Fresh Expressions in the Mission of the Church

Book Description

Christians are increasingly seeking new ways of doing church, often called 'fresh expressions', which has created new questions and challenges for the Church as a whole. This Anglican-Methodist report explores the challenges raised by fresh expressions, from what it means to be a 'church', to sacramental life and the deployment of resources.

The Patient Ferment of the Early Church

Book Description

How and why did the early church grow in the first four hundred years despite disincentives, harassment, and occasional persecution? In this unique historical study, veteran scholar Alan Kreider delivers the fruit of a lifetime of study as he tells the amazing story of the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Challenging traditional understandings, Kreider contends the church grew because the virtue of patience was of central importance in the life and witness of the early Christians. They wrote about patience, not evangelism, and reflected on prayer, catechesis, and worship, yet the church grew--not by specific strategies but by patient ferment.

Fresh Expressions in the Mission of the Church

Book Description

Christians are increasingly seeking new ways of doing church, often called 'fresh expressions', which has created new questions and challenges for the Church as a whole. This Anglican-Methodist report explores the challenges raised by fresh expressions, from what it means to be a 'church', to sacramental life and the deployment of resources.

Mission-Shaped Church

Book Description

An overview of recent developments in church planting. This detailed, practical and well-researched book describes the varied and exciting 'fresh expressions' of church being created. This edition includes a new foreward by the Rt Revd Graham Cray.

Ancient Faith, Future Mission

Book Description

The spiritual practices and insights of the Anglican tradition make an extraordinary contribution to mission efforts in our postmodern, de-churched, never-churched, yet spiritually hungry society. In this timely and practical book, pioneers, leaders and theologians from the US and the UK share their stories and offer reflections for building a future-focused, mission-shaped church that is deeply rooted in sacramental traditions.

For the Parish

Book Description

Fresh Expressions of Church are most significant development in the Church of England. Parishes are the mainstay of the 'inherited church'. The authors demonstrate that the traditions of the parish church represent ways in which time, space, community are ordered in relation to God and the gospel.

Welcome to Dinner, Church

Book Description

Church was not always done the way we do it. There was a time when Christians gathered around tables, included the strangers and the poor, ate together, and talked about Jesus. This form of church occurred mostly during the first three hundred years of Christianity, and was highly effective in bringing lost people to Jesus. While the church of today is very meaningful to Christ-followers, it is failing to help our lost neighbors find their way to the Savior. That is no small concern for Jesus' churches, all of which are called to be in the rescue business. This little book examines what it might be like for a traditional church to plant a Dinner Church in a nearby hurting neighborhood.

Fresh Expressions of People Over Property

Book Description

Our church buildings, synagogues, and other religious places – which once stood as beacons of hope and reverence for its community – have become a burden for the organizations who seek to keep them standing. In efforts to patch leaky roofs and paint over years of wear, leaders are putting more and more money each year into property instead of people. The practices we have fallen into to keep a building running are not only demoralizing to the pastoral profession and the mission of the church, but they also run the risk of violating property tax laws and incurring more debt. What if our properties didn’t have to be a source of pain but one of purpose and profit? Can we as faith-based organizations begin to think collaboratively about how we might further our missions by creatively and intentionally rethinking how we utilize the space we inhabit? In Fresh Expressions of People Over Property the authors reflect on strategies, scriptures, and stories that help leaders faithfully re-imagine their community spaces so that they reflect that God and God’s people value people over property.

First Expressions

Book Description

Seeking insight from the real-life development of the earliest expressions of emerging church from their birth, through times of adolescent angst and into the reality of adulthood, this book offers a unique insight into the long-term sustainability of fresh expressions.

Fresh Expressions

Book Description

New forms of church that gather and network with people who typically have never been to church.