Future Climate Change Impacts on the Boreal Forest in Northwestern Ontario. Implications for the Forestry Sector and the Local Community [electronic Resource]

Book Description

A large body of research has documented evidence of climate change impact already occurring on different systems on earth, future impacts can be expected. Accordingly, research is urgently needed to analyze the potential impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems in order to contribute to better landscape planning and management. This thesis investigates how climate change affects landscape change, and how to use this understanding in the analysis of land-use and landscape planning and management to adapt to climate change impacts. In particular, this study examines how climate change may impact a managed forest in terms of timber availability, and the regional community that relies on it for its survival. I hypothesized that the Boreal forest in north western Ontario will change in the short term (i.e. 60 years) in species composition and will produce less available timber as a result of human-induced climate change as modeled by different General Circulation Models plus harvesting, compared to a baseline climate. The study objectives were (a) to evaluate the degree of change in land cover (species composition) under forest harvesting and various climate change scenarios; (b) to analyze timber availability under different climate change scenarios, and harvesting; (c) to describe possible scenarios of land cover change as a result of climate change impact and harvesting to assist in policy-making related to land-use and landscape planning; and (d) to identify possible sources of both land-use conflicts and synergies as a result of changes in landscape composition caused by climate change. The study area was the Dog-River Matawin forest in north western Ontario (̃8 x 104 ha). It is currently under harvesting. I used the Boreal Forest Landscape Dynamic Simulator (BFOLDS) fire model to simulate landscape change under different climate change scenarios (CCSRNIES A21, CGCM2 A22), which were then compared to simulations under a baseline climate scenario (1961-1990). I also developed an algorithm for the geographic information systems Arc View©, that selected useful stands, and simulated harvesting and regeneration rules after logging, processes not currently included in BFOLDS. The studied period covered 60 years to analyze impacts in the medium term in the landscape change. Results obtained were the following. (1) There will be a shortage in timber availability under all scenarios including the baseline. The impacts of climate change will cause a deficit in timber availability much earlier under a warmer scenario with respect to the baseline. The combined impact of climate change and harvesting could diminish timber availability up to 35% compared to the baseline by year 2040 under the CCSRNIES A21 scenario mainly due to an increase in fires. Deficits will occur 10 years before in the same scenario compared to the baseline (by year 2035). (2) In both scenarios and the baseline, there will be a younger forest. In 60 years, there will not be mature forest to support ecological, social and economic processes, as the forest will only have young stands. (3) Results obtained indicated that species composition will not change importantly among the scenarios of climate change and the baseline every decade, but there will be a change in dominance along the 60 years of the simulation under each scenario including the baseline. Softwood increased in dominance and hardwood decreased in all scenarios. The period length used in the simulation of 60 years appeared to be too short to reveal conspicuous changes in species composition. Increases observed in softwood over hardwood related to the increase in fires which promoted the establishment of species such as jack pine as well as the application of regeneration rules after logging. This finding did not agree with the hypothesis. Results of timber availability were consistent with what I expected. Warmest climate change scenarios (CCSRNIES A21) impacted both the amount of timber available (less availability every ten years) from the beginning of the simulation and the time when deficits occurred. There are important economic, social and environmental implications of the results of this study, namely a future forest that would be young and would supply much less timber. For the forestry industry, production goals would be hindered in the medium term, falling short of industry demands. For a society that depends heavily upon the forest to survive, declining production can imply unemployment, thus affecting the welfare of the community. For the environment, such a young, fragmented forest could be unable to sustain important key species and ecological processes, leading to a loss of biodiversity, Land-use and landscape planning should be used to regulate how the land is used to minimize climate change impact. They should be further used as adaptation tools, to help in ameliorate those climate change impacts that do occur.

Managing Boreal Forests in the Context of Climate Change

Book Description

In many places in the world, forests dominate landscapes and provide various products. Future climate change could profoundly alter the productivity of forest ecosystems and species composition. Until now, climate impact research has primarily focused on the likely impacts of rise in temperature, increased atmospheric CO2 concentration, and varying precipitation on unmanaged forests. The issue that now needs to be addressed is how to sustainably manage climate change for timber production and biomass. Though climate change is a global issue, impacts on forests depend on local environmental conditions and management methods, so this book will look at the issue under varying local contexts.

