible (1801), Sheila Delany translates Sylvain Maréchal’s rationalist commentary on Jewish and Christian scripture. Atheist and supporter of the French Revolution, Maréchal hoped his text might remind compatriots of the values for which they had recently fought.

Pour et contre la Bible

Book Description

Pour et contre la Bible

Book Description

Sylvain Maréchal, The Godless Man

Book Description

The first book by the great French radical historian Maurice Dommanget (1888–1976) to be translated into English, this book is an engaging, sympathetic telling of the life and works of Sylvain Maréchal (1750–1803), an unjustly forgotten figure of the French Revolutionary era. Maréchal was not only a militant atheist and opponent of royalty, but, as the author of the Manifesto of the Equals he laid the groundwork for modern communism. With an introduction by Jean-Numa Ducange.