Gemeinsam Kirche sein | Being Church Together

Book Description

50 Jahre nach der Abfassung der Leuenberger Konkordie zeigt sich, wie sich die aus ihr hervorgegangene Kirchengemeinschaft entwickelt hat. Doch der Ansatz der Konkordie birgt noch manche Potentiale, die es zu entdecken gilt. Dieser Band dokumentiert die Beiträge, die bei der Konferenz "Gemeinsam Kirche sein" zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der Leuenberger Konkordie 2023 an der Reformierten Theologischen Universität von Debrecen, Ungarn, gehalten wurden. 50 years after the Leuenberg Agreement was formulated, we can see how the church communion that emerged from it has developed. However, the approach of the Agreement still harbours some potential that needs to be discovered. This volume documents the papers presented at the conference "Being Church Together" to mark the 50th anniversary of the Leuenberg Agreement in 2023 at the Reformed Theological University of Debrecen, Hungary. Mit Beiträgen von Otfried Czaika, István Debreczeni, Pia Dieling, Stephanie Dietrich, Tamás Fabiny, Zsuzsanna Farkas, Mario Fischer, Matthias Freudenberg, Tom Greggs, Barbara Hallensleben, Andreas Hess, Marcus Hütter, Ulrich H.J. Körtner, Krisztián Kovács, Georg Plasger, Thomas-Andreas Põder, Jerzy Sojka, Heike Springhart, Christiane Tietz und Michael Weinrich.

befreit-verbunden-engagiert | liberated-connected-committed

Book Description

Europa lebt. Die 8. Vollversammlung der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa tagte im September 2018 mit ca. 200 Delegierten aus ganz Europa im Münster zu Basel. Der Dokumentationsband enthält Berichte, Beschlüsse und deren Begründungen, Vorträge, Predigten, Grußworte, Fotos und ein Friedenswort zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges vor 100 Jahren. Die Dokumente sind ein Abbild für die gelebte Kirchengemeinschaft der evangelischen Kirchen in Europa. Die Vollversammlung hat sich – weiterhin unter dem Leitgedanken der versöhnten Vielfalt - mit der innerkirchlichen Einheit wie auch mit den ökumenischen Partnern und dem Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft beschäftigt. Der Hauptvortrag von Andrea Riccardi, dem Gründer der Gemeinschaft von Sant'Egidio in Rom, ist neben wegweisenden Predigten von Mitgliedern des Präsidiums und dem Schlussbericht mit den Zukunftsthemen im Dokumentationsband enthalten. [liberated-connected-committed. Documents of the 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) Basel, Switzerland, September 13-18, 2018] Bringing Europe alive. The 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe brought together some 200 delegates from all over Europe in September 2018 to gather in Basle Cathedral. This volume of documents contains the reports, resolutions and their reasoning, speeches, sermons, addresses, photos and the message of peace commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War. These records reflect the church communion experienced between the Protestant Churches in Europe. Continuing to move forward under the guiding principle of reconciled diversity, the General Assembly addressed unity between the churches and with their ecumenical partners as well as the relationship with society as a whole. The keynote speech by Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome, is also included in this volume of documents, together with directional sermons from members of the Presidium and the Final Report outlining the key issues for the years ahead.

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research

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A unique introduction to the developing field of Theology and Qualitative Research In recent years, a growing number of scholars within the field of theological research have adopted qualitative empirical methods. The use of qualitative research is shaping the nature of theology and redefining what it means to be a theologian. Hence, contemporary scholars who are undertaking empirical fieldwork across a range of theological subdisciplines require authoritative guidance and well-developed frameworks of practice and theory. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research outlines the challenges and possibilities for theological research that engages with qualitative methods. It reflects more than 15 years of academic research within the Ecclesiology and Ethnography Network, and features an international group of scholars committed to the empirical and theological study of the Christian church. Edited by world-renowned experts, this unprecedented volume addresses the theological debates, methodological complexities, and future directions of this emerging field. Contributions from both established and emerging scholars describe key theoretical approaches, discuss how different empirical methods are used within theology, explore the links between qualitative researchand adjacent scholarly traditions, and more. The companion: Discusses how qualitative empirical work changes the practice of theology, enabling a disciplined attention to the lived social realities of Christian religion and what theologians do Introduces theoretical and methodological debates in the field, as well as central epistemological and ontological questions Presents different approaches to Theology and Qualitative research, highlighting important issues and developments in the last decades Explores how empirical insights are shaping areas such as liturgics, homiletics, youth ministry, and Christian education Includes perspectives from scholars working in disciplines other than theology The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research is essential reading for graduate students, postgraduates, PhD students, researchers, and scholars in Christian Ethics, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, Contemporary Worship, and related disciplines such as Ecclesiology, Mission Studies, World Christianity, Pastoral Theology, Political Theology, Worship Studies, and all forms of contextual theology.