The Importance of Forest Sector Adaptation to Climate Change

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This report summarizes current knowledge about recent changes in the climate of Canadas forests and projects further changes over this century based on scenarios of future global greenhouse gas emissions developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Even with sustained reductions in global emissions the future climate is predicted to be quite different, meaning that adaptation will be essential. Impacts on the forest are already occurring and will be substantial in the future. The current upward trend in area burned annually is expected to continue. Forests will be prone to widespread stress induced by the changing climate, increasing the likelihood of pest outbreaks in the short to medium term. Recent outbreaks of several pests have exceeded in scope all previous known epidemics of these pests and are associated with the crossing of a climatic threshold. Invasion of the boreal forest by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Hopkins), appears likely, although the effect of this range expansion would likely be less severe than that observed recently in British Columbia, and outbreaks of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens), are predicted to be longer and more severe in the future. Future forest growth in response to climate change is expected to be variable, with growth reduction because of drought in parts of Canadas western forests perhaps the most dramatic short- to medium-term outcome, though modestly increased growth in the east is predicted. Such impacts have implications for the cost and characteristics of timber supply, and climate change will also affect forestry operations, recreation opportunities, biodiversity, and carbon storage. Planning based on past approaches will need to be reconsidered. Current objectives for sustainable forest management may not be attainable in the future, although there may be some new opportunities. Climate change may produce public safety risks, significant economic and social dislocation in forest-dependent communities including Aboriginal communities, and impacts on the competitiveness of companies as well as on the actions and policies of all levels of government. These effects can be reduced through early identification and implementation of actions to reduce vulnerabilities or take advantage of new opportunities. The key needs associated with adaptation in the forest sector include awareness building and debate, improved knowledge and information, vulnerability assessments, planning frameworks and tools, and enhanced coordination and cooperation among governments and other forest sector participants. Meeting the challenge of adaptation will require sustained effort for many years.

The Impacts of Climate Change on Ontario's Forests

Book Description

Reviews literature concerning the effects of global climate change on forest plants and communities, and provides opinions on the potential impacts that climate change may have on Ontario forests. Sections of the review discuss the following: the climate of Ontario in the 21st century as predicted by climate models; forest hydrology in relation to climate change; insects and climate change; impacts on fungi in the forest ecosystem; impacts on forest fires and their management; plant physiological responses; genetic implications of climate change; forest vegetation dynamics; the use of models in global climate change studies; and forest management responses to climate change.

Ontario's Forests and Forestry in a Changing Climate

Book Description

This report updates a review of literature about the effects of global climate change on forest plants and communities published in 1998. The focus is on changes in Ontario predicted for forest fires, insect outbreaks, disease, forest growth, species composition, harvest rates, wood supply, genetics and regeneration, and carbon-based forest management.--Includes text from document.

Climate Change and Canada's Forests

Book Description

Forest managers can expect the unexpected and they can expect that change will be ongoing and unrelenting. Some general recommendations for beginning to address climate change in Canada's forest sector include enhancing the capacity to undertake integrated assessment of vulnerabilities to climate change at various scales; increasing resources to monitor the impacts of climate change; increasing resources for impacts and adaptation science; reviewing forest policies, forest planning, forest management approaches, and institutions to assess our ability to achieve social objectives under climate change; embedding principles of risk management and adaptive management into forest management; and maintaining or improving the capacity for communicating, networking, and information sharing with the Canadian public and within the forest sector."--Pub. website.

