Frost Action and Its Control

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Four papers, parts or all of which were presented during a session entitled "Frost heave processes and their control" at the ASCE National Spring Convention in 1982.

Frost Action Mitigation Procedures for Highly Frost-susceptible Soils

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Experience has indicated that the special design and construction features required to mitigate pavement damage due to frost action can result in significantly higher road construction/rehabilitation costs when compared to standard construction. If frost action is not controlled, permanent pavement deformation, damage to utiilties and overall poor road performance will result in escalated and untimely pavement rehabilitation. A 'standard' flexible pavement constructed in non frost-susceptible conditions could anticipate a normal service life of 12 to 15 years; the same pavement structure could require major maintenance within 5 years when constructed in an area where frost-susceptible subgrades are a problem. Over the past several years, a number of frost action mitigation procedures have been developed and implemented in the District Municipality of Muskoka to control, not eliminate, frost action. Subsequently, a joint Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA)/MTO sponsored demonstration project has been undertaken by the District Municiaplity of Muskoka to document tohe performance of these frost action mitigation measures and construct tiral sections using the most favourable methods for full performance monitoring and cost benefit analysis and to assist in the development of new standards for rura./urban roads in areas of severe frost action. These trial sections were constructed in the fall of 1992 with the final asphalt concrete surface course placed in June, 1993. For the covering abstract of this conference, see IRRD number 863140.

Special Report

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Frost Action Phenomena

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Frost Action and Insulation Against Subgrade Freezing

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4 reports presented at the Highway Research Road 44th Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 1965.

The Nature of Frost Action

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