Garantías, principios y reglas del proceso civil

Book Description

Las garantías del proceso civil no se pueden cambiar ni dejar de aplicar, a diferencia de los principios procesales que, por la influencia de los cambios jurisprudenciales, fueron teniendo deformaciones que se justificaron con distintas razones. Actualmente, los principios podrían entenderse como garantías que no se modifican ( independencia e imparcialidad) o interpretarse en el campo de las reglas, siendo así más flexibles ( congruencia), si con ello se tienen resultados más justos y equitativos. La tesis del libro plantea que los principios procesales están en retroceso para instalarse, según los casos, como garantías o reglas. La jurisprudencia agregada al final de cada capítulo es un testimonio que confirma el aserto.

Principios y garantías procesales

Book Description

En esta obra encontramos novedosos estudios sobre el proceso civil, que abarcan desde la problemática constitucional del actual sistema de tasas judiciales, a temas tan complejos como la intervención provocada de terceros, la delimitación del objeto del proceso y el alcance de la cosa juzgada en relación con el art. 400 LEC, la nulidad de actuaciones, o la ineficacia de la ejecución y sus posibles soluciones. De igual modo, se examinan los principios rectores de los procesos concursal y arbitral tras sus últimas reformas normativas. Y especial atención merecen también los estudios dedicados a los principios y garantías del proceso penal, que adquieren especial relieve en el momento actual en el que se está elaborando un nuevo Código Procesal Penal. Los principios de legalidad y oportunidad, el principio acusatorio, la relación de la presunción de inocencia y la regla probatoria de in dubio pro reo, entre otros aspectos del enjuiciamiento criminal, constituyen objeto de estudio de esta obra.

Exclusionary Rules in Comparative Law

Book Description

This book is a comparative study of the exclusion of illegally gathered evidence in the criminal trial , which includes 15 country studies, a chapter on the European Court of Human Rights, and a comparative synthetic conclusion. No other book has undertaken such a broad comparative study of exclusionary rules, which have now become a world-wide phenomenon. The topic is one of the most controversial in criminal procedure law, because it reveals a constant tension between the criminal court’s duty to ascertain the truth, on the one hand, and its duty to uphold important constitutional rights on the other, most importantly, the privilege against self-incrimination and the right to privacy in one's home and one's private communications. The chapters were contributed by noted world experts on the subject for the XVIII Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law in Washington in July 2010.

Towards a Justice with a Human Face

Book Description

Je tiens egalement a remercier l'editeur KLUWER que nous a garanti une pu blication aisee et attrayante. Ce n'est pas sans fierte que j'ai l'honneur d'introduire la presente edition des actes du congres. PREFACE In the text mentioned above, it has been stated that the texts of the General Rap porteurs were published in their original language and the texts of the opening and closing speeches, although they were made in the five Congress languages (Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish), were published in English, as the Belgian organisers deemed this to be the most rational solution, even though the Con gress took place in a country where three different languages (Dutch, French and German) are spoken there. As regards the publication of this book, I would like to thank Mrs. CAS MAN, who made the texts ready for printing, Profe~sor R. DE CORTE, who saw to the distribution of the texts during the Congress, and the KLUWER publishing com pany for their excellent and faultless publication. I cannot stifle a distinct feeling of pride at being privileged enough to introduce this publication of the Reports. VORWORT Im vorstehenden Text is erortert worden aus welchen GrUnden die Gesamt berichte in ihren originellen Sprachen veroffentlicht wurden, und die Texte der feierlichen Eroffnungssitzung und der Schluss-sitzung im Englischen, obwohl diese verfasst wurden in den fiinf Kongressprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Fran zosisch, NiederHindisch und Spanisch) und obgleich der Kongress veranstaltet wurde in einem Land wo es drei Sprachen (Niederliindisch, Franzosich und Deutsch) gibt.

Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

Global Environmental Constitutionalism

Book Description

Reflecting a global trend, scores of countries have affirmed that their citizens are entitled to healthy air, water, and land and that their constitution should guarantee certain environmental rights. This book examines the increasing recognition that the environment is a proper subject for protection in constitutional texts and for vindication by constitutional courts. This phenomenon, which the authors call environmental constitutionalism, represents the confluence of constitutional law, international law, human rights, and environmental law. National apex and constitutional courts are exhibiting a growing interest in environmental rights, and as courts become more aware of what their peers are doing, this momentum is likely to increase. This book explains why such provisions came into being, how they are expressed, and the extent to which they have been, and might be, enforced judicially. It is a singular resource for evaluating the content of and hope for constitutional environmental rights.