Fútbol a la medida del niño

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Fútbol a la medida del niño

Book Description

Team Sports Training

Book Description

Team Sports Training: The Complexity Model presents a novel approach to team sports training, examining football (soccer), rugby, field hockey, basketball, handball and futsal through the paradigm of complexity. Under a traditional prism, these sports have been analyzed using a deterministic perspective, where the constituent dimensions of the sportsmen were independently examined and treated in isolation. It was expected that the body worked as a perfect machine and, once all the components were maximized, the sportsmen improved their performance. If the same closed recipe was applied to all the players that formed part of the squad, the global team performance was expected to be enhanced. As much as these reductionistic models seem coherent, when contrasted in practice we see that the reality of team sports is far more different from the closed conditions in which they were idealized. Team sports contain variable, heterogeneous and non-linear constrains which require the development of a different logic to organize their training. During the last years, ecological psychology, the dynamical systems theory or the constraints-led approach have opened interesting fields of research from which many conceptual foundations can be applied to team sports. Based in this contemporary framework, the current book presents the study of the players and the teams as complex systems, using coordination dynamics to explain the emergence of the self-organisation episodes that characterize them. In addition, this thinking line provides the reader with the ability to apply all these innovative concepts to their practical training scenarios. Altogether, it is intended to challenge the reader to re-think their training strategy and to develop an original theory and practice of training specific to team sports.

The assistant soccer coach

Book Description

The assistant soccer coach has existed for decades, and is a standard figure within the coaching staff, with specific roles, functions and responsibilities. However, I find it strange that nobody has yet described this profession formally. I used to only be a head coach, until one day I was proposed to be the assistant coach of U18 team of FC Barcelona. That is when I started thinking about writing this book, moved by my desire to continue learning. If I wanted to train in my new role I could only do it by asking others and observing training sessions. But I was missing one of the pillars that has forever supported my training: studying and reading. With this book I hope to cover that lack of information. The book is divided into two parts: the first is based on describing the assistant coach in professional soccer and I have not found a more practical way to do it than through interviews with assistant coaches. Each interviewee has contributed his experiences from working with the most recognized soccer coaches: I am talking about people who have worked with Vicente del Bosque, Ernesto Valverde, Luis Enrique, Pep Guardiola, Mauricio Pochettino, Sergio González, Quique Sánchez Flores, and Paulo Sousa. The second part of the book is related to Youth soccer, which I have experienced in clubs like Atlético de Madrid and FC Barcelona. I propose the role of the assistant coach working in Youth soccer to be more formative and educational than what is currently given, and I want to direct their effort towards two dimensions: the team's sporting performance (which the vast majority do) and the individualized analysis of the young player (which very few do). This second dimension is described in the last chapter, to demonstrate a new vision of assistant coaches in Youth soccer, who in my view have to dedicate their time to improving the players as an athlete and as a person in a more personalized and integral way.

Our Competition is the World

Book Description

This book provides ideas for implementing the recently unveiled United States Soccer Curriculum by Claudio Reyna and Dr. Javier Perez. The information comes directly from some of the world's most prominent figures in youth soccer development. It focuses mainly on the 11-14 age groups and touches on topics such as philosophy of coaching, winning now vs long term development, communication with parents, appropriate age level progressions, better understanding our players, maximizing potential, how talent is developed, creativity, the training session, style of play, and training outside the regular practice sessions. The book provides many diagrams and photos which are designed to help support the running of training sessions. The activities provided help players develop game intelligence and perception while establishing a possession oriented and attacking style of play. Also included are thoughts on player development by prominent coaches throughout the United States.

Quiero ser jugador de futbol

Book Description

Quiero ser jugador de futbol es una orientacion para los niños y adolescentes que sueñan con ser futbolistas y sus padres. Con entrevistas a entrenadores, futbolistas, preparadores fisicos y periodistas, apunta a la formacion integral del deportista y del ser humano. Libro recomendado por ANEP, dependiente del MEC de Uruguay, como texto para ser utilizado en las aulas de Educación Primaria y Secundaria