From Cocaine to Christ: A Story of Redemption, Reconciliation and Recovery

Book Description

The dramatic and inspiring true story of a former drug addict called to win the lost and challenge others to do the same... Ever heard of someone hitting rock bottom before they finally have a come-to-Jesus moment? Well, Brian will be the first to admit he couldn't tell you which rock bottom finally did the trick! In this riveting account of his personal testimony, he tells the story of how he went from a life in ruins from the consequences of his addictions to sober, clean, and studying for the ministry, as well as inventor of several medical devices already beginning to change countless lives. The Lord Jesus is a God of restoration. He has the ability to create something from nothing, which is where Brian's life story goes to and comes back from: the very bottom. This book is for if you are or have been bound to drugs and alcohol and can't imagine a way out, or you know someone who has and would be encouraged by this powerful and encouraging story of redemption and radical transformation. "I wrote an intentionally short book because I wanted to make it a quick and easy read for as many people as possible. I know many have not gone as far into drugs and alcohol as I have while I also know many have and are currently stuck in their bondage. It's my prayer this book can be placed in their hands as an encouragement and a lifeline. If God can do it for me, He can do it for you as well!" - Brian Mohika

From Crack Cocaine to Christ from Calvary

Book Description

Born to church-going parents of worldly morals, Anthony Love grew up in Camden N.J during the 1960s. One of five siblings, he was introduced to the evils that life has to offer-living outside of the grace of God. Mr. Love spent sixteen years in the addiction of crack cocaine among other drugs and twenty-seven years locked in the vice of alcohol abuse. Read the destruction of what these substances have to offer and the power of God that lifted him out. This book will inspire anyone bound by alcohol or substance abuse or just separated from the life that God intended us to live.

God Saved Me for a Reason

Book Description

This easy to read book will give you the hope and inspiration you need as you begin the process of recovery from addiction. As you take this journey from hell to recovery with George, you will discover insights that will motivate and encourage you to seek the road to recovery. There is no complex scientific data here, just straightforward information that will give you the best chance for recovery. The importance of the 12-step programs already in existence (which are based on Biblical principles) are also discussed, but the author adds a spiritual dimension to recovery by emphasizing the miraculous power and love available through Jesus Christ. You can get a jump-start on recovery by reflecting on the author’s journey, becoming aware of the 12-step programs, and contemplating the faith that inspired the song “Amazing Grace.” Even though the author felt hopeless at times and thought about giving up, deep down he knew that God was working in his life and saving him for a reason. That reason is revealed in this book as he encourages you to believe that life can be a wonderful experience. You’ll laugh and cry as you take this journey with George Snodgrass. You have nothing to lose and your life to gain.

Life Is...

Book Description

Youth and young adults struggling with substance abuse, correctional circumstances, addictions, or just life itself can find freedom in this open, honest testimonial of recovery from drugs and alcohol! A true story of redemption through a higher power, Life Is...shares the author's downfall into addiction and lessons experienced in his own passage from drug addiction. The author's testimony gives the reader insight to change negative circumstances that have been passed down from generation to generation. The account of Suede Frunchak's journey through struggles and life lessons propels the reader into a state of hope and self-assurance. Life Is... is a clear translation of divine, forthright, standing courage, and biblical truth.


Book Description

Robby Gallaty is not who you think he is. In Recovered, pastor and author Robby Gallaty tells the story of how God radically saved him from his addictions and called him into a life of discipleship. Robby grew up in a very religious Catholic family who attended church every Sunday and confession on Saturday if needed. Very rarely did he miss a Saturday night dinner and a movie with his parents and sister Lori. You can imagine how devastated they were when Robby stole $15,000 from them to fuel his drug addiction. Two years earlier, he was rear-ended on his way home from work by an 18-wheeler. Two herniated discs in his neck and back forced him to rely on pharmaceutical drugs to cope with the pain. Within three months, he transitioned to street drugs, heroine, and cocaine, after blowing through his thirty-day prescription in two weeks. Robbing his parents was the only option to prolong his drug habit. Shortly thereafter, Robby hit rock bottom. But God wasn’t done with him. After a trip to rehab followed by a relapse and a second rehab visit, Robby surrendered his life to Christ, and nothing has ever been the same. This story—a story of salvation and new life—is for any reader who: wonders if God is done with them has messed up time and time again is battling drug or alcohol addiction or other destructive behaviors has a loved one in the throes of addiction needs to be reminded of the miraculous salvation found in the gospel

The Evolution of Me

Book Description

I am nothing without God and everything with him. -Ronald E. White Jr. This book provides a glimpse of the emotional and mental traumas that overwhelmed Ronald throughout his childhood. As a young man, these trials and tribulations lead Ronald down a path of addiction. This work is an evolution of the man Ronald E. White Jr. from his many defeats to his many triumphs. He has gone through these trials and tribulations with the guidance of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

From Crack(s) to Christ

Book Description

The path of addictions is often ugly and grave, it is the pit of hell. This story is the result of surrending my mind, my heart, and my soul with prayers unto God for over seven years to take the risk and courage to pen my life's story of an addiction to crack cocaine and alcohol for over 25 years. I was hooked to crack, and its devastating lifestyle. My prayer and heartfelt desire is for those people who read the book may find hope, empowerment, and compassion that those people who suffer from all kinds of addictions, substance abuse, crack addiction, alcoholism,and other family dysfunctions will find freedom and healing from their addictions. It was nobody but God who has given me a brand new life. A transformed life from the ravages of a filthy existence due to my crack addiction. The memoir takes you on a journey into the crack(s) of my life past and present and the underlying causes of how I got hooked on crack cocaine and how it brought me to my knees. Spiritually, many of us are bankrupt, dysfunctional, running from God instead of running to God. I've learned some of these same crack(s)are common to all people in the world. Most of all, God has anointed me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I never dreamed or planned to become a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. God called me and the power of God delivered me. I do believe that miracles do happen. Jesus touched me in the bowels of my crack addiction. I pray through this story that you feel the power of God touching you. God answers prayers and miracles do happen. With precious adoration to my Mother, Mrs. Ruth Darwin, a wonderful Mom, a faithful Woman of God, my Royal Queen, and to my late beloved Father, William R. Darwin who is now resting with the King of Glory, my soldier, my hero. To my children and grandchild, Swen, Raquel, and Keysaun whose patience, love, and understanding gave me plenty of room to grow, to write, and to make mistakes knowing that God is real and that God cares about us. Thank you Swen and Raquel, I love you! and they love me, unconditionally! To my husband, Willie B. whose love never fades, a King's kid. Thank you for being the best you can be, more importantly, a man of God. A man after God's own heart. All of them share a special place in my heart; all of them share in this journey of life's struggles, and memoirs with me.

A Transformed Life through Jesus Christ

Book Description

This is the story of how God took a black man with an evil dark heart and washed him in the red blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ and made him a child of God. Now I am by no means perfect, but I am his favorite. There are over seven billion people on this planet, and God loves me the most. I encourage all my readers to put their name there. You are also his favorite, and he loves you the same way. For you see, man tries to put limits on a God that has no limits in what he can do. I encourage you to realize that God loves you more than anyone else. When you get that concept, you realize how he feels about each and every one of us. So today, I know God loves himself some Nate Wideman. Looking back is a lot different than looking forward. It was December 23, 2007, when God sent the Holy Spirit into my heart to affect a change in my life. At the time, I was filled with fear and anxiety because I did not know what God was doing! Today I realize everything that we want in life is on the other side of fear. Afterward, when I realized what had happened, I was filled with joy and amazement. A prayer uttered later was Jesus please don't ever leave me. As I meditated, Jesus answered and said, "I will never leave you, Son," but He cautioned me with the fact that the devil isn't going to leave me either.

To And From Crack To Christ: A Sinner In Recovery

Book Description

As a child, I was brought up in church and taught Christian values. These valuable lessons would prove useful later in my life as I looked for a way out of a bad situation I was in due to bad decisions that I had made. Questioning my self-worth as a child, I turned away from the church trying to find a place to fit in. Not realizing the extent of how much I did not know at the age of twelve, I started to get lost in the world of drugs and alcohol. My addictions became stronger as I got older and experienced a life where not all things worked the way I hoped they would. While my addictions went from drinking beer and smoking marijuana to smoking crack and drinking anything available, a place to fit in became more of a place of isolation for me as I no longer felt comfortable being around most family members if I had something stronger than just a few beers. This was in most cases when I would get high with other addicts or alone because for me a drink was always better with crack. At least that was the lie I would tell myself, along with the lie that my problem wasn't that bad. Finally, after thirty years of addiction, on June 6, 2006, I hit my rock bottom, but I remembered what I had learned as a child about a power above all other powers. I prayed to the highest power, and God, my Father in heaven, made a way for me to get into a drug-and-alcohol treatment program. I went through the program and took what I needed from it with the understanding that words also have power. Because of my faith and what I had learned in church as a child, I refuse to put the words of man. Addicts suffer from a disease for which there's no cure above the word of God. You are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37) and By his stripes you are healed (1 Peter 2:24). I do not believe that Jesus died for me and rose from the dead with power over all things except an addiction. I believe He came to conquer ALL sin so that all lost sinners who believed in Him and worked on building a personal relationship with Him could be recovered when He returned.

From Crack to Christ

Book Description

From Crack to Christ is an autobiography that depicts one manas journey from the pits of hell into Godas marvelous light, beginning with an inside view of addiction to crack cocaine and culminating with living in the abundance of Godas prosperity. Part One, LOST, describes living a destructive lifestyle beyond manas reach, exposing many plots and plans of the enemy. Part Two explains REDEMPTION, encompassing the process of being rescued from captivity, emphatically expounding upon extrication from trouble or sin and on being forgiven. Part Three progresses to RESTORATION, explaining Godas expectations of the believer after having been renewed and revived and deals with issues that some mature Christians may face. Part Four addresses how Christians have the ability to live the PROSPERED lives that God intended. Told in an easy-to-read, personal manner with simplistic, revelatory analogies, the entire work is filled with divine wisdom and confirmed by Biblical examples that reaffirm oneas faith and strengthen oneas spirit.