The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss

Book Description

In this book there are practice instructions for seven different methods of meditation including: 1. The Awareness Watching Awareness Method. 2. The Abandon Release Method. 3. The Eternal Method. 4. The Infinite Space Method. 5. The Loving All Method. For thousands of years humans have been stuck in the same pool of inward unsolved problems. Thousands of years ago humans had the problems of suffering, sorrow, anger, fear, violence, conning, cheating, lying, death, etc. Today humans have the problems of suffering, sorrow, anger, fear, violence, conning, cheating, lying, death, etc. All of those problems have a single cause. In this book the cause of the lack of progress and the solution that actually works is revealed. There is a secret, a missing link, a vicious circle, that is keeping humans stuck in the same pool of unsolved problems. That secret, that missing link, that vicious circle is revealed in this book. How to break free of that ancient human trap is also revealed in this book. The solutions taught in the past have failed. Not even one in a million humans has been freed from all suffering and been established in absolutely perfect infinite-eternal-awareness-love-bliss by the solutions that have been taught in the past. It is possible to be free of all sorrow and suffering and to experience absolutely perfect infinite eternal joy in this lifetime. It is possible for all humans, not just a few humans. There is a rapid means to infinite bliss. That rapid means is taught in this book. Whatever spiritual path you are on, this book will be a great help. The problem of the ego distorting, distracting and keeping the attention directed outward is a problem shared by all humans, whatever path they are on. The ego's tricks have seldom been looked at in spiritual literature. The ego's tricks are revealed in this book. How to put an end to the ego's tricks is also taught in this book, making this book a unique and immensely valuable contribution. This book is a great help to all humans, including those who are not on a spiritual path, because the most direct and rapid means to end suffering and sorrow and to live in awareness-love-bliss, is of benefit to all. For human consciousness to be transformed something new must be introduced. This book introduces something new into human consciousness. It is rare that a spiritual book goes into detail revealing the tricks the ego uses to avoid liberation. The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss is such a rare book. Step-by-step instructions in how to put an end to the ego's tricks are given in this book. This book shows how to directly experience infinite-eternal-awareness-love-bliss in this lifetime. This book contains a detailed description of the difference between the True Self and the imposter self. Detailed instructions in how to directly experience the True Self are given in this book. Of the thousands of spiritual books you could purchase, The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss is the best first choice. This is the book that created a spiritual revolution that is continuing to transform all human life. The direct experience of infinite-eternal-life is available to all humans. There is a fork in the road. One road leads to ideas, beliefs, concepts and opinions. The other road leads to Direct Experience. This book shows the difference between these two roads and how to choose the road that leads to eternal-perfect-love-bliss in this lifetime. This book is a new doorway for humanity. On a combination lock that you have been unable to open it is not the numbers on the dial that are new. It is the combination that opens the lock that is new. The more than fifteen hundred sentences in this book reveal the combination that opens the lock. On the other side of the door is eternal Life-Love-Bliss.

The Quran Speaks to You

Book Description

60 GREAT LESSONS FROM ISLAM The Quran Speaks to You presents the main ideas which form the pillars of Islam. In 60 Quranic passages, the author shows you how the religion reveals the way to lead a dignified life. Each passage is accompanied by an explanation to help understand the message easily on topics such as • success and happiness • importance of sharing your wealth • relationships • equality of men and women • treating fellow human beings well • the Islamic way of life As societies change to include people from various backgrounds, it is good to know more about different faiths and practices and find similarities among religions to better appreciate each other. This book is a step in that direction. Clearing up wrong ideas about the Quran and Islam, starting from the roots, the author outlines Islamic rules for behaviour and the benefits earned for the afterlife for good deeds, to provide an understanding of the core concepts of Islam.

