Linear Processes in Function Spaces

Book Description

The main subject of this book is the estimation and forecasting of continuous time processes. It leads to a development of the theory of linear processes in function spaces. Mathematical tools are presented, as well as autoregressive processes in Hilbert and Banach spaces and general linear processes and statistical prediction. Implementation and numerical applications are also covered. The book assumes knowledge of classical probability theory and statistics.

Theory of Function Spaces II

Book Description

Function Spaces, Theory and Applications

Book Description

The focus program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications took place at Fields Institute from July 1st to December 31st, 2021. Hilbert spaces of analytic functions form one of the pillars of complex analysis. These spaces have a rich structure and for more than a century have been studied by many prominent mathematicians. They also have several essential applications in other fields of mathematics and engineering, e.g., robust control engineering, signal and image processing, and theory of communication. The most important Hilbert space of analytic functions is the Hardy class H2. However, its close cousins, e.g. the Bergman space A2, the Dirichlet space D, the model subspaces Kt, and the de Branges-Rovnyak spaces H(b), have also been the center of attention in the past two decades. Studying the Hilbert spaces of analytic functions and the operators acting on them, as well as their applications in other parts of mathematics or engineering were the main subjects of this program. During the program, the world leading experts on function spaces gathered and discussed the new achievements and future venues of research on analytic function spaces, their operators, and their applications in other domains. With more than 250 hours of lectures by prominent mathematicians, a wide variety of topics were covered. More explicitly, there were mini-courses and workshops on Hardy Spaces, Dirichlet Spaces, Bergman Spaces, Model Spaces, Interpolation and Sampling, Riesz Bases, Frames and Signal Processing, Bounded Mean Oscillation, de Branges-Rovnyak Spaces, Operators on Function Spaces, Truncated Toeplitz Operators, Blaschke Products and Inner Functions, Discrete and Continuous Semigroups of Composition Operators, The Corona Problem, Non-commutative Function Theory, Drury-Arveson Space, and Convergence of Scattering Data and Non-linear Fourier Transform. At the end of each week, there was a high profile colloquium talk on the current topic. The program also contained two semester-long advanced courses on Schramm Loewner Evolution and Lattice Models and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space of Analytic Functions. The current volume features a more detailed version of some of the talks presented during the program.

From Vector Spaces to Function Spaces

Book Description

A guide to analytic methods in applied mathematics from the perspective of functional analysis, suitable for scientists, engineers and students.

Function Spaces and Applications

Book Description

This seminar is a loose continuation of two previous conferences held in Lund (1982, 1983), mainly devoted to interpolation spaces, which resulted in the publication of the Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 1070. This explains the bias towards that subject. The idea this time was, however, to bring together mathematicians also from other related areas of analysis. To emphasize the historical roots of the subject, the collection is preceded by a lecture on the life of Marcel Riesz.

Theory of Function Spaces

Book Description

The book deals with the two scales Bsp,q and Fsp,q of spaces of distributions, where ‐∞s∞ and 0p,q≤∞, which include many classical and modern spaces, such as Hölder spaces, Zygmund classes, Sobolev spaces, Besov spaces, Bessel-potential spaces, Hardy spaces and spaces of BMO-type. It is the main aim of this book to give a unified treatment of the corresponding spaces on the Euclidean n-space Rsubn

Theory of Function Spaces III

Book Description

This volume presents the recent theory of function spaces, paying special attention to some recent developments related to neighboring areas such as numerics, signal processing, and fractal analysis. Local building blocks, in particular (non-smooth) atoms, quarks, wavelet bases and wavelet frames are considered in detail and applied to diverse problems, including a local smoothness theory, spaces on Lipschitz domains, and fractal analysis.

Littlewood-Paley Theory and the Study of Function Spaces

Book Description

Littlewood-Paley theory was developed to study function spaces in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. Recently, it has contributed to the development of the *q-transform and wavelet decompositions. Based on lectures presented at the NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Function Spaces, held at Auburn University in July 1989, this book is aimed at mathematicians, as well as mathematically literate scientists and engineers interested in harmonic analysis or wavelets. The authors provide not only a general understanding of the area of harmonic analysis relating to Littlewood-Paley theory and atomic and wavelet decompositions, but also some motivation and background helpful in understanding the recent theory of wavelets. The book begins with some simple examples which provide an overview of the classical Littlewood-Paley theory. The *q-transform, wavelet, and smooth atomic expansions are presented as natural extensions of the classical theory. Finally, applications to harmonic analysis (Calderon-Zygmund operators), signal processing (compression), and mathematical physics (potential theory) are discussed.

The Implicit Function Theorem

Book Description

The implicit function theorem is part of the bedrock of mathematical analysis and geometry. Finding its genesis in eighteenth century studies of real analytic functions and mechanics, the implicit and inverse function theorems have now blossomed into powerful tools in the theories of partial differential equations, differential geometry, and geometric analysis. There are many different forms of the implicit function theorem, including (i) the classical formulation for C^k functions, (ii) formulations in other function spaces, (iii) formulations for non- smooth functions, (iv) formulations for functions with degenerate Jacobian. Particularly powerful implicit function theorems, such as the Nash--Moser theorem, have been developed for specific applications (e.g., the imbedding of Riemannian manifolds). All of these topics, and many more, are treated in the present volume. The history of the implicit function theorem is a lively and complex story, and is intimately bound up with the development of fundamental ideas in analysis and geometry. This entire development, together with mathematical examples and proofs, is recounted for the first time here. It is an exciting tale, and it continues to evolve. "The Implicit Function Theorem" is an accessible and thorough treatment of implicit and inverse function theorems and their applications. It will be of interest to mathematicians, graduate/advanced undergraduate students, and to those who apply mathematics. The book unifies disparate ideas that have played an important role in modern mathematics. It serves to document and place in context a substantial body of mathematical ideas.

Partial Inner Product Spaces

Book Description

Partial Inner Product (PIP) Spaces are ubiquitous, e.g. Rigged Hilbert spaces, chains of Hilbert or Banach spaces (such as the Lebesgue spaces Lp over the real line), etc. In fact, most functional spaces used in (quantum) physics and in signal processing are of this type. The book contains a systematic analysis of PIP spaces and operators defined on them. Numerous examples are described in detail and a large bibliography is provided. Finally, the last chapters cover the many applications of PIP spaces in physics and in signal/image processing, respectively. As such, the book will be useful both for researchers in mathematics and practitioners of these disciplines.