A Strange Silence

Book Description

The victory of Violeta Chamorro in the Nicaraguan presidential election of 1990 culminated a dramatic struggle waged by the Nicaraguan people against the Sandinistas--and against their apologists in the American media and policy elites. A totalitarian Marxist regime was toppled--by popular vote--in favor of democracy. Such events typically would have been covered in vigorous detail by the American media. But our media greeted Mrs. Chamorro's triumph with a strange silence. Why? A Strange Silence: The Emergence of Democracy in Nicaragua is the first book to explain what made the Chamorro victory possible and why the U.S. media failed to tell the full story behind the Nicaraguan democratic revolution. Stephen Schwartz has challenged his colleagues in the press, the academy, and the intellectual class, marshaling details and analysis that rip away the screen of ideology from Nicaraguan history, politics, and culture. Based on his encounters with the leaders of Nicaragua's struggle for democracy, including the elusive "Comandante Zero" Eden Pastora, Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, and the courageous editor of La Prensa, Pablo Antonio Cuadra, Schwartz weaves a fascinating narrative--provocative, polemical, and passionate--of the Nicaraguan revolution as seen by the Nicaraguans themselves. Schwartz exposes the distortions of perceptions found among American supporters of the Sandinista regime--and why the same media that acclaimed the fall of the Berlin Wall let the stunning Nicaraguan election of 1990 pass in virtual silence. A staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle, Schwartz has combined his extensive expertise in Hispanic culture and his work as a historian of the cultural andpolitical left to create a unique account of the Nicaraguan and American drama of 1979-1990. This book is an evocative portrait of a time, a country, and a movement--and an eloquent examination of ideological corruption in the intellectual elite.

En Busca de Mi Destino

Book Description

Conmovedora e inspiradora. En Busca de Mi Destino cuenta una historia verdadera de amor de familia. Un relato maravilloso que muestra la resistencia del espíritu humano; prueba que hay fuerza en la unidad, y refleja el vínculo especial entre padres e hijos. Es la historia de una mujer que ha vivido su vida en dos culturas diferentes. Vivió su niñez y adolescencia en un pueblo Maya en Guatemala, donde las costumbres eran drásticas y dramáticas. Cuando se convirtió en madre soltera de tres niños pequeños, vivía en California, sin conocer las costumbres ni el idioma. Sin perder su compostura, les prometió a sus hijos que juntos sobrevivirían los obstáculos de los años venideros, y los guiaría, los cuidaría, y los amaría incondicionalmente hasta que ellos triunfaran en la vida. Aunque enfrentó muchos retos, ella perseveró en la búsqueda de amor, paz, felicidad y unión familiar. Los lectores podrán ser testigos de su fascinante historia en: En Busca de Mi Destino. Un libro por: Irma Reyes Herrera. Más que una autobiografía, En Busca de Mi Destino es el trayecto espiritual de una mujer con la determinación de adquirir control sobre su vida, encontrar su propósito, y por lo tanto, su destino. PADRES Relacionen y se darán cuenta de lo que comúnmente experimentamos. ABUELOS Les traerá recuerdos de cuando ustedes criaron a sus hijos. JOVENES Tendrán una idea de lo que es criar hijos, y el amor que se siente por ellos. NIÑOS Se inspirarán para tener una bella historia de su propia familia.

Collisions with History

Book Description

These collisions occurred only because of El Boom, thus making Latin America's greatest literary movement a historical phenomenon as well. Frederick M. Nunn discusses the cataclysmic view of history conveyed in Boom novels and examines the thought and self-perception of selected authors whose political activism enhanced the appeal of their works - historical and otherwise: Alejo Carpentier, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Augusto Roa Bastos; Julio Cortazar, Isabel Allende, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Darcy Ribeiro.

The Bumps Are What You Climb On

Book Description

We can't prevent crises from happening. But we can successfully deal with them. In this classic book, Warren W. Wiersbe offers solid hope and comfort in times of depression, frustration, disappointment, or loneliness. He extracts wisdom from the Bible and presents it in thirty brief, accessible meditations that guide readers to respond with faith, trust in God's promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, and add joy to life. With uplifting teaching and empowering challenges, this insightful book is a compelling devotional for any believer at any time.

Warfare in Latin America

Book Description

Five sections reflect the critical stages of military development in the continent. The first deals with the conquest in the 16th century, the second with the independence process in the first part of the nineteenth century, the next two with international and civil conflicts, and the last with the challenges of the 21st century.

Elections and Democracy in Central America, Revisited

Book Description

This volume represents a continuation and significant expansion of the study of the relationship of elections to democracy in Central America that the editors began with Elections and Democracy in Central America.