Key to the Garden

Book Description

It is now forty years since this book was written, twenty since it was translated into English, and twelve since the translation was first published. The issues that had caused the author so much concern at the time have become, without exception, all the more pressing today. The need to convey the Islamic concept of Tawhid to the world at large in clear unequivocal terms has been and shall remain a Muslim's first duty. Now that there is renewed worldwide attention towards Islam, it has become even more urgent to convey its core concept, without which there is no religion: The Oneness of God. Key to the Garden is an elaborate exposition of Prophet Muhammad (s) teaching that the inner life must pass through three stages: affirmation of faith with the tongue, then the mind, and finally the heart. The Muslim Testimony of Faith, that there is no deity save God, is at once the essence and the highest principle of Islam. This book is a demonstration, by one of the greatest recipients of the Prophet's heritage of knowledge, of how the whole spectrum of Islamic thought and worship unfolds naturally from these few words.

Garden of Secrets

Book Description

There lies an astounding spiritual depth in the teachings of the Sufi Mystics. The Sufi Mysticism consists in endeavoring to reconcile the doctrines of all religions of the world through the philosophy of love. This piece of art is founded upon the teachings of the Sufi Mystics. The current problem of terrorism, in the name of Jihad, has blighted the lives of many people. This book will reveal the true meaning of Jihad, as the doctrine of Sufism accentuated on inner Jihad, which means the closing of one's heart to the inner enemies of retaliation, envy and infidelity. This book also covers the foremost topics like the mystery of love, the status of women in Sufism, science of transformation, management lessons in Sufism, relevance of the Spiritual Master, controlling the Nafs and, most significantly, the Fifteen Fundamentals of life. The book covers the teachings of Persian Mystic "Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi" (in the world of Sufis, Rumi is the Emperor) and many other Sufi Mystics from the past. This book is a gift, an experience of the divine and therefore; it is recommended to be read periodically to reinforce the key messages of the Sufi Mystics in one's life. Remember, the path of spirituality is not easy for those who seek temporary happiness. It is a journey of hardship, and one must keep an enormous amount of patience and blind faith in the master's teachings to pursue permanent peace and happiness. Note: The author makes no claim to being either an Islamic Scholar or a Spiritual Master. The author is merely a seeker of love through the teachings of the Sufi Mystics.


Book Description

A man discovering who he is and the steps he must take to become who he is destined to be. He enters into his "Garden" and with the aid of the Keeper, and all Living Things, he comes to realize how much is available and what must be done.

In a Garden

Book Description


Book Description

The Mujahidin, (Al-Qaeda & Taliban) yesteryears darlings who conferred a momentous favor on the United States and the West, are todays terrorists (which now includes ISIS fighters.) Is this volte-face a baptism of the remaking of the world order in the image of the West? Is the West provoking a clash of civilizations between the Christian and Islamic civilizations with the Christian churches in tandem, a crusade launched by President Bush, a born-again Christian sent by God on a special mission? In this ambience of conflict the Biblical quote Whoever is not with us is against us gains currency as the battle cry? On the Muslim front and in response, Wahabism, a fundamentalist creed that has strayed from the straight path of Islam, is rapidly gaining strength and is operating under different names. Wahabism provides the ideological support to them. They are the ones who are gearing themselves up to take on the world. We are aware of their capability. Their activities also portend disaster for mankind. In this confrontational atmosphere the writer seeks guidance from the Qurn, a Book of guidance for mankind. Out of the myriad aspects, sixteen aspects of relevance to the problems humanity is currently facing are chosen. In the process the author explodes the myths wound around ISRA, the night journey of the Prophet of Islam, Gabriel, heaven and hell, the Day of Judgment, mans final destiny etc. The Qurnic observations, injunctions, exhortations, etc. relating to (1) Qurn (2) Divine (3) Muhammad (P.B.U.H) (4) Ilm (Knowledge) (5) Other Faiths (6) Social Justice (7) Women (8) Jihad (9) Terrorism (10) Justice (11) History (12) Economics (13) Genesis and Evolution of Man (14) Environment (15) Creation of the Universes and (16) Freewill and Determinism are the aspects brought out in this book. To understand an important facet of todays geo-political reality and Islams guidance to mankind in these turbulent times, read this enlightening book.

Something for Everybody

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