Future War and Counterproliferation

Book Description

The United States faces a small number of rogue states that either have or are working to acquire weapons of mass destruction. These NASTIs, or NBC-Arming Sponsors of Terrorism and Intervention, include such states as North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, and Syria. U.S. nonproliferation programs and policies have helped to keep this number small, but U.S. and allied counterproliferation programs are essential to reduce the danger. It is up to deterrence, active defenses, passive defenses, decontamination, and counterforce to turn enemy weapons of mass destruction into instruments of limited destructive effect. Warfighters will also have to adopt a different strategy and concept of operations in fighting an adversary that is so heavily armed. This strategy will feature a combination of deception, dispersion, mobility and maneuver, diffused logistics, remote engagement, missile defense bubbles, non-combatant evacuation operations, and large area decontamination. It will also involve upgrades to NBC passive defense measures and equipment, as well as a counterforce capability that can find and destroy a variety of adversary targets, including mobile launchers and deeply buried and hardened underground structures.

Nonproliferation - Challenges Old and New

Book Description

Since the advent of the nuclear era in 1945, Americans and others have been debating whether or how it might be possible to prevent the proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD). As each new proliferation challenge has emerged, debate about the shortcomings of the various policy tools for coping with proliferation has intensified. These debates have grown only more intense in the last ten to fifteen years. Despite such debates, American presidents have steered a fairly consistent course promoting nonproliferation, innovating along the way, while also coping with its periodic failures. The end of the Cold War seemed to make new things possible for nonproliferation, with the promise of even more cooperation between East and West on specific proliferation challenges. And the Persian Gulf War of 1990-91 seemed to make new things necessary, as the United States faced the first regional war under the shadow of weapons of mass destruction. First President George H.W. Bush and then President William Clinton committed the federal government to significant political efforts to strengthen the tools of nonproliferation policy.

The War Next Time

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The Counter Proliferation Imperative

Book Description

Beyond conventional warfare considerations, the United States now faces an acute challenge in nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) weapons proliferation-a principal asymmetric warfare capability. These weapons pose a diverse array of risks to U.S. and allied armed forces, civilians, and to the U.S. homeland itself. In the hands of irresponsible or aggressive states, NBC weapons undermine regional stability and threaten U.S. and allied interests. For defense planners, these weapons present significant, and difficult, strategic and operational challenges. Nor is the emerging threat limited solely to state actors: in the future, some subnational entities, perhaps with state sponsorship, could become capable of delivering NBC weapons globally. Contents: The NBC Threat: Perspectives on Intentions and Capabilities Counterproliferation Policy: Current and Emerging Issues Operations in NBC Environments: Perspectives on the Warfight Counterproliferation Acquisition Responding to the Biological Warfare Challenge Medical Dimensions of Counterproliferation Deterring NBC Use Preemption in Peacetime, Crisis, and War Counterproliferation Past and Future: Key Considerations Endnotes

Battlefield of the Future - 21st Century Warfare Issues

Book Description

This is a book about strategy and war fighting. It contains 11 essays which examine topics such as military operations against a well-armed rogue state, the potential of parallel warfare strategy for different kinds of states, the revolutionary potential of information warfare, the lethal possibilities of biological warfare and the elements of an ongoing revolution in military affairs. The purpose of the book is to focus attention on the operational problems, enemy strategies and threat that will confront U.S. national security decision makers in the twenty-first century.

Developing a Theoretical Model of Counterproliferation for the 21st Century

Book Description

Examining counterproliferation as a global phenomenon, the authors use an in-depth analysis of the Counterproliferation Initiative to develop a theoretical model of counterproliferation for the 21st century. Arguing that existing counterproliferation policy is the product of bureaucratic competition, the authors propose several modifications of existing policy. In the second half of the book, they use four case studies (Cuban Missile Crisis, Persian Gulf War, Osirak Reactor Raid, and Sudan) to identify factors that might contribute to an effective counterproliferation strategy. More specifically, the authors explore the relationship between the strength of an intelligence-gathering apparatus and the successful or unsuccessful elimination of weapons of mass destruction. The study concludes with observations and limited predictions regarding the future of counterproliferation.

The Anthrax Vaccine Debate

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Saddam is Iraq

Book Description

Identified as a member of the "axis of evil" by President George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein's Iraq continues to pose a major threat to the region and to Western society. Saddam has doggedly pursued the development of weapons of mass destruction, despite U.N. sanctions imposed at the conclusion of the Gulf crisis. To deal effectively with Saddam Hussein requires a clear understanding of his motivations, perceptions, and decision-making. To provide a framework for this complex political leader, a comprehensive political psychology profile has been developed, and his actions since the crisis analyzed in the context of this political psychology assessment

The Future of War

Book Description

The Future of War makes a brilliant case that the twenty-first century, even more than the twentieth, will be the American century, and that America's global dominance will be associated with a revolution in weaponry and warfare as basic as the one that arose with the development of gunpowder five hundred years ago. From the era of flintlocks and cannons to the day of automatic weapons and heavy artillery, the waging of war-while undeniably changing in many aspects-has continued to rely on the technology that began with the use of black powder to expel a projectile through a tube. In The Future of War, the authors argue that this Age of Ballistics is ending and we are entering a fundamentally new period, the Age of Precision-Guided Munitions (PGMs), the so-called smart weapons that will antiquate the traditional way of making war. Where guns and artillery are inherently inaccurate and need to be fired thousands of times to hit one target, these new projectiles are precise and lethally efficient; while ballistic weapons platforms must be brought within range of the battlefield, PGMs can devastate from any distance. The authors show how the innovations in weapons technology will affect America's defense strategies on land and sea, in air and in space, reshaping our military forces, while confronting us with new strategic challenges as America enters the twenty-first century as the dominant power on the globe.