
Book Description

Oli: para oligo, en cada niveles algunas opciones de palabras claves, sobre algunos niveles Cogno: para conocimiento, articulacion de conceptos claves, para integrar democraticamente y en grupos operativos Grafia: para une dibujo de grafos geometricamente logicos. En total, un marco logico para caracterizar situaciones teoricas y aplicadas. Por le tanto una metodologia, aplicada para aprender en estructurar marcos logicos integros. 50 ejemplos de aplicacion en muchos registros de ciencias desde la filosofia hasta las ciencias sociales; epistemologias cuya filosofia de diseño se presta al manejo democratico de programas compartidos.

Principles of Foundation Engineering

Book Description

Master the core concepts and applications of foundation analysis and design with Das/Sivakugan’s best-selling PRINCIPLES OF FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, 9th Edition. Written specifically for those studying undergraduate civil engineering, this invaluable resource by renowned authors in the field of geotechnical engineering provides an ideal balance of today's most current research and practical field applications. A wealth of worked-out examples and figures clearly illustrate the work of today's civil engineer, while timely information and insights help readers develop the critical skills needed to properly apply theories and analysis while evaluating soils and foundation design. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo

Book Description

"MATEMATICAS BASICAS. Una Introducción al Cálculo" tiene una fácil manera para aprender a aprender Matemáticas con cuatro capítulos principales; el primero está referido a la teoría de conjuntos, el sistema numérico y la recta real, junto con el sistema cartesiano del plano y espacio. El segundo capítulo muestra aplicaciones de la teoría de conjuntos, las permutaciones, las combinaciones, las relaciones y las funciones. El tercer capítulo ilustra traslaciones y modelos funcionales con los tipos de funciones: real, polinómica, constante, lineal, cuadrática, exponencial, logarítmica, trigonométricas y función inversa. El cuarto capítulo desarrolla las ecuaciones y desigualdades, junto con sistemas de ecuaciones y desigualdades lineales o no lineales. El quinto capítulo concluye con ejercicios de recapitulación resueltos. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes universitarios en programas académicos presenciales o de educación a distancia en ciencias económicas, administrativas, sociales y humanísticas.

Eladio Dieste

Book Description

Metodología Para El Aprendizaje Del Cálculo Integral

Book Description

It is a different book to others because it contains learning methods of integral calculus and proves to be useful for students and teachers of High Schools, Colleges Bachelors, Universities and Technological Institutions.


Book Description

This text is designed for those who already know structural calculation. It starts with the simple exercise of reformulating the direct stiffness method using matrices. The aim is to allow the student to understand the enormous power and generality of the weak formulation for the approximation of strut structure problems by using a formulation which is easy to understand. The correspondence of results of the initial classical formulation with those of the FEM when using linear shape functions and Hermite polynomials allows us to tackle the general formulation of the fundamental concepts of the method more easily. Once the method and the details of its general formulation are understood (although only through its application in a specific structural type), the FEM is presented in a general way, as a procedure for obtaining approximated solutions for partial differential equations. The approaches to field problems and to linear elasticity problems are presented as examples. The method has been now clearly presented and therefore, the selection of the type of element, with the generation of interpolation functions of higher degree and their systematization in element families, can be studied in greater depth. This part finishes with the introduction of the idea of isoparametric transformation that, together with numerical integration, explains the stage of development reached by the method. Finally, the subject relative to plates is dealt with, looking at their specific use as structural elements, and trying to show the difficulty of satisfying the continuity between elements in thin plates, and the shear locking solution in thick plates amongst other things

RETRACTED BOOK: 151 Trading Strategies

Book Description

The book provides detailed descriptions, including more than 550 mathematical formulas, for more than 150 trading strategies across a host of asset classes and trading styles. These include stocks, options, fixed income, futures, ETFs, indexes, commodities, foreign exchange, convertibles, structured assets, volatility, real estate, distressed assets, cash, cryptocurrencies, weather, energy, inflation, global macro, infrastructure, and tax arbitrage. Some strategies are based on machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks, Bayes, and k-nearest neighbors. The book also includes source code for illustrating out-of-sample backtesting, around 2,000 bibliographic references, and more than 900 glossary, acronym and math definitions. The presentation is intended to be descriptive and pedagogical and of particular interest to finance practitioners, traders, researchers, academics, and business school and finance program students.


Book Description