
Book Description

Systemwettbewerb der Antriebstechniken: Innovationsmotor für mehr Umwelt- und Klimaschutz - Erdgasfahrzeuge auf Europas Agenda - Welche Anforderungen stellt die Serienentwicklung an Gasfahrzeuge? Lösungsbeispiele und deren Kosten-Nutzen-Betrachtung - Antriebskonzept des bivalenten Erdgasfahrzeugs Mercedes-Benz E200 NGT - Entwicklung eines bivalenten Ottomotors für den Santana 3000 für den Taxi-Markt in China - Erdgasantrieb für Nutzfahrzeuge - Wirkungsgrad- und Emissionsverhalten von Erdgasmotoren mit Hochdruck-Direkteinblasung - Mageres CNG-Brennverfahren für minimale CO2-Emissionen - Ein CO2-minimales Antriebskonzept auf Basis des Kraftstoffes Erdgas - PKW-Erdgasantriebe für hohe Leistungsdichte und niedrigste Abgasemissionen - Moderne Add-on Motorsteuerung für das Erdgasmanagement im Kraftfahrzeug - Elektronisches Gas-Einspritz-Steuersystem - Risikoanalyse bei der Entwicklung von CNG-Systemen im KFZ - Neue innovative Druckgasspeicher für Gasfahrzeuge - Vom Erdgas zum Wasserstoff - Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Wasserstoff als Kraftstoff für Ottomotoren - Gemischbildungsuntersuchung in Gasmotoren mittels optischer Messverfahren, speziell in Wasserstoffmotoren - Wasserstoffmotor mit Direkteinblasung - Betriebsstrategien und Potenziale - Der Wasserstoff-Verbrennungsmotor: Ein grundlegender Konzeptvergleich. -Die Motorenentwicklung wird seit geraumer Zeit von der Diskussion über die begrenzten Rohölreserven und der Notwendigkeit zur weltweiten Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen bestimmt. Ein weiterer zentraler Punkt ist die zunehmend stärkere Limitierung des Schadstoff- und Partikelausstoßes. Alternative, gasförmige Kraftstoffe finden daher in der Fahrzeugindustrie immer mehr Beachtung. Der Themenband bietet aktuelle Informationen zur Marktentwicklung und zu den politischen Rahmenbedingungen, zu neuen Entwicklungen im Bereich Motorsteuerung, Komponenten, Abgas- und Sicherheitstechnik sowie zu Entwicklungstrends im Motoren- und Fahrzeugbereich (Erdgas-, Flüssiggas und Wasserstoffantriebe)

Internal Combustion Engine Handbook

Book Description

More than 120 authors from science and industry have documented this essential resource for students, practitioners, and professionals. Comprehensively covering the development of the internal combustion engine (ICE), the information presented captures expert knowledge and serves as an essential resource that illustrates the latest level of knowledge about engine development. Particular attention is paid toward the most up-to-date theory and practice addressing thermodynamic principles, engine components, fuels, and emissions. Details and data cover classification and characteristics of reciprocating engines, along with fundamentals about diesel and spark ignition internal combustion engines, including insightful perspectives about the history, components, and complexities of the present-day and future IC engines. Chapter highlights include: • Classification of reciprocating engines • Friction and Lubrication • Power, efficiency, fuel consumption • Sensors, actuators, and electronics • Cooling and emissions • Hybrid drive systems Nearly 1,800 illustrations and more than 1,300 bibliographic references provide added value to this extensive study. “Although a large number of technical books deal with certain aspects of the internal combustion engine, there has been no publication until now that covers all of the major aspects of diesel and SI engines.” Dr.-Ing. E. h. Richard van Basshuysen and Professor Dr.-Ing. Fred Schäfer, the editors, “Internal Combustion Engines Handbook: Basics, Components, Systems, and Perpsectives”

Natural Gas and Renewable Methane for Powertrains

Book Description

This book focuses on natural gas and synthetic methane as contemporary and future energy sources. Following a historical overview, physical and chemical properties, occurrence, extraction, transportation and storage of natural gas are discussed. Sustainable production of natural gas and methane as well as production and storage of synthetic methane are scrutinized next. A substantial part of the book addresses construction of vehicles for natural and synthetic methane as well as large engines for industrial and maritime use. The last chapters present some perspectives on further uses of renewable liquid fuels as well as natural gas for industrial engines and gas power plants.

