Further Studies of the Distribution of Uranium in Rich Phosphate Beds of the Phosphoria Formation

Book Description

Five sets of 'close' samples (narrow and contiguous samples across a lithologic unit) from beds of high phosphate content of the Phosphoria. formation in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming were analyzed chemically for F and C02. Very good correlations between F, C032, and P205 were found in several of the samples. The size of phosphate pellets was measured in thin sections of two sets of close samples. Frequency histograms and cumulative curves were plotted from these size measurements, but when compared with uranium concentration for each sample, no significant correlation between size and uranium concentration was discovered. Analyses of these samples for P2O5, CaO, organic matter, and equivalent ura- nium are presented in a previous report by this writer (U. S. Gool. Survey Bull. 988-D). In two sets of samples a good correlation was found between equivalent uranium and each of the other components. The samples in these two sets have a uranium content that is relatively high for the Phosphoria formation, and they show considerable range in P205 content.

Uranium in Phosphate Rock

Book Description

A study of the distribution and occurrence of uranium in phosphate deposits of the world.