Fundamentals of Two-Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Two-fluid dynamics is a challenging subject rich in physics and prac tical applications. Many of the most interesting problems are tied to the loss of stability which is realized in preferential positioning and shaping of the interface, so that interfacial stability is a major player in this drama. Typically, solutions of equations governing the dynamics of two fluids are not uniquely determined by the boundary data and different configurations of flow are compatible with the same data. This is one reason why stability studies are important; we need to know which of the possible solutions are stable to predict what might be observed. When we started our studies in the early 1980's, it was not at all evident that stability theory could actu ally work in the hostile environment of pervasive nonuniqueness. We were pleasantly surprised, even astounded, by the extent to which it does work. There are many simple solutions, called basic flows, which are never stable, but we may always compute growth rates and determine the wavelength and frequency of the unstable mode which grows the fastest. This proce dure appears to work well even in deeply nonlinear regimes where linear theory is not strictly valid, just as Lord Rayleigh showed long ago in his calculation of the size of drops resulting from capillary-induced pinch-off of an inviscid jet.

Fundamentals of Two-Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Two-fluid dynamics is a challenging subject rich in physics and prac tical applications. Many of the most interesting problems are tied to the loss of stability which is realized in preferential positioning and shaping of the interface, so that interfacial stability is a major player in this drama. Typically, solutions of equations governing the dynamics of two fluids are not uniquely determined by the boundary data and different configurations of flow are compatible with the same data. This is one reason why stability studies are important; we need to know which of the possible solutions are stable to predict what might be observed. When we started our studies in the early 1980's, it was not at all evident that stability theory could actu ally work in the hostile environment of pervasive nonuniqueness. We were pleasantly surprised, even astounded, by the extent to which it does work. There are many simple solutions, called basic flows, which are never stable, but we may always compute growth rates and determine the wavelength and frequency of the unstable mode which grows the fastest. This proce dure appears to work well even in deeply nonlinear regimes where linear theory is not strictly valid, just as Lord Rayleigh showed long ago in his calculation of the size of drops resulting from capillary-induced pinch-off of an inviscid jet.

Fundamentals of Two-Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Two-fluid dynamics is a challenging subject rich in physics and prac tical applications. Many of the most interesting problems are tied to the loss of stability which is realized in preferential positioning and shaping of the interface, so that interfacial stability is a major player in this drama. Typically, solutions of equations governing the dynamics of two fluids are not uniquely determined by the boundary data and different configurations of flow are compatible with the same data. This is one reason why stability studies are important; we need to know which of the possible solutions are stable to predict what might be observed. When we started our studies in the early 1980's, it was not at all evident that stability theory could actu ally work in the hostile environment of pervasive nonuniqueness. We were pleasantly surprised, even astounded, by the extent to which it does work. There are many simple solutions, called basic flows, which are never stable, but we may always compute growth rates and determine the wavelength and frequency of the unstable mode which grows the fastest. This proce dure appears to work well even in deeply nonlinear regimes where linear theory is not strictly valid, just as Lord Rayleigh showed long ago in his calculation of the size of drops resulting from capillary-induced pinch-off of an inviscid jet.

Fundamentals of Two-Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

Two-fluid dynamics is a challenging subject rich in physics and prac tical applications. Many of the most interesting problems are tied to the loss of stability which is realized in preferential positioning and shaping of the interface, so that interfacial stability is a major player in this drama. Typically, solutions of equations governing the dynamics of two fluids are not uniquely determined by the boundary data and different configurations of flow are compatible with the same data. This is one reason why stability studies are important; we need to know which of the possible solutions are stable to predict what might be observed. When we started our studies in the early 1980's, it was not at all evident that stability theory could actu ally work in the hostile environment of pervasive nonuniqueness. We were pleasantly surprised, even astounded, by the extent to which it does work. There are many simple solutions, called basic flows, which are never stable, but we may always compute growth rates and determine the wavelength and frequency of the unstable mode which grows the fastest. This proce dure appears to work well even in deeply nonlinear regimes where linear theory is not strictly valid, just as Lord Rayleigh showed long ago in his calculation of the size of drops resulting from capillary-induced pinch-off of an inviscid jet.

IUTAM Symposium on Lubricated Transport of Viscous Materials

Book Description

The main objective of the First International Symposium on Lubricated Transport of Viscous Materials was to bring together scientists and engineers from academia and industryto discuss current research work and exchange ideas in this newly emerging field. It is an area offluid dynamics devoted to laying bare the principlesofthe lubricated transport of viscous materials such as crude oil, concentrated oil/water emulsion, slurries and capsules. It encompasses several types of problem. Studies of migration of particulates away from walls, Segre-Silverberg effects, lubrication versus lift and shear-induced migration belong to one category. Some of the technological problems are the fluid dynamics ofcore flows emphasizing studies ofstability, problems of start-up, lift-off and eccentric flow where gravity causes the core flow to stratify. Another category of problems deals with the fouling of pipe walls with oil, with undesirable increases in pressure gradients and even blocking. This study involves subjects like adhesion and dynamic contact angles. The topics ofshear-induced diffusion ofsmall particles and wall slip in slow flow are other appropriate subjects. Computer intensive studiesofflow-induced microstructures and moving interface problems are yet additional research directions. The general consensus was that the Symposium was a tremendous success, although the number of presentations fell below expectations. Scientists from the petroleum industry, and this includes INTEVEP (Venezuela), Schlumberger and Syncrude Canada Ltd. , and consultants to oil companies actively participated in the Symposium. The meeting produced new insights which should lead to further interesting research work and established contacts for possiblejoint investigations.

Advances in Multi-fluid Flows

Book Description

The papers from this conference deal with multi-fluid flows and interfacial instabilities. Papers on multiple-layer convection, wave dynamics in viscous flows, stability of viscoelastic flows, numberical computation of bubbles, and solidification are included.

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Hydrodynamic Stability

Book Description

Hydrodynamic stability is of fundamental importance in the mechanics of fluids and is mainly concerned with the problem of the transition to turbulence. This book is devoted to publication of original research papers, research-expository and survey articles with an emphasis on unsolved problems and open questions in the mathematical modeling and computational aspects of hydrodynamic stability. Review chapters on the mathematical modeling and numerical simulation aspects of hydrodynamic stability, the physical background, and the limitations of the modeling and simulation procedures, due to particular mathematical or computational methods used, are included. This book will be appropriate for use in research and in research-related courses on the subject. It includes chapters on bifurcations in fluid systems, flow patterns, channel flows, non-parallel shear flows, thin-film flows, strong viscous shear flows, Gortler vortices, bifurcations in convection, wavy film flows and boundary layers.