Past and Future Impacts of Climate Change on Boreal Forest Timber Supply

Book Description

The boreal forest is home to a thriving forest industry which requires stable, long term timber to remain viable. Anthropogenic climate change, caused by the release of greenhouse gasses, is occurring rapidly in northern locations. Climate change impacts the boreal forest in many different ways and has the potential impact forestry operations considerably. While there has been significant research on both climate change and the boreal forest, few studies combine both topics to include long-term timber supply. Knowledge gaps exist in terms of how ecological impacts from climate change will affect forestry, particularly in terms of net biomass, species compositions, forest disturbances and species migrations. There is also a lack of timber forecasting studies that utilize forest disturbances and implement drought mortality. Throughout this thesis, these key areas are addressed. We first conducted a literature review and synthesis of the impacts of climate change on boreal forest timber supply. We found that the disparity between migration rates of tree species with ongoing climate change may reduce the overall forest area of the boreal long term. Regional forest disturbances are increasing in frequency and intensity, affecting harvestable volumes and timber quality. Species compositions are changing; favoring early successional conifers and deciduous broadleaf species because of new local climates and more frequent disturbances. Most importantly, net biomass is likely in decline since regional increases in growth are outweighed by general increases in overall tree mortality. Our synthesis concluded that considerable reductions in the quality and quantity of boreal timber supply are likely to occur in the near future without forestry adaptation strategies or climate mitigation measures being implemented. We then simulated four climate change scenarios in three boreal forest regions to test the effect on long term timber supply and the success of two harvesting intensities. By adding annual, species specific, drought-induced tree mortality to a previously published landscape model, we sought to more completely study this important topic. Our results show long term declines in aboveground biomass, regional increases in tree mortality (from fires, insects and drought), and species composition shifts favoring broadleaf and temperate forest species. Our area-based harvesting prescriptions show that with lower harvesting intensity, consistent harvest levels area more likely to be maintained. However, our most severe climate forcing shows considerable reductions in aboveground biomass and harvested biomass. These findings necessitate action for mitigation of climate change and forestry adaptation strategies to cope with negative climate impacts. In summary, climate change considerably impacts the future success of boreal forestry. Our review of recent literature suggests that the consequences of climate change far outweigh the benefits. Our simulation results show annual biomass levels generally declines, especially in extreme future climates. Continued study and urgent management actions are needed to successfully adapt forest industry to the pressures of climate change.

Socioeconomic Impacts and Adaptive Responses to Climate Change

Book Description

The purpose of social science analysis of climate change is to assist policy makers in understanding the expected flows of benefits and costs of policy options over time and to improve our understanding of the human dimensions of the climate change issue. This report deals with socioeconomic criteria for assessment and with the development of methods and approaches for obtaining a better understanding of the socioeconomic impacts and adaptive responses to climate change in Canada's forest sector. Policy makers responding to the climate change issue must deal with many complex issues and unique circumstances. These issues and circumstances also have a bearing on methodologies for undertaking analysis of the future impacts of climate change. Climate change and the effects of climate change on human society spans multiple scales, which leads to the need to consider feedback's and interactions between environmental and human systems, between political systems and between different parts or segments of economies. The implications are that dynamic general or partial equilibrium models integrated with ecosystem response models will be required in order to understand the implications of climate change for land use change, future ecosystem distributions and the supply of timber from Canada's forests. In addition to affecting future timber supply and future commercial forest areas, climate change will influence the benefits Canadians receive from non-market benefits such as outdoor recreation. Currently there is limited analysis of the effects of climate change on non-market values and this area requires more work. Another factor influencing climate change analysis is that the issue spans unusually long time frames for policy analysis and economic analysis. This raises questions about suitable discount rates and accounting for social welfare of future generations. Finally, there is significant uncertainty in long term predictions of climate change and in how the integrated human/biological system will respond over time. Decision analysis, safe minimum standards, precautionary principles and maximin criterion provide some way to incorporate uncertainty into decision making. In terms of integrated assessment models, systematic consideration for the diversity of opinions and results from scientific studies regarding future climate and ecosystems shifts is required.

Climate Change in the Western and Northern Forests of Canada

Book Description

This is the report of a workshop held to provide a forum for the exchange of information on both the expected impacts of climate change on Canada's western & northern forests, and potential adaptive strategies. Topics covered in presentations & poster sessions included climate change science and the implications of climate change for environmental, social, & economic values of the forest. Facilitated interactive sessions focussed on knowledge gaps, policy, and institutional barriers to adaptation, followed by suggestions for moving the climate change impacts & adaptation agenda forward in the forest sector.