Gasterias of South Africa

Book Description

The Aloineae

Book Description

The Aloineae, a tribe of several hundred species of succulent plants of the lily family, are ideal subjects for the study of karotypes and chromosome irregularities. This book brings together the major findings of a half-century of study of the Aloineae, with regard to polyploidy, aneuploidy, deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations in the group. The possible evolutionary effects of ecological relationships, natural hybridization, and morphological changes during growth are also assessed. Illustrations include maps, diagrams, photographs, photomicrographs, and electron micrographs.

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

Book Description

This practical guide describes the stage by stage development of a new method for predicting the penetration rate (PR) and the advance rate (AR) for tunnel boring machines based on an expanded version of the Q-value, Qtbm.The book also looks at logging methods and tunnel support design.

Succulent Flora of Southern Africa

Book Description

This practical guide describes the stage by stage development of a new method for predicting the penetration rate (PR) and the advance rate (AR) for tunnel boring machines based on an expanded version of the Q-value, Qtbm.The book also looks at logging methods and tunnel support design.

Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons

Book Description

When Rolf Dahlgren and I embarked on preparing this book series, Rolf took prime responsibility for monocotyledons, which had interested him for a long time. After finishing his comparative study and family classification of the mono cots, he devoted much energy to the acquisition and editing of family treatments for the present series. After his untimely death, Peter Goldblatt, who had worked with him, continued to handle further incoming monocot manuscripts until, in the early 1990s, his other obligations no longer allowed him to continue. At that time, some 30 manuscripts in various states of perfection had accumulated, which seemed to form a solid basis for a speedy completion of the FGVP monocots; with the exception of the grasses and orchids which would appear in separate volumes. I felt a strong obligation to do everything to help in publishing the manuscripts that had been put into our hands. I finally decided to take charge of them personally, although during my life as a botanist I had never seriously been interested in mono cots.

Haworthia Revisited

Book Description

Cactus and Succulent Plants

Book Description

Found in a variety of forms, cacti and other succulents have elicited widespread interest and tremendous popularity worldwide. Although the subject of a certain amount of debate, about 10,000 species are recognized as belonging to the succulent group. Of these, an estimated 2,000 are threatened with global extinction in the wild and many more are regionally or nationally threatened mainly due to habitat destruction and collection for international trade.This Action Plan brings together from around the world current information on population status, threats and conservation of this particularly important group of plants. Prepared with conservationists, scientists, governments, protected area managers and grant-awarding bodies in mind, it suggests priorities for action and encourages collaboration among interested parties at all levels.

Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Monocotyledons

Book Description

This handbook, consisting of six volumes, covers over 9000 taxa of succulents (excluding cacti), which have the ability to store water in their stems, leaves, or underground organs. In addition to the volumes on Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons, separate volumes are devoted to those families with predominantly succulent members, which show an especially great diversity, namely Aizoaceae, Asclepiadaceae and Crassulaceae. Following an alphabetical listing of families, genera and species, detailed descriptions are given, including the taxonomy with synonyms, data on the distribution and ecology, references, and keys to genera, species or subspecies. Over 2000 superb colour photographs complete this inventory of succulent plants.

Cultivated Plants of Southern Africa

Book Description

A listing of almost 9000 kinds of plants known to be cultivated in Southern Africa, or to have been tried here. The information is derived from a database containing details mainly of specimens archived in the National Herbarium, Pretoria.

Flowering Plants of South Africa

Book Description

A magazine for colour plates with descriptions of flowering plants of Africa and neighboring islands.