The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises focuses on two interrelated aspects of migration crises: the contexts that give rise to such crises, and the role of the media and public officials in framing migratory flows as crises. It critically examines what crises are, where they arise, and how this concept is used in scholarship and policy.

Preventing Ageing Unequally

Book Description

This report examines how the two global mega-trends of population ageing and rising inequalities have been developing and interacting, both within and across generations.

The Marx-Engels Reader

Book Description

Se muestra tanto la cronología como el desarrollo temático de los dos grandes pensadores. Abarca desde la historia, la sociedad y la economía, hasta la política, la filosofía, y la estrategia y táctica de la revolución social. Se presenta los escritos del joven Marx, las obras que despertaron tanto interés y provocó tanto debate en los últimos años. Se esboza, la estrategia y las tácticas del movimiento revolucionario. Incluye escritos sobre sociedad y política en el siglo XIX, no solo europeos, sino también asiáticos y rusos. Se presenta los últimos escritos de Engels, en los que el marxismo fue popularizado y sistematizado en beneficio de las masas. El lector de Marx-Engels contiene una introducción general interpretativa que rastrea y analiza el desarrollo de la filosofía marxista.

Being an Independent Regulator

Book Description

This report identifies the critical points where undue influence can be exercised at different moments in the life of a regulator and discusses some of the avenues for developing a culture of independence, including through interactions with stakeholders, staffing and financing.

Transforming Economies

Book Description

This book helps connect the dots between economic theory, the role of capabilities, the lessons from history and the practical challenges of design and implementation of industrial policies. In so doing it provides an excellent policy roadmap for anyone interested in the challenge of promoting catch-up growth and productive transformation.

Trade and Employment

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The Informal Economy

Book Description

A New York roofer requests payment in cash. A Bogota car mechanic sets up "shop" on a quiet side street. Four Mexican immigrants assemble semiconductors in a San Diego home. A Leningrad doctor sells needed medicine to a desperate patient. All are part of a growing worldwide phenomenon that is widely known but little understood. The informal or underground economy is thriving today, not only in the Third World countries where it was first reported and studied but also in Eastern Europe and the developed nations of the West. The Informal Economy is the first book to bring together studies from all three of these settings and to integrate them into a coherent theoretical framework. Taking an international perspective, the authors dispel a number of misconceptions about the informal economy. They make clear, for instance, that it is not solely a province of the poor. Cutting across social strata, it reflects a political and economic realignment between employers and workers and a shift in the regulatory mission of the government. Throughout, the authors' theoretical observations serve not only to unify material from diverse sources but also to map out directions for further research.

Market and Competition Authorities

Book Description

Market and competition authorities operate in a complex environment with conflicting stakeholder demands. Balancing the various interests of the authority and stakeholder in an objective and impartial manner is strategic to achieving the goals of the legislation imposed. In a fresh approach examining the actions of an authority when a regulation is applied, Annetje Ottow argues the vital importance of the behavior of authorities, focusing on five fundamental good agency principles: legality, independence, transparency, effectiveness, and responsibility, or, LITER. These principles provide agencies and those reviewing their actions with a framework for agency design and action. Combining theory and practice to provide insight into agencies' organization and behavior, this book outlines and analyses behavioral issues using an ecosystemic method, addressing how independent agencies should be assessed, and which principles should apply. Using cases from the Netherlands and the UK, Ottow examines the key processes of authorities against the LITER principles, and opens the debate on 'how to regulate the agency'.


Book Description

This book covers the slave trade from 1562-1865 involving ten white nations and hundreds of black tribal rulers; it concentrates on the roles played by the English and the Americans.