FRMAC Assessment Manual

Book Description

The ingestion pathway assessment procedures cited in the current version of the ''RMAC Assessment Manual'', DOE/NV/11718-061 (September 1996) have been superseded by new US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance. This addendum replaces the obsolete procedures with a revised set based on the new guidance released by the FDA in August 1998. This addendum provides an overview of the new guidance, revised assessment methods, and assessment aids. It does not provide a general method of ingestion pathway analysis. The scope is limited to that covered by the new guidance titled, ''Accidental Radioactive Contamination of Human Food and Animal Feeds: Recommendations for State and Local Agencies, '' issued by the FDA in August 1998.

FRMAC Operations Manual

Book Description

In the event of a major radiological incident, the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) will coordinate the federal agencies that have various statutory responsibilities. The FRMAC is responsible for coordinating all environmental radiological monitoring, sampling, and assessment activities for the response. This manual describes the FRMAC's response activities in a radiological incident. It also outlines how FRMAC fits in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) under the National Response Framework (NRF) and describes the federal assets and subsequent operational activities which provide federal radiological monitoring and assessment of the affected areas. In the event of a potential or existing major radiological incident, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office (NNSA/NSO) is responsible for establishing and managing the FRMAC during the initial phases.

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center Monitoring Manual Volume 1, Operations

Book Description

The Monitoring division is primarily responsible for the coordination and direction of: Aerial measurements to delineate the footprint of radioactive contaminants that have been released into the environment. Monitoring of radiation levels in the environment; Sampling to determine the extent of contaminant deposition in soil, water, air and on vegetation; Preliminary field analyses to quantify soil concentrations or depositions; and Environmental and personal dosimetry for FRMAC field personnel, during a Consequence Management Response Team (CMRT) and Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) response. Monitoring and sampling techniques used during CM/FRMAC operations are specifically selected for use during radiological emergencies where large numbers of measurements and samples must be acquired, analyzed, and interpreted in the shortest amount of time possible. In addition, techniques and procedures are flexible so that they can be used during a variety of different scenarios; e.g., accidents involving releases from nuclear reactors, contamination by nuclear waste, nuclear weapon accidents, space vehicle reentries, or contamination from a radiological dispersal device. The Monitoring division also provides technicians to support specific Health and Safety Division activities including: The operation of the Hotline; FRMAC facility surveys; Assistance with Health and Safety at Check Points; and Assistance at population assembly areas which require support from the FRMAC. This volume covers deployment activities, initial FRMAC activities, development and implementation of the monitoring and assessment plan, the briefing of field teams, and the transfer of FRMAC to the EPA.

Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants

Book Description

This book provides a history of emergency planning with respect to nuclear power plant accidents from the 1950’s to the 2000’s. It gives an overview of essential concepts that a working emergency planner should know, including brief overviews of the health physics and plant engineering that applies to emergency planning. Each chapter covers topics unique to radiological planning that distinguish it from planning for natural disasters. Some of the topics include processes that damage fuel, reactor source terms, basic dispersion theory, protective measures for the public and emergency worker, environmental surveys, and the essential elements of a drill and exercise program. Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants is not intended as a guide to meeting regulatory requirements but provides an understanding of the essential concepts and language of radiological planning, so the planner can apply those concepts to their particular situation.


Book Description

Pharmacology meets the rapidly emerging needs of programs training pharmacologic scientists seeking careers in basic research and drug discovery rather than such applied fields as pharmacy and medicine. While the market is crowded with many clinical and therapeutic pharmacology textbooks, the field of pharmacology is booming with the prospects of discovering new drugs, and virtually no extant textbook meets this need at the student level. The market is so bereft of such approaches that many pharmaceutical companies will adopt Hacker et al. to help train new drug researchers. The boom in pharmacology is driven by the recent decryption of the human genome and enormous progress in controlling genes and synthesizing proteins, making new and even custom drug design possible. This book makes use of these discoveries in presenting its topics, moving logically from drug receptors to the target molecules drug researchers seek, covering such modern topics along the way as side effects, drug resistance, pharmacogenomics, and even nutriceuticals, one in a string of culminating chapters on the drug discovery process. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students in medical, pharmacy, and graduate schools looking for a solid introduction to the basic science of pharmacology and envisioning careers in drug research. Uses individual drugs to explain molecular actions Full color art program explains molecular and chemical concepts graphically Logical structure reflecting the current state of pharmacology and translational research Covers such intricacies as drug resistance and cell death Consistent format across chapters and pedagogical strategies make this textbook a superior learning tool

Integrated Risk and Vulnerability Management Assisted by Decision Support Systems

Book Description

Introduction This book includes terms of reference and offers an augmented volume of relevant work initiated within the comprehensive concept of “Knowledge Management and Risk Governance”. The latter stood for the initial title of an ad-hoc meeting held in Ascona, Switzerland, organized by the Technological Risk Management Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) and the KOVERS Centre of Excellence in Risk and Safety Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. Background Risk governance, in addition to the continuous interest of researchers, has recently attracted the attention of policy-makers and the media and the concern of the public. New and emerging risks in various fields and a number of risk-related issues increased the public interest and prompted for a new framework in dealing with risks. The Conference on Science and Governance organized by the European Commission in October 2000 is one of the international forums addressing this issue. Other recent events such as the establishment of the International Risk Governance Council outline the importance of the governance concept in relation to that of risk management (see At the same time noticeable progress has been made in Information Technologies and Decision Support, passing from the process of information PREFACE xvi to the process of knowledge. In this context new tools and methods became available, whose application in risk management may be beneficial.

Development of a Health and Safety Manual for Emergency Response Operations

Book Description

The Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Health and Safety Manual, which has been under development by a multi-agency group, is nearing completion and publication. The manual applies to offsite monitoring during a radiological accident or incident. Though written for multi-agency offsite monitoring activities (FRMAC), the manual is generic in nature and should be readily adaptable for other emergency response operations. Health and safety issues for emergency response situations often differ from those of normal operations. Examples of these differences and methodologies to address these issues are discussed. Challenges in manual development, including lack of regulatory and guidance documentation, are also discussed. One overriding principle in the Health and Safety Manual development is the overall reduction of risk, not just dose. The manual is broken into several chapters, which include Overview of Responsibities, Health Physics, Industrial Hygiene and Safey, Medical, and Environmental Compliance and Records. Included is a series of appendices, which presents additional information on forms and plans for default scenarios.