Gender perspective on green jobs in the Nordic region

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Available online: The Nordic Council of Ministers has adopted the vision that the Nordic region will be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. This knowledge review sheds light on a number of reports that use gender analyses to help understand the challenges of the green transition. It presents five thematic approaches to green jobs and concludes with a summary and key messages from these reports. The purpose of this report is to identify links between issues related to gender-segregated educational choices and gender segregation in the labour market related to the transition to green jobs. The hope is that it will help to deepen the Nordic region’s perspectives on these issues and, by extension, contribute to sustainable solutions for social development in the Nordic countries.

Bridging the Green Jobs Divide

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Available online: Green jobs are key to realising our climate goals, but only one in three green workers in the Nordic region is a woman. This think piece – a collaboration between the Nordic Council of Ministers and the International Labour Organization – discusses Nordic gender barriers and opportunities in the green transition. It looks into current definitions of green jobs, who’s ahead and who is falling behind in the green jobs race and which green and sustainable skills that are needed for a sustainable and gender-equal Nordic future. As the Nordic Council of Ministers aims to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, this think-piece provides case studies and consolidates some suggestions and lessons learned from the Nordic countries and other parts of the world – for the road ahead.

Nordic Knowledge Hub – A Green and Gender-Equal Nordic Region

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Available online: In the Nordic region we are good at coming up with climate-smart solutions, but for quite some time now we’ve been relatively unaware of how these solutions are affecting gender equality. In 2022, the Nordic ministers for gender equality and LGBTI decided to acquire more knowledge about the link between gender equality and climate in the Nordic Region. We’ve now made progress. This knowledge bank is for those of you who work nationally, regionally, or in a municipality. Here you’ll find facts about how climate action affects gender equality and vice versa, and which gender equality measures that are needed to make climate solutions more effective.

A review of the Nordic implementation of the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan

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Available online: This report reviews the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Gender Action Plan (UNFCCC GAP) in the Nordic countries. The UNFCCC GAP aims at advancing knowledge and understanding of gender responsive climate action, and includes activities for gender mainstreaming the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The report finds that the Nordic region demonstrates commitment to integrating gender equality perspectives into climate policies, and summarises best case examples on local and national level. It also suggests that by prioritising capacity building of mainstreaming in climate policies, utilising available sex-disaggregated data for gender analysis, and by enhancing coherence in relevant policy frameworks, the Nordic countries can improve their implementation of the UNFCCC GAP and further pave the way for a just transition to a green economy.

How climate policies impact gender and vice versa in the Nordic countries

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Available online: The Nordic countries have a progressive gender policy, and requirements to ensure gender equality and balance are laid down in laws and national strategies. However, the knowledge on the links between gender and climate change has been lacking documentation and has not been shared with relevant Nordic stakeholders and policy makers. The report seeks to close this knowledge gap. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how climate change policies affect gender and vice versa, and it is clear evidence of the importance of- and need to engage women and minorities in climate policy making. This is an important step towards implementing a climate change policy without negative effects on gender. The study gives an overview of existing and lacking sex-disaggregated data as well as a status regarding gender equality in decision-making related to climate policy in the Nordic countries.

Towards a Nordic Alliance for Gender Equality and Climate Justice

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Available online: The first-ever cross-sectoral Nordic roundtable with a spotlight on gender equality and climate justice in the region was convened by FOKUS, UN Women and the Nordic Council of Ministers in Oslo, Norway, on 24 January 2022. The objective of the roundtable was to form an alliance, provide a platform for knowledge exchange, identify challenges and find solutions to the climate justice and gender equality nexus - and to promote a joint Nordic voice for gender equality. This brief summarizes the discussion and offers 22 takeaways, backed by statements and inputs. It sheds light on important areas of action for people and planet, alike.

Flexible work arrangements: The Nordic Gender Effect at Work

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Promoting gender equality at work is not only a matter of rights; it is the smart thing to do from the perspective of inclusive growth. The Nordic region is a case in point, as it has come to represent the 11th largest economy in the world, not despite policy commitments to gender equality and social justice, but because of it. The Nordic countries have robust economies and good living conditions, where both women and men have high labour force participation rates. However, the gender pay gap is persistent and occupational segregation continues to hinder gender equality. The Nordic Gender Effect at Work briefs share the collective Nordic experience in investing in gender equality including parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work, and seek to make further progress through cooperation.

Leadership and equal opportunities at work: The Nordic Gender Effect at Work

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Promoting gender equality at work is not only a matter of rights; it is the smart thing to do from the perspective of inclusive growth. The Nordic region is a case in point, as it has come to represent the 11th largest economy in the world, not despite policy commitments to gender equality and social justice, but because of it. The Nordic countries have robust economies and good living conditions, where both women and men have high labour force participation rates. However, the gender pay gap is persistent and occupational segregation continues to hinder gender equality. The Nordic Gender Effect at Work briefs share the collective Nordic experience in investing in gender equality including parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work, and seek to make further progress through cooperation.

The Nordic Gender Effect at Work: Nordic experiences on parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work

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Promoting gender equality at work is not only a matter of rights; it is the smart thing to do from the perspective of inclusive growth. The Nordic region is a case in point, as it has come to represent the 11th largest economy in the world, not despite policy commitments to gender equality and social justice, but because of it. The Nordic countries have robust economies and good living conditions, where both women and men have high labour force participation rates. However, the gender pay gap is persistent and occupational segregation continues to hinder gender equality. The Nordic Gender Effect at Work briefs share the collective Nordic experience in investing in gender equality including parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work, and seek to make further progress through cooperation.

Together for Gender Equality – a stronger Nordic Region

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The goal of Nordic co-operation on gender equality in the programme period 2015–2018 is to contribute to effective work in the Nordic countries, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland, and to increase awareness about gender equality among the people of the Region, parliamentarians, governments and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ own organs and projects. The Nordic countries form a regional co-operation that participates in exchanges of experience, for example at the UN. The co-operation will also extend to the Nordic Region’s neighbours – the Baltic countries, North-West Russia and the Arctic.