Fritz Jahr and the Emergence of European Bioethics

Book Description

The book presents the results of a long research into the life and work of the German theologian and teacher Fritz Jahr (1895–1953) from Halle an der Saale, who was the first to use the term "bioethics", as early as 1926. It is a revised history of bioethics with an overview of all 22 of Jahr’s known published papers. The analysis follows the diffusion after 1997 of the discovery of Fritz Jahr worldwide and particularly the contribution of Croatian bioethicists to it.

Fritz Jahr and the Foundations of Global Bioethics

Book Description

Leading bioethicists from America, Asia and Europe discuss Jahr's visionary concept of an ethics of 'bios', integrating the ethics of land, community, health, and culture in light of global challenges in the 21st century.

Rethinking Health Care Ethics

Book Description

​The goal of this open access book is to develop an approach to clinical health care ethics that is more accessible to, and usable by, health professionals than the now-dominant approaches that focus, for example, on the application of ethical principles. The book elaborates the view that health professionals have the emotional and intellectual resources to discuss and address ethical issues in clinical health care without needing to rely on the expertise of bioethicists. The early chapters review the history of bioethics and explain how academics from outside health care came to dominate the field of health care ethics, both in professional schools and in clinical health care. The middle chapters elaborate a series of concepts, drawn from philosophy and the social sciences, that set the stage for developing a framework that builds upon the individual moral experience of health professionals, that explains the discontinuities between the demands of bioethics and the experience and perceptions of health professionals, and that enables the articulation of a full theory of clinical ethics with clinicians themselves as the foundation. Against that background, the first of three chapters on professional education presents a general framework for teaching clinical ethics; the second discusses how to integrate ethics into formal health care curricula; and the third addresses the opportunities for teaching available in clinical settings. The final chapter, "Empowering Clinicians", brings together the various dimensions of the argument and anticipates potential questions about the framework developed in earlier chapters.

Essays in Bioethics 1924-1948

Book Description

In 1785, German philosopher Immanuel Kant introduced the 'categorical imperative' for human persons, based on the sanctity of the moral law. Over a century later, Fritz Jahr, a Protestant pastor and educator, expanded on Kant's imperative, offering an integrated view of living natural and social environments. Jahr coined the term 'Bio-Ethik' (Bioethics) and defined the 'bioethical imperative' (also based on the sanctity of life) as: "Respect every Living Being as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such!" In this book, 22 essays document the early European roots of modern bioethics and provide guidance for developing global cultures in integrated bioethics. (Series: Practical Ethics - Documentation / Ethik in der Praxis - Materialien - Vol. 15)

Global Bioethics

Book Description

Van Rensselaer Potter created and defined the term "bioethics" in 1970, to describe a new philosophy that sought to integrate biology, ecology, medicine, and human values. Bioethics is often linked to environmental ethics and stands in sharp contrast to biomedical ethics. Because of this confusion (and appropriation of the term in medicine), Potter chose to use the term "Global Bioethics" in 1988. Potter's definition of bioethics from Global Bioethics is, "Biology combined with diverse humanistic knowledge forging a science that sets a system of medical and environmental priorities for acceptable survival."

1926-2016 Fritz Jahr's Bioethics

Book Description

The ethics of valuing bios in all their forms and shapes has been an essential part of great and successful cultures from the millennia-old Vedic tradition of 'tattvamasi'-this is also you: this plant, this animal, this microbe, this ecosystem-to the simple hands-on call of Jesus's 'love your neighbor.' But as a term bioethics was coined 90 years ago by Fritz Jahr, an educator and pastor in Halle in his Bioethical Imperative 'Respect every Living Being as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such.' This book examines the development of Fritz Jahr's concept of bioethics over the last ninety years. (Series: Practical Ethics - Controversies / Ethik in der Praxis - Kontroversen, Vol. 33) [Subject: Ethics, Bioethics, Philosophy]

Cultures in Bioethics

Book Description

Biotopes and Bioethics are highly complex and adaptable systems of Bios. Individual bios is terminal, but the stream of Bios goes on. Basic properties of Bios such as communication and cooperation, competence and competition, contemplation and calculation, compassion and cultivation come in different shades of light and dark in individuals and species, in history and ecology. Hans-Martin Sass discusses the territories of Bios and Bioethics, based on his involvement in decades of consulting in academia, business and politics. Special attention is given to the vision and role of Bioethics in research and training, in religious and cultural traditions, and in the survival, happiness, and health of corporate, social and political bodies. Hans-Martin Sass is Senior Research Scholar Emeritus at Georgetown University, Washington DC, and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Ruhr University, Bochum. (Series: Practical Ethics - Studies / Ethik in der Praxis - Studien, Vol. 40) [Subject: Bioethics]

Reforming Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe and CIS after 1991

Book Description

This volume consists of articles prepared after two conferences organized by the European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2011 and in 2012. The focus of both conferences was concentrated on the development of reforms and changes in higher education in the social sciences and humanities in Eastern Europe during the last two decades. The collapse of the communist system in Eastern Europe was followed by the enormous expansion of institutions of higher learning, especially in the ...