An Innovative 3D-CFD-Approach towards Virtual Development of Internal Combustion Engines

Book Description

In the engine development process, simulation and predictive programs have continuously gained in reliance. Due to the complexity of future internal combustion engines the application of simulation programs towards a reliable “virtual engine development” is a need that represents one of the greatest challenges. Marco Chiodi presents an innovative 3D-CFD-tool, exclusively dedicated and optimized for the simulation of internal combustion engines. Thanks to improved or newly developed 3D-CFD-models for the description of engine processes, this tool ensures an efficient and reliable calculation also by using coarse 3D-CFD-meshes. Based on this approach the CPU-time can be reduced up to a factor 100 in comparison to traditional 3D-CFD-simulations. In addition an integrated and automatic “evaluation tool” establishes a comprehensive analysis of the relevant engine parameters. Due to the capability of a reliable “virtual development” of full-engines, this fast response 3D-CFD-tool makes a major contribution to the engine development process. Südwestmetall-Förderpreis 2010

Biofuel Technologies for a Sustainable Future: India and Beyond

Book Description

This book examines the key aspects that will define future sustainable energy systems: biofuels, green nanomaterials and the production of bioethanol and bio-hydrogen from bio-waste. Bio-based fuels are the future energy carriers for internal combustion engines as they have lower environmental impact and higher efficiency. The book clearly illustrates the requirement for a unified engineering approach based on solid mathematical and engineering principles. Aside from the ecological advantages, support for sustainable energy can help the socioeconomic situation of developing countries by providing a consistent supply of new energy along with the generation of new job opportunities. The sustainable energy applications and existing contextual investigations provide useful guidance for the broad comprehension of the significance of sustainable energy. Technical topics discussed in the book include: Thermochemical Conversion process; Catalytic conversion process; Rankine cycle; Nanomaterials;

Design of Racing and High-Performance Engines 2004-2013

Book Description

This compendium is an update to two best-selling editions published by SAE International in 1995 and 2003. Editor Doug Fehan has assembled a collection of technical papers from the SAE archive that will inspire readers to use race engine development as an important tool in the future of transportation. He focuses on several topics that are important to future race engine design: electrification, materials and processes, and improved technology. Today’s electric hybrid vehicles and kinetic energy recovery systems embody what inventors envisioned in the early 1900s. First employed in trams and trains of that era, the technology was almost forgotten until racers resurrected their version in 2009 F-1 racing. The automotive industry has long admired the aircraft industry’s use of lightweight metals, advanced finishing processes, and composites. The use of these materials and processes has helped reduce overall mass and, in turn, improved speed, performance, and reliability of race engines. Their initial high cost was a limiting factor for integrating them into mass-produced vehicles. With racing leading the way, those limitations were overcome and vehicles today feature some amazing adaptations of those processes and materials. Engine power, efficiency, durability, reliability, and, more recently, emissions have always been of primary importance to the automotive world. The expanding use of electrification, biofuels, CNG, high-pressure fuel delivery systems, combustion air management, turbocharging, supercharging, and low-viscosity lubricants have been the focus of race engine development and are now turning up in dealer showrooms. The papers in this publication were selected for two reasons: they demonstrate the leadership that racing plays in the future of automotive engineering and design as it relates to engines; and they will be interesting to everyone who may be in racing and to those who may want to be in racing.

Hydrogen in Automotive Engineering

Book Description

„Wasserstoff in der Fahrzeugtechnik“ bietet einen allgemeinen Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte von Eigenschaften, Erzeugung, Speicherung und Anwendung von Wasserstoff. Schwerpunkte liegen auf der Thermodynamik der Speicherung von Wasserstoff sowie auf der Anwendung in der Fahrzeugtechnik und in der Energietechnik. Mit Bezug zu Forschungsvorhaben an der TU Graz und dem HyCentA wird der aktuelle Stand der Technik fundiert dargestellt. Als eigener Abschnitt wurde in dieser Auflage die Brennstoffzelle zur Stromerzeugung für Elektroantriebe ergänzt. Ein Verfahren zur Wasserstoffproduktion durch Pyrolyse aus Glycerin wurde neu aufgenommen. Ergänzt wurden Abschnitte über aktuelle Anwendungen, über Verbrennungsmotoren für Gemische aus Wasserstoff und Methan, über Werkstoffe sowie Fragen von Wirkungsgrad und CO2-Emissionen.