Revisiting the Meissen Declaration after 30 Years

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The Theological Conference between the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Germany is a key component of the Meissen Declaration, which was adopted 30 years ago and to which the churches have committed themselves in order "to resolve the outstanding differences between the participating churches". To highlight the importance of the relations in a time of political uncertainty, the 2019's conference was dedicated to "Revisiting the Meissen Declaration after 30 years". Discussion focused on the interchangeability of ministries, with reference to the understanding of this by the church and episcopate. The papers focus on significant ecclesial and historical/theological developments. They attend to questions about the church and the episcopate with regard to ecclesial identity and in light of contemporary European ecumenical developments as well as sociological changes over the last three decades. With papers by Mark Chapman, Jonathan Gibbs, Matthias Grebe, Stephen Hampton, Ralf Meister, Friederike Nüssel, Bernd Oberdorfer, Rowena Pailing, Hilke Rebenstorf, Andrea Russell, Christof Theilemann, Martin Wallraff and Michael Weinrich. [Relecture des Meissen-Abkommens nach 30 Jahren] Die Theologische Konferenz der Church of England und der EKD ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Meissener Erklärung, die vor dreißig Jahren verabschiedet wurde und in der sich beide Kirchen verpflichteten, "an der Überwindung der bestehenden Unterschiede zu arbeiten". Im Bewusstsein der Bedeutung der gewachsenen Beziehungen in einer Zeit politischer Unsicherheit wurde die Konferenz von 2019 der "Relecture des Meissen-Abkommens nach 30 Jahren" gewidmet. Im Zentrum stand die Frage nach der Austauschbarkeit von Ämtern im Lichte des Verständnisses von Kirche und Bischofsamt. Die Beiträge behandeln kirchen- und theologiehistorische Entwicklungen und erörtern Fragen des Kirchen- und Episkopatsverständnisses in Rücksicht auf kirchliche Identität und unter Beachtung aktueller ökumenischer Entwicklungen in Europa und den soziologischen Veränderungen beider Kirchen in den letzten dreißig Jahren.

Pluralisation and social change

Book Description

Die Pluralisierung des Religiösen, die ein besonders prägnantes Kennzeichen gegenwärtig stattfindender gesellschaftlicher Wandlungsprozesse ist, stellt eine enorme Herausforderung für viele Akteure in Kirche, Zivilgesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik dar. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Begriff der religiösen Pluralisierung zu schärfen, indem er am Beispiel konkreter religiöser Phänomene und Praktiken entfaltet wird. Der Band umfasst Beiträge zu zwölf Themenfeldern, die für die praktisch-theologischen Diskurse in Südafrika und in Deutschland prägend und gegenwärtig von hoher Relevanz sind (Armut und Reichtum, Bildung, Schwellenriten und Passagen, Gesundheit, Religiöse Vergemeinschaftungen und die Zukunft der Kirche, Lebensanfang und Lebensende, Medienwandel, Migration und Interkulturalität, Populismus und Radikalisierung Religion und Wissen, Umgang mit Vergangenheit, Zusammenleben). Mit diesem dialogischen Verfahren wird ein Beitrag zu einer kontextuellen Theologie geleistet, die Theologie wesentlich als Gespräch versteht. Die Pluralisierungsthematik hält Impulse für eine kreativ-konstruktive Gestaltung von Pluralität im Sinne eines theologisch reflektierten Pluralismus bereit, die für Kirche und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert wegweisend sein kann.

Gemeinsam Kirche Sein | Being Church Together

Book Description

German description: 50 Jahre nach der Abfassung der Leuenberger Konkordie zeigt sich, wie sich die aus ihr hervorgegangene Kirchengemeinschaft entwickelt hat. Doch der Ansatz der Konkordie birgt noch manche Potentiale, die es zu entdecken gilt. Dieser Band dokumentiert die Beitrage, die bei der Konferenz "Gemeinsam Kirche sein" zum 50-jahrigen Jubilaum der Leuenberger Konkordie 2023 an der Reformierten Theologischen Universitat von Debrecen, Ungarn, gehalten wurden. English summary: 50 years after the Leuenberg Agreement was formulated, we can see how the church communion that emerged from it has developed. However, the approach of the Agreement still harbours some potential that needs to be discovered. This volume documents the papers presented at the conference "Being Church Together" to mark the 50th anniversary of the Leuenberg Agreement in 2023 at the Reformed Theological University of Debrecen, Hungary.

Charism in the Church

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Charism is a hot contemporary issue. The growing interest in the charisms is one of the significant religious developments of our time. Opinions on charisms vary to a remarkable degree. Unfortunately, in some cases, diverse viewpoints have led to confusion among Christians. On the positive side though, this developing interest in charisms has contributed to spiritual renewal and stimulated biblical research in this most important area of the Church's life. The exponential growth of the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movement throughout the world and especially in Africa urged led to choice of this topic on charisms. In the Charismatic/Pentecostal Movements the issue of charisms is very vital and extremely important. It is at the centre of its spirituality and practice. This Movement has spread to almost all major Christian confessions/denominations and continues to attract many followers. This work is unique among the many studies written on the charisms. Even though the subject of charisms has received some scholarly attention, most have not delved into the role of the charisms in the Church from Pauline perspective as this study does. The following observations and reasons demonstrate that it is still meaningful and worthwhile to study charisms in Pauline letters.

Kirchengemeinschaft | Church Communion

Book Description

Kirchengemeinschaft – communio wurde zu einem Schlüsselbegriff ekklesiologischer Überlegungen in der Ökumene. Dieser Band dokumentiert ein Lehrgesprächsergebnis, das die Vollversammlung der GEKE sich 2018 zu eigen machte. Es zieht eine Bilanz der seit 1973 auf der Grundlage der Leuenberger Konkordie verwirklichten Kirchengemeinschaft und präzisiert das theologische Konzept von Kirchengemeinschaft unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten ökumenischen Diskussionen. Ferner diskutiert es die Herausforderungen, vor denen die GEKE als Gemeinschaft von Kirchen in Europa gegenwärtig steht, und zeigt Perspektiven für eine weitere Vertiefung dieser Gemeinschaft auf. Abgedruckt ist auch ein bislang kaum verfügbarer Text, der Vorüberlegungen zur Leuenberger Konkordie enthält und für das Verständnis ihres Modells wesentlich ist. Church communion – communio has become a key concept in ecclesiological deliberations in ecumenical contexts. This volume presents the result of a doctrinal conversation, adopted by the General Assembly of the CPCE in 2018, evaluating the church communion realised on the basis of the Leuenberg Agreement since its signing in 1973 and specifying the theological concept of church communion in the light of the latest ecumenical discussions. In addition, it contemplates the challenges that the CPCE currently faces as a communion of churches in Europe and suggests potential approaches to further intensifying this communion. This volume also contains a reprint of a previously scarcely available text revealing key considerations prior to the conclusion of the Leuenberg Agreement, which provides an invaluable tool for understanding this model of church fellowship.

Life Together

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the most influential Christian martyrs in history, bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to intrigue people from a variety of backgrounds. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, a sixteen volume series, offers a fresh, critical translation of Bonhoeffer's writings, with introductions, annotations, and interpretations. The stimulus for the writing of Life Together was the closing of the preacher's seminary at Finkenwalde. The treatise contains Bonhoeffer's thoughts about the nature of Christian community based on the common life that he and his seminarians experienced at the seminary and in the "Brother's House" there. Bonhoeffer completed the writing of Life Together in 1938. Prayerbook of the Bible is a classic of Christian spirituality. In this theological interpretation of the Psalms, Bonhoeffer describes the moods of an individual's relationship with God and also the turns of love and heartbreak, of joy and sorrow, that are themselves the Christian community's path to God.

My Body Given for You

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The Eucharist goes back to the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. It is based on the prayer of thanksgiving that Jesus pronounced over the bread and wine at that meal. "Eucharist" means thanksgiving, praise and blessing. The Church celebrates the Eucharist as a memorial of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The memorial of the Eucharist is more than a remembrance of the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. In the Eucharist the sacrifice of our redemption becomes present sacramentally. In the past, dogmatic theology has treated the meaning of the Eucharist while disregarding the form of its liturgical celebration, whereas liturgical studies have been content with the latter. Yet the two cannot be separated, however, any more than liturgy and dogma or pastoral practice and doctrine can. For the Church’s liturgy is not about something external to Christian revelation, but rather about "revelation accepted in faith and prayer" (Joseph Ratzinger). In this work Helmut Hoping combines the approaches of dogmatic theology and liturgy while examining the Eucharist from an historical and systematic perspective. The second German edition of this major work, which this new English translation is taken from, was revised and expanded, adding a comparative analysis of the Second Eucharistic Prayer and a chapter on the theology of the words of institution.