From Logos to Bios

Book Description

This ground-breaking book utilizes insights from Hellenic cosmology and bio-philosophy in a discussion of the origins and mechanisms of organic diversity. Building upon the concept of evolution as the unfolding of inherent possibilities, the author also explores organic form and transformation, emphasizing the mathematical foundations thereof.

The Logos of the Bios 2

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From Logos to Bios

Book Description

The Logos of the Bios

Book Description

From Logos to Trinity

Book Description

A critical evaluation of the doctrine of the Trinity, tracing its development and investigating its intellectual, philosophical and theological background.

The Language of God

Book Description

Dr Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists, working at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God. How does he reconcile the seemingly unreconcilable? In THE LANGUAGE OF GOD he explains his own journey from atheism to faith, and then takes the reader on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry and biology -- indeed, reason itself -- are not incompatible with belief. His book is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of all: why are we here? How did we get here? And what does life mean?

The Logos of the Bios 1

Book Description

Recovering the Voice in Our Techno-Social World

Book Description

Using a communicological perspective, Recovering the Voice in our Techno-Social World: On the Phone identifies voice (phone in Greek) as the essential medium for a re-enchantment of human communication in our highly impersonal techno-social environment. This book is a response to the growing concern by social critics that we are becoming a de-voiced society because of our preferences for hyper-textual, image-based forms of electronic connectivity. Ironically, while we are increasingly “on the phone,” we are sacrificing our vocality within immediate ear-to-ear relations. Framed by the trope of enchantment, Deborah Eicher-Catt argues that the immediacy of the sounding voice calls us and enchants us to make possible productive moments of resonance in which we might cultivate an interpersonal resilience in today’s fast-paced, media-saturated environment. Scholars of media studies, communication, and sociology will find this book particularly useful.

Architects of the Culture of Death

Book Description

The phrase, ""the Culture of Death"", is bandied about as a catch-all term that covers abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on the sanctity of life. In Architects of the Culture of Death, authors Donald DeMarco and Benjamin Wiker expose the Culture of Death as an intentional and malevolent ideology promoted by influential thinkers who specifically attack Christian morality's core belief in the sanctity of human life and the existence of man's immortal soul. In scholarly, yet reader-friendly prose, DeMarco and Wiker examine the roots of the Culture of Death by introducing 23 of its architects, including Ayn Rand, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre, Alfred Kinsey, Margaret Sanger, Jack Kevorkian, and Peter Singer. Still, this is not a book without hope. If the Culture of Death rests on a fragmented view of the person and an eclipse of God, the future of the Culture of Life relies on an understanding and restoration of the human being as a person, and the rediscovery of a benevolent God. The personalism of John Paul II is an illuminating thread that runs through Architects, serving as a hopeful antidote.


Book Description

This book focuses on a prototype of creative causal processes termed BIOS and how the concept can be applied to the physical world, in medicine and in social science. This book presents methods for identifying creative features in empirical data; studies showing biotic patterns in physical, biological, and economic processes; mathematical models of bipolar (positive and negative) feedback that generate biotic patterns. These studies support the hypothesis that natural processes are creative (not determined) and causal (not random) and that bipolar feedback plays a major role in their evolution. Simple processes precede, coexist, constitute and surround the complex systems they generate (priority of the simple). In turn, complex processes feedback and transform simpler ones (supremacy of